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Title:Grafična zasnova in tisk prevodne matrice za izdelavo senzorskih tekstilij
Authors:ID Kerčmar, Taja (Author)
ID Kurečič, Manja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Hribernik, Silvo (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kercmar_Taja_2024.pdf (2,39 MB)
MD5: AE0B5B087C94430286359A07F1266645
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:V okviru diplomskega dela smo izdelali fleksibilno mišično opornico, osnovano na fleksibilni pletenini z visoko stopnjo raztezka, katera služi kot nosilni substrat za dva sistema prevodnih matric, ki skupaj tvorita senzorski sistem in prevodne povezave za prenos signalov do konektorjev. Najprej smo se lotili grafičnega oblikovanja vzorca prevodnih linij in senzorske matrice za mišično opornico zasnovano v okviru projekta Wibrant. Po oblikovanju vzorca smo se lotili testnega tiska ravnih črt na hidrofobni papir, kjer smo bolj podrobno spoznali delovanje inkjet tiskalnika in preverili vpliv števila slojev nanosa tiskarskega fluida na električno upornost, čemur je sledil testni tisk na pletenino. Pri tem smo določili parametre tiskanja. Sledila je izvedba tiska grafičnega prevodnega vzorca in senzorske matrice na pletenino. Po uspešno izvedenem tisku smo natisnjene linije in vzorce fiksirali in izmerili električno upornost. Izvedena je bila še mikroskopska analiza natisnjenih vzorcev in analiza pralnih obstojnosti tiska. Določeni optimalni pogoji tiskanja s komercialnim prevodnim fluidom zagotavljajo zadovoljivo stopnjo prevodnosti in predstavlja osnovo za nadaljnji razvoj nosljivih tekstilnih senzorskih naprav.
Keywords:pametni tekstil, e-tesktil, prevodni materiali, inkjet tisk, prevodne paste, senzorske tekstilije, prevodnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-89081 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.07.2024
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:13.06.2024

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Title:Graphic design and printing of a conductive matrix for the production of textile sensor
Abstract:In this thesis we have developed a flexible muscle brace based on a highly stretchable knitted fabric which is the supporting substrate for two systems of conductive matrices. Together these matrices form a sensor system and conductive links for signal transmission to connectors. We started by graphically designing the conductive line pattern and sensor matrix for the muscle brace designed as part of the Wibrant project. After designing the pattern, we proceeded with test printing of straight lines on hydrophobic paper, which allowed us to understand the operation of the inkjet printer better and check the effect of the number of fluid layers on the electrical resistance, followed by test printing on the knitted fabric. This allowed us to determine the printing parameters. We then printed the graphical conductive pattern and the sensor matrix on the knitted fabric. After printing, we fixed the printed lines and patterns and measured their electrical resistance. We also performed microscopic analysis of the printed patterns and analysed the wash resistance of the print. The optimal printing conditions, determined using a commercially available conductive fluid, ensure a satisfactory level of conductivity and provide a basis for further development of wearable textile sensor devices. 
Keywords:smart textiles, e-printing, conductive materials, inkjet printing, conductive inks, sensor textiles, conductivity


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