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Title:Vpliv internega marketinga na sposobnost zaposlenih za agilnost
Authors:ID Šimić, Gaja (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Simic_Gaja_2024.pdf (3,01 MB)
MD5: 1FA629A9B44EF3AE114C71DC2374AE91
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Sposobnost hitrega prilagajanja spreminjajočim se tržnim razmeram in negotovostim je v sodobnem času postala bistvena konkurenčna prednost organizacij. Za učinkovito odzivanje na nepredvidene situacije je nujna agilnost, tako na ravni organizacije kot na ravni zaposlenih. Agilnost ne predstavlja zgolj metodologije, temveč povzema celotno miselnost o načinu vedenja in procesih odločanja, ki se dogajajo znotraj organizacije. Ključne značilnosti agilnosti vključujejo prilagodljivost, proaktivnost in odpornost na spremembe, ki imajo pomembne koristi tako za zaposlene kot tudi organizacijo samo. Interne marketinške strategije igrajo ključno vlogo pri spodbujanju te agilnosti, saj zaposlene obravnavajo kot interne odjemalce. Glavne aktivnosti internega marketinga se osredotočajo na spodbujanje motivacije in internega komuniciranja, izvajanje internih tržnih raziskav in nenehno usposabljanje, ki skupaj ustvarjajo podporno okolje za vzpostavitev agilnega vedenja. V magistrskem delu smo podrobneje opredelili posamezne dimenzije preučevanih konceptov in obravnavali, kakšen vpliv ima interni marketing na sposobnost zaposlenih za agilnost. Pri tem je pomembno upoštevati, da respondenti največjo vrednost internega marketinga zaznavajo v jasnem zaznavanju podobe blagovne znamke, usklajenih sporočilih, ki jih prejemajo v okviru delovnega mesta ter v organizacijskih prizadevanjih za usposabljanje zaposlenih. V okviru agilnosti pa povprečno najvišje strinjanje izkazujejo na področju iskanja priložnosti za izboljšave pri delu in pri iskanju učinkovitejših načinov za opravljanje svojega dela. Nadaljnje raziskave, ki smo jih izvedli, so pokazale, da interni marketing pozitivno vpliva na vse obravnavane dimenzije agilnosti. Na podlagi podatkov pridobljenih v magistrskem delu, lahko trdimo, da imajo zaposleni v organizacijah, ki izvajajo strategije internega marketinga, večjo verjetnost, da bodo razvili proaktivno vedenje, se hitro prilagodili različnim situacijam ter postali odporni na nenadne spremembe in stresne okoliščine. Te ugotovitve poudarjajo pomen internega marketinga pri oblikovanju agilne delovne sile.
Keywords:interni marketing, agilnost, proaktivnost, prilagodljivost, odpornost na spremembe
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:G. Šimić
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89617 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:207338755 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.09.2024
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Licensing start date:29.07.2024

Secondary language

Title:The impact of internal marketing on employees' ability to be agile
Abstract:The ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and uncertainties has become an essential competitive advantage for organisations in modern times. To respond effectively to unforeseen situations, agility is essential, both at the level of the organisation and of the employees. Agility is not just a methodology, but a whole mindset about behaviours and the decision-making processes that take place within an organisation. Key characteristics of agility include adaptability, proactivity and resilience to change, which have important benefits for both employees and the organisation itself. Internal marketing strategies play a vital role in promoting agility by treating employees as internal customers. The main internal marketing activities focus on motivation and internal communication, internal market research and continuous training, which together create a supportive environment for the establishment of agile behaviour. In this master thesis, we have defined the individual dimensions of the concepts studied and have investigated in detail the impact of internal marketing on employees' ability to be agile. It is important to note here that respondents perceive the greatest value of internal marketing to be a clear perception of the brand image, consistent messages received in the workplace and organisational efforts to train employees. In terms of agility, the highest average agreement is in the areas of seeking opportunities to improve their work and finding more efficient ways to do their job. Further research has shown that internal marketing has a positive impact on all the dimensions of agility discussed. Based on the data obtained in the master thesis, it can be argued that employees in organisations that implement internal marketing strategies are more likely to develop proactive behaviour, adapt quickly to different situations and become resilient to sudden changes and stressful circumstances. These findings underline the importance of internal marketing in creating an agile workforce.
Keywords:internal marketing, employee agility, proactivity, adaptability


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