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Title:Ocena investicije za briketiranje ovčje volne-študija primera : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Tifengraber, Nuša (Author)
ID Bavec, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pažek, Karmen (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Tifengraber_Nusa_2024.pdf (1,75 MB)
MD5: 179167E46CE21A74B2E357658F446F0A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Zaradi vse večjega trenda k pridelavi hrane, ki temelji na trajnostnih in okolju prijaznih načelih, osredotočanju se na uporabo naravnih virov, krožnemu gospodarstvu, zmanjšanju porabe sintetičnih pesticidov in lahko topnih mineralnih gnojil ter ohranjanju biotske pestrosti, lahko tudi uporaba odpadne ovčje volne pozitivno prispeva ciljem zelene prihodnosti. Strižena ovčja volna je bila kot stranski produkt večinoma odpadek, a se je v današnjem času uporaba le-te razširila in s tem se je zmanjšalo onesnaževanje v smislu sežiganja in zakopavanja odpadne volne. Analizirana je možnost briketiranja ovčje volne kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji in ocena višine naložbe v briketiranje ovčje volne za namen gnojila, dovoljenega v ekološkem kmetijstvu. Analizirana je ekonomika poslovanja in poslovni načrt ter uporabnost briketirane ovčje volne kot gnojilo in izboljševalec tal. Z metodo ocene parametra neto sedanje vrednosti (NSV) pri upoštevanju 5,5-odstotne obrestne mere se je pripravila ocena finančne smiselnosti investicije. Pričakovano je bilo, da se bo ob predpostavljenih parametrih naložba povrnila v 4 letih, vendar finančna ocena kaže, da se bo naložba povrnila v tretjem letu obratovanja, zato se je ocenila tudi statična metoda povratka, ki je pokazala, da se bo povrnila v 2,22 leta, če se gnojilo uspešno proda po ceni 7 €/kg s proizvodnjo 7.200 kg briketov/letno (5 dni v mesecu po 4 ure dnevno). NSV je 17.926,32 €. Kmetija se bo za naložbo odločala na podlagi SWOT-analize in ekonomskih kazalnikov.
Keywords:ocena investicije, briketiranje ovčje volne, ekološko kmetijstvo, gnojilo.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:N. Tifengraber
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 61 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89261 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:210520067 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Investment Assessment for Pelletising Sheep Wool - A Case Study
Abstract:Due to the growing trend towards food production based on sustainable and environmentally friendly principles and focusing on the use of natural resources, circular economy, reducing the consumption of synthetic pesticides and easily soluble mineral fertilizers and maintaining biotic harmfulness, the use of waste sheep wool can also contribute positively to the goal of a green future. Sheared sheep's wool was mostly a waste by-product, but nowadays its use has become more widespread and thus pollution has been reduced in terms of burning and burying waste wool. The possibility of briquetting sheep wool as a complementary activity on farms and the assessment of the amount of investment in briquetting sheep wool for the purpose of fertilizer permitted in organic agriculture were analyzed. Business economics and a business plan, as well as the applicability of briquetted sheep's wool as a fertilizer and soil improver, were analyzed. An assessment of the financial feasibility of the investment was prepared, using the method of estimating the net present value (NPV) parameter when using a 5,5 % interest rate. It was expected that with the assumed parameters, the investment would be recouped in 4 years, but the financial assessment shows that the investment will be recouped in the third year of operation. A static return method was also evaluated, which showed that it would be recouped in 2,22 years, if the fertilizer was successfully sold at a price of €7/kg with the production of 7,200 kg of briquettes/year (5 days a month, 4 hours a day). The MSRP is €17,926.32. The farm will decide on the investment based on a SWOT analysis and economic indicators.
Keywords:investment evaluation, briquetting of sheep's wool, organic agriculture, fertilizer.


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