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Title:Preprečevanje in obvladovanje mišično-skeletnih težav in bolečin pri medicinskih sestrah s pomočjo ergonomskih pristopov
Authors:ID Broz, Urška (Author)
ID Stričević, Jadranka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kegl, Barbara (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Broz_Urska_2024.pdf (1,78 MB)
MD5: 02D19D0229ADB8CA9C215D7FD5A024E4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Mišično-skeletne težave in bolečine predstavljajo prevladujočo vrsto težav, s katerimi se srečujejo medicinske sestre zaradi zahtevnih delovnih pogojev in visokih fizičnih obremenitev pri rokovanju s pacienti. Namen magistrskega dela je preučiti vpliv ergonomskih pristopov na preprečevanje in obvladovanje mišično-skeletnih težav in bolečin pri medicinskih sestrah. Metode: Izvedli smo sistematični pregled znanstvene literature. Vključili smo relevantne raziskave, ki so preučevale uporabo ergonomskih pristopov pri preprečevanju in obvladovanju mišično-skeletnih težav ter bolečin pri medicinskih sestrah. Pri sistematičnem pregledu smo sledili smernicam PRISMA. Za oceno kakovosti raziskav smo uporabili JBI orodje in hierarhijo dokazov. Rezultati: V analizo smo vključili 9 raziskav. Rezultati pregleda literature so pokazali, da uporaba kombinacije ergonomskih pristopov prispeva k zmanjšanju mišično-skeletnih težav in bolečin pri medicinskih sestrah. Intervencije, kot so prilagajanje delovnih postaj, uporaba ergonomskih pripomočkov, izobraževanje o pravilnih telesnih položajih in tehnikah dvigovanja ter preprečevanje ponavljajočih se gibov so se izkazale kot učinkovite pri zmanjševanju obremenitev in izboljšanju delovnih pogojev. Poleg tega smo identificirali tudi nekatere ovire pri izvajanju ergonomskih pristopov. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi ugotovitev je priporočeno, da se v zdravstvenih ustanovah izvajajo celoviti programi ergonomskega usposabljanja, prilagoditve delovnih okolij ter promocija ozaveščenosti o pomenu ergonomije pri preprečevanju mišično-skeletnih težav in bolečin pri medicinskih sestrah.
Keywords:ergonomija, intervencije, fizične obremenitve, zdravstvo, lajšanje bolečin
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Broz]
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87918 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:200390915 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Prevention and Management of Musculoskeletal Problems and Pain with Nurses using Ergonomic Approaches
Abstract:Introduction: Musculoskeletal problems and pains represent a dominant type of problems faced by nurses due to demanding working conditions and high physical loads when handling patients. The purpose of the master's thesis is to examine the impact of ergonomic approaches on the prevention and management of musculoskeletal problems and pain in nurses. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the scientific literature. We included relevant research that examined the use of ergonomic approaches in the prevention and management of musculoskeletal problems and pain in nurses. We followed the PRISMA guidelines for the systematic review. To assess the quality of research, we used the JBI tool and the hierarchy of evidence. Results: We included 9 studies in the analysis. The results of the literature review showed that the use of a combination of ergonomic approaches contributes to the reduction of musculoskeletal problems and pain in nurses. Interventions such as adjusting workstations, use of ergonomic aids, education on correct body positions and lifting techniques, and prevention of repetitive motions have been shown to be effective in reducing strain and improving working conditions. In addition, we also identified some obstacles to the implementation of ergonomic approaches. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the findings, it is recommended that comprehensive ergonomic training programs, adaptations of working environments and promotion of awareness of the importance of ergonomics in the prevention of musculoskeletal problems and pain in nurses be implemented in medical institutions.
Keywords:ergonomics, interventions, physical stress, healthcare, pain relief


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