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Title:Analiza kvalitete obveščanja in informiranja policijske postaje Žalec o varnostnih dogodkih na območju občin Žalec in Polzela : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Šemen, Gregor (Author)
ID Žaberl, Miroslav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Semen_Gregor_2024.pdf (917,93 KB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Policijsko delo v skupnosti je še vedno nov koncept policijskega dela in predstavlja enega novejših načinov zagotavljanja varnosti, kjer je v ospredju preventivno delovanje, ki temelji na sodelovanju med skupnostjo in policijo. Danes je policijsko delo vedno bolj usmerjeno v izboljšanje kakovosti življenja ljudi in temelji na pristnejšem odnosu z ljudmi v skupnosti, saj je v tem primeru preiskovanje in preprečevanje kriminalitete učinkovitejše. V diplomskem delu nas je zanimalo predvsem, ali je sodelovanje med policisti Policijske postaje Žalec in prebivalci dobro. Odločili smo se za raziskavo v obliki kvalitativnega intervjuja in pridobili odgovore o ustreznosti obveščanja in informiranja občanov ter o morebitnih težavah pri komunikaciji med policijo in občani. Intervjuje smo izvedli z županoma občin Žalec ter Polzela, s štirimi vodji policijskih okolišev, s policistom na PP Žalec, s predstavnico za stike z javnostjo na Policijski upravi Celje in s tremi prebivalkami obravnavanih občin. Učinkovitost policijskega dela je v veliki meri odvisna od skupnosti, ki je vir informacij za reševanje kriminalitete in drugih varnostnih problemov, saj je velika večina kaznivih dejanj policiji znana tako, da jih najprej prepozna javnost. Spoznali smo, da ima vodja policijskega okoliša najpomembnejšo vlogo na področju obveščanja občanov o varnostni problematiki, vendar je zaradi vedno večjega obsega dela premalo prisoten na terenu. Iz odgovorov intervjuvancev smo ugotovili, da policija na lokalni ravni še vedno uporablja standardne načine za obveščanje občanov. Zanimalo nas je, ali uporablja novejše oblike, ki jih je omogočil splet.
Keywords:policijsko delo v skupnosti, policijski okoliš, odnosi z javnostmi, Žalec, Polzela, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:G. Šemen
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:VIII f., 45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88449 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197788163 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.06.2024
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Licensing start date:25.04.2024

Secondary language

Title:Quality analysis of the notifying and informing of the Žalec police station on security events in the area of the Žalec and Polzela municipalities
Abstract:Community based policing is still a new concept of policing and represents one of the newer ways of providing security, which puts preventative action at the forefront, and is based on cooperation between the community and the police. Nowadays, police work focuses more on improving people’s quality of life and is based on a more authentic relationship with people in the community, which makes the investigation and prevention of crime more effective. In this thesis we were interested in whether the cooperation between the police officers of the Police station in Žalec and the community was good. We decided on conducting research in the form of a qualitative interview and gained answers regarding the adequacy of notifying and informing citizens, and on potential problems in the communication between the police and the citizens. We conducted interviews with the mayors of Žalec and Polzela municipalities, with four heads of police districts, with a police officer from Žalec PD, with a public relations representative from the Police Directorate in Celje, and with three citizens from the municipalities under consideration. The effectiveness of police work depends in great measure on the community, which is a source of information for solving crime and other security issues, since most criminal acts are known to the police due to the public. We realized that the head of the police district holds the most important role in notifying citizens about security issues, but due to the increase of the workload, is not present enough in the field. From the answers given by the interviewees, we have found that the police still utilize standard ways of informing citizens on the local level. We were interested if they utilized the newer formats, which are available through the internet.
Keywords:police, community based policing, head of police district, public relations


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