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Title:Vpliv situacijskih dejavnikov na obseg prodaje v trgovini Židana marela Kranjska Gora
Authors:ID Zajc, Ines (Author)
ID Ferjan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Zajc_Ines_2024.pdf (3,13 MB)
MD5: 8254845CC0D78F38E24372479AB5B31D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšen in kolikšen vpliv imajo situacijski dejavniki na obseg prodaje v trgovini Židana marela v Kranjski Gori. Predmet raziskovanja so bile nakupne navade potrošnikov trgovine Židana marela v Kranjski Gori v času nepričakovane epidemije covida-19, kjer smo skušali ugotoviti, ali so se nakupne navade potrošnikov spremenile in v kolikšni in kakšni meri so vplivale na poslovanje. Za pridobitev kar največ podatkov o nakupnih navadah in vplivu na poslovanje smo v okviru diplomskega dela analizirali podatke dveh anketnih vprašalnikov v različnih situacijskih obdobjih, intervjuja z lastnico trgovine ter izkazov poslovnega izida. Za odgovore na naša raziskovalna vprašanja smo pridobljene podatke preverili z opisno statistiko in Hi kvadrat preizkusom enake verjetnosti. Raziskava je pokazala, da epidemija covida-19 ni neposredno spremenila poslovnega modela trgovine Židana marela v popolno spletno prodajo. Kljub temu so se pojavile prilagoditve glede na razmere, kot je delna uvedba spletnega nakupovanja. Diplomsko delo nam je dalo vpogled v to, da ohranitev in izboljšanje poslovanja nista bila dosežena izključno s prehodom na spletno prodajo, ampak bolj z nenehnim prilagajanjem in pristopom, ki je vključeval tako klasično trgovinsko kot spletno prisotnost.
Keywords:situacijski dejavniki, vpliv na obseg prodaje, neposredna prodaja, spletna prodaja, spremenjene nakupne navade
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87187 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:192714499 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.04.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:03.03.2024

Secondary language

Title:Influence of situational factors on the volume of sales in Židana marela Kranjska Gora
Abstract:The goal of the bachelor’s thesis is to determine the nature and extent of the impact of situational factors on the sales volume at the Židana marela store in Kranjska Gora. The research focused on the shopping habits of consumers at the Židana marela store in Kranjska Gora during the unexpected epidemic of COVID-19. The goal was to ascertain whether consumer shopping habits changed, to what extent, and how these changes affected the business. To gather the maximum amount of data on shopping habits and their impact on business, the thesis analyzed data from two survey questionnaires conducted during different situational periods, an interview with the store owner, and analyses of financial statements. To answer our research questions, we validated the acquired data using descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test of equal probability. The study revealed that the COVID-19 epidemic did not directly transform the business model of the Židana marela store into a fully online sales platform. Nevertheless, adaptations were made in response to the circumstances, such as the partial introduction of online shopping. The thesis provided insights that maintaining and improving business performance were not achieved solely by transitioning to online sales but rather through continuous adaptation and an approach that encompassed both traditional and online presence in retail.
Keywords:situational factors, impact on sales volume, personal sales, online sales, altered buying habits


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