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Title:A novel off-chain channel model for blockchain-based solutions : doctoral dissertation
Authors:ID Podgorelec, Blaž (Author)
ID Turkanović, Muhamed (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DOK_Podgorelec_Blaz_2024.pdf (3,87 MB)
MD5: 9CD6EF2846CD4A82DE9CAC36D08C1622
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:This dissertation introduces a novel off-chain channel model aimed at enhancing existing solutions to address scalability challenges in blockchain technology. It begins with an overview of the problem statement, research objectives, methodology, and potential limitations before establishing a thesis and hypotheses. A comprehensive theoretical background on blockchain technology, scalability solutions, and the off-chain channel approach ensures a common understanding of the topic. To provide a thorough overview of existing off-chain channel solutions and identify and categorize their limitations, we conducted a systematic literature review, identifying 65 relevant studies. Through detailed analysis, six categories of solutions and six implemented off-chain channel solutions were identified. Five primary categories of limitations were also identified: routing, flexibility, privacy, network properties, and online assumptions, some with sub-limitations. To address these limitations, a new off-chain channel model, named ”Off-chain Channel as a Service,” is proposed, featuring four core design decisions: eliminating the need for an off-chain channel network, assuming blockchain properties by design, introducing a trustworthy service, and enabling flexibility by design. Validation and evaluation of the proposed model employ case-study and experiment research methods to confirm compliance with off-chain channel principles, validate it against identified limitations of existing solutions, analyze its impact on blockchain scalability, and assess its applicability across blockchain platforms. For this purpose, two off-chain payment channel prototype solutions have been implemented, each using a different underlying blockchain platform, namely Ethereum and Solana. Moreover, the proposed model’s security evaluation using risk-analysis methodology is also provided. Qualitative and quantitative analysis demonstrates that the proposed off-chain channel model adheres to off-chain channel principles, improves most identified limitations of existing solutions, positively impacts blockchain scalability, and can be applied to different blockchain platforms supported by smart contracts.
Keywords:blockchain, distributed ledger technology, smart contracts, scalability, off-chain channel, payment channel
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Podgorelec]
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:VI, 149 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87928 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209828867 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.10.2024
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:01.04.2024

Secondary language

Title:Nov model zunajverižnega kanala za rešitve temelječe na tehnologiji veriženja blokov
Abstract:V tej disertaciji je predstavljen nov model zunajverižnega kanala, katerega cilj je izboljšati obstoječe rešitve za reševanje izzivov skalabilnosti v tehnologiji veriženja blokov. Začenjamo s pregledom problema, določitvijo raziskovalnih ciljev, metodologijo in morebitne omejitve, sledi določitev teze in hipotez. Obsežno teoretično ozadje o tehnologiji veriženja blokov, rešitvah za skalabilnost in pristopu zunajverižnega kanala zagotavlja skupno razumevanje teme. Za zagotovitev temeljitega pregleda obstoječih rešitev zunajverižnega kanala ter opredelitev in kategorizacijo njihovih omejitev smo izvedli sistematičen pregled literature in identificirali 65 relevantnih študij. S podrobno analizo smo opredelili šest kategorij rešitev in šest izvedenih rešitev zunaj verige. Opredeljenih je bilo tudi pet glavnih kategorij omejitev: usmerjanje, prilagodljivost, zasebnost, lastnosti omrežja in spletne predpostavke, nekatere s podomejitvami. Za odpravo teh omejitev je predlagan nov model zunajverižnega kanala, imenovan "zunajverižni kanal kot storitev", ki vključuje štiri ključne oblikovne odločitve: odpravo potrebe po omrežju zunajverižnega kanala, predpostavke lastnosti verige blokov po zasnovi, uvedbo zaupanja vredne storitve in omogočanje prilagodljivosti po zasnovi. Pri potrjevanju in vrednotenju predlaganega modela so uporabljene raziskovalne metode študije primera in eksperimenta, da se potrdi skladnost z načeli zunajverižnega kanala, potrdi glede na ugotovljene omejitve obstoječih rešitev, analizira njegov vpliv na skalabilnost verige blokov in oceni njegova uporabnost na različnih platformah verige blokov. V ta namen sta bila izvedena dva prototipa rešitev plačilnega zunajverižnega kanala, pri čemer je vsaka uporabljala drugo osnovno platformo veriženja blokov, Ethereum in Solana. Poleg tega je na voljo tudi varnostna ocena predlaganega modela z uporabo metodologije analize tveganja. Kvalitativna in kvantitativna analiza dokazuje, da predlagani model zunajverižnega kanala spoštuje načela zunajverižnega kanala, izboljšuje večino ugotovljenih omejitev obstoječih rešitev, pozitivno vpliva na skalabilnost verige
Keywords:Tehnologija veriženja blokov, Tehnologija porazdeljenih evidenc, Pametne pogodbe, Razširljivost, Zunajverižni kanal, Plačilni kanal


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