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Title:Izbira najprimernejšega robotskega prijemala za robotsko komisioniranje v avtomatiziranih skladiščnih sistemih : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Bencak, Primož (Author)
ID Lerher, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 062B6FD0E8296D6B526A2A03F8AC206A
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Zahteva po zagotavljanju učinkovitega procesa komisioniranja ob pomanjkanju usposobljene delovne sile zahteva razvoj in uporabo novih tehnologij ter izboljševanja obstoječih procesov. Doktorska disertacija obravnava probleme robotskega komisioniranja in integracije le-teh z avtomatiziranimi skladiščnimi sistemi. Robotsko komisioniranje zajema pripravo naročila glede na obseg delovnega naloga s pomočjo sistemov robotskega komisioniranja. Vsebina doktorske disertacije se osredotoča na tri glavna področja obravnave: (i) načrtovanje prijema dvoprstnih prijemal (togega in fleksibilnega), (ii) razvoj metodologije za določitev uspešnosti robotskih prijemal in (iii) razvoja novih skladiščnih strategij upravljanja procesa robotskega komisioniranja integriranega z avtomatiziranimi skladiščnimi sistemi. V ta namen je bilo razvito kompleksno orodje za izbiro najprimernejšega robotskega prijemala (SIRP), ki združuje različne funkcionalnosti z namenom večje produktivnosti skladiščno-komisionirnega sistema. Na osnovi razvitega simulacijskega modela v okolju ADAMS pridobimo najprimernejše prijemne točke za izbrano togo dvoprstno prijemalo. Nadalje je bila za fleksibilno prijemalo razvita metodologija, ki ob določevanju primernih prijemnih točk omogoča oceno uspešnosti robotskega prijemala za proces robotskega komisioniranja. Na osnovi pridobljenih podatkov o uspešnosti izbranih dvoprstnih robotskih prijemal je bila razvita nova skladiščna strategija, ki upošteva uspešnost prijema posameznega robotskega prijemala. Predlagana strategija omogoča večjo pretočno zmogljivost, pri čemer se za dosego tega cilja izvede (i) zamenjava vrstnega reda izvajanja naročil ali (ii) menjava robotskega prijemala, kadar je le-to potrebno. Na podlagi analize učinkovitosti delovanja samostojnega sistema robotskega komisioniranja in sistema robotskega komisioniranja z uporabo avtomatskega izmenjevalnika robotskega orodja, se predlaga uporaba najprimernejše konfiguracije le-teh.
Keywords:industrijska robotika, intralogistika in skladišča, robotizacija procesa komisioniranja, izbira robotskega prijemala, načrtovanje prijema, analiza učinkovitosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Bencak]
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:XVII, 203 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88996 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:221242371 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2024
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:A Creative Commons license that bans commercial use and requires the user to release any modified works under this license.
Licensing start date:04.06.2024

Secondary language

Title:Selection of the most suitable robotic gripper for robotic bin-picking in automated storage systems
Abstract:The necessity to ensure an efficient order picking process along with a lack of skilled labor requires the development and use of new technologies and the improvement of existing processes. The doctoral dissertation studies the problems of robotic order picking and their integration with automated storage systems. Robotic order picking involves the preparation of an order according to the scope of the order list utilizing robotic order picking systems. The content of the doctoral dissertation focuses on three main areas: (i) grasp planning of two-fingered robotic grippers (rigid and flexible), (ii) development of a methodology for determining the performance of robotic grippers and (iii) development of new warehouse management strategies for the robotic order picking process integrated with automated warehouse systems. For this purpose, a complex tool for selecting the most suitable robotic gripper (SIRP) was developed, which combines various functionalities with the aim of increasing the productivity of the warehouse-order-picking system. The developed simulation model in the ADAMS simulation environment determines the most suitable grasp points for the selected rigid two-fingered gripper. Furthermore, a methodology for the flexible gripper was developed, which simultaneously enables the assessment of the performance of the robotic gripper for the robotic order picking process as well as the determination of suitable grasp points. Based on the obtained data on the performance of the selected two-fingered robotic grippers, a new storage strategy was developed that considers the performance of the selected robotic grippers. The proposed strategy enables higher throughput performance by (i) rearranging the list of orders or (ii) changing the robotic gripper, when necessary. Based on the performance analysis of the stand-alone robotic order picking system and the robotic order picking system using an automatic robotic tool exchanger, SIRP suggests the use of their most appropriate configuration.
Keywords:industrial robotics, Intralogistics and warehouses, robotic order picking, selection of robotic gripper, grasp planning, performance evaluation


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