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Title:Pritožbeni postopki v slovenski policiji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Škoporc, Špela (Author)
ID Modic, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Slokan, Simon (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Skoporc_Spela_2024.pdf (650,52 KB)
MD5: D378FF1C67EE567DED5B24B16DF7F6CF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z načinom reševanja pritožbenih postopkov v Republiki Sloveniji. Slovenska policija je pod nenehnim drobnogledom javnosti. Prizadeva si vzpostaviti dober odnos z državljani in lokalno skupnostjo. Na drugi strani pa svoboda omogoča posamezniku spontano udejanjenje temeljnih ustavnih vrednot Republike Slovenije, za kar morata v družbi obstajati red in mir, ki ga morajo pogosto s poseganjem v človekove pravice vzpostavljati policisti. Osnovno poslanstvo policije in z njim povezano uspešno opravljanje nalog sta odvisna od zgledne komunikacije med državljanom in policistom ter dobrega poznavanja dovoljenega praga posegov v človekove pravice. Zaključno delo prikaže, kako je urejen nadzor nad slovensko policijo, in sicer v normativnem okvirju. Posebni poudarek pa zaključno delo daje pritožbenim postopkom v slovenski policiji, ki dajejo državljanom pravico, da povedo svoje nestrinjanje z ravnanjem ali opustitvijo ravnanja policistov. S tem se krepi zaupanje ljudi v policiste, saj je možnost vlaganja pritožb velik korak k strokovnemu, zakonitemu in odnosnemu delu policije, državljani pa imajo možnost aktivnega sodelovanja v nadzoru nad delom policije. Analiza diplomskega dela je usmerjena v pritožbene postopke, in sicer na ugotavljanje odgovorov na raziskovalna vprašanja, kakšni so končni epilogi utemeljenih pritožbenih postopkov, v kateri fazi se pritožbeni postopek najpogosteje konča in na katerih področjih dela policisti prejmejo največ pritožb. Analiza zajema pregled statistike pritožb v Republiki Sloveniji med letoma 2018 in 2022. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se večina obravnavanih pritožb konča s pomiritvenim postopkom. Najpogosteje se občani pritožijo zaradi neprimerne komunikacije policistov, in sicer po navadi na področju cestnoprometnih prekrškov. S policisti se zaradi utemeljene pritožbe najpogosteje opravi razgovor, v katerem se jih ustno opozori na njihovo dejanje.
Keywords:slovenska policija, pritožbeni postopki, nadzor nad policijo, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:Š. Škoporc
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:VIII f., [42] str..
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88681 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:199087619 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.06.2024
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Licensing start date:19.05.2024

Secondary language

Title:Complaint procedures in the Slovenian police
Abstract:The thesis deals with the method of resolving appeal procedures in the Republic of Slovenia. The Slovenian police are under constant public scrutiny. It strives to establish a good relationship with citizens and the local community. On the other hand, freedom enables the individual to spontaneously realize the fundamental constitutional values of the Republic of Slovenia, for which there must be order and peace in society, which must often be established by the police by interfering with human rights. The basic mission of the police and the related successful performance of tasks depend on exemplary communication between the citizen and the police officer and a good knowledge of the permissible threshold of interference with human rights. The concluding work shows how the supervision of the Slovenian police is arranged, namely within the normative framework. The final work places special emphasis on appeal procedures in the Slovenian police, which give citizens the right to express their disagreement with the behaviour or omission of police officers. This strengthens people's trust in police officers, as the possibility of filing complaints is a big step towards the professional, legal and relational work of the police, and citizens have the opportunity to actively participate in monitoring the work of the police. The analysis of the thesis is focused on appeals procedures, namely on determining the answers to the research questions, what are the final epilogues of justified appeals procedures, at which stage the appeals procedure most often ends and in which areas of work police officers receive the most complaints. The analysis includes a review of the statistics of complaints in the Republic of Slovenia between 2018 and 2022. It was established that most of the complaints dealt with end with a reconciliation process. Most often, citizens complain about inappropriate communication by police officers, usually in the field of road traffic violations. Due to a well-founded complaint, police officers are most often interviewed, in which they are verbally warned about their actions. 
Keywords:Slovenian police, supervision of the police, appeals procedures


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