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Title:Digitalizacija javnih naročil in korupcijska tveganja : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Arnšek, Tjaša (Author)
ID Dobovšek, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Arnsek_Tjasa_2024.pdf (805,73 KB)
MD5: 814A2370FD68FE39C5A2A354CD783AE0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V sodobnem svetu se dogajajo hitre in neprestane spremembe, katerih ključna sestavina je pogosto digitalizacija. Družba se je preoblikovala v digitalno obliko, kjer binarna niza 0 in 1 omogočata shranjevanje, urejanje in deljenje podatkov. Proces digitalizacije vključuje preoblikovanje analognih materialov v digitalni, elektronski format, namenjen shranjevanju in obdelavi v računalniških sistemih. Vlade po svetu uvajajo digitalizacijo kot osrednjo komponento reforme javne uprave, pri čemer želijo doseči večjo učinkovitost in kakovost storitev. Leta 2010 je Evropska unija z uvedbo več strateških dokumentov in direktiv začela svojo digitalno agendo, pri čemer je prepoznala hitro rastočo digitalno ekonomijo. Ta agenda vključuje širjenje digitalnega poslovanja, prilagajanje digitalizacije v poslovnem svetu ter izboljšanje digitalnih storitev v javnem sektorju in družbi kot celoti. Naša država se prav tako zavzema za prehod v sodobno digitalizirano gospodarstvo v prihodnjem desetletju, kar želi uresničiti s pomočjo strategije za digitalno transformacijo gospodarstva. Manchesterska deklaracija iz leta 2005 je poudarila pomembnost elektronskega javnega naročanja, ki je postalo ključna e-storitev za poslovne subjekte. Ta proces obsega več faz, vključno z e-objavo, e-oddajo ponudb, e-ocenjevanjem ponudb, e-naročilom, e-računom in e-plačilom. Ker je pri javnih naročilih vpleten denar davkoplačevalcev, je ključno zagotoviti transparentnost in učinkovitost v celotnem procesu. Javno naročanje ni le orodje za upravljanje javnih sredstev, temveč tudi sredstvo za uresničevanje javnih politik in spodbujanje razvoja določenih sektorjev. Toda obstaja tudi tveganje za korupcijo, še posebej na področju javnih naročil, ki predstavljajo pomemben del gospodarstva. Vprašanje korupcije postane še posebej pomembno v kontekstu digitalizacije javnega naročanja, saj se postavlja vprašanje, ali digitalni procesi povečujejo ali zmanjšujejo korupcijska tveganja. V okviru zaključnega dela smo tematiko obravnavali s pregledom in analizo relevantne znanstvene ter strokovne literature. Za pridobitev globljega vpogleda smo uporabili kvalitativni pristop raziskovanja, ki je vključeval usmerjene intervjuje s strokovnjaki, ki izvajajo procese javnih naročil.
Keywords:digitalizacija, javna naročila, korupcija, tveganja, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Arnšek
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:VIII f., 81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86911 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:187420163 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.03.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:26.01.2024

Secondary language

Title:Digitalization of public procurement and corruption risks
Abstract:In the modern world, rapid and continuous changes take place, with digitalization often being the key component. Society has transformed into a digital form where binary sequences of 0s and 1s facilitate the storage, management, and sharing of data. The process of digitalization involves the transformation of analog materials into a digital, electronic format, designed for storage and processing within computer systems. Governments worldwide introduce digitalization as a central component of public administration reform, aiming to achieve greater efficiency and service quality. In 2010, the European Union initiated its digital agenda with the introduction of several strategic documents and directives, recognizing the rapidly growing digital economy. This agenda encompasses the expansion of digital business operations, adaptation of digitalization in the business sector, and enhancement of digital services in the public sector and society at large. Our country also advocates for transitioning to a contemporary digitalized economy in the forthcoming decade, aspiring to realize this through a strategy for economic digital transformation. The Manchester Declaration of 2005 emphasized the significance of electronic public procurement which has become a crucial e-service for businesses. This process comprises several stages, including e-publication, e-submission of bids, e-evaluation of bids, e-ordering, e-invoicing, and e-payment. Given that public procurement involves taxpayer money, ensuring transparency and efficiency throughout the process is paramount. Public procurement serves not only as a tool for managing public resources but also as a means to implement public policies and promote the development of specific sectors. However, there is also a risk of corruption, particularly in the realm of public procurement which constitutes a significant portion of the economy. The issue of corruption becomes especially pertinent in the context of digitalizing public procurement, raising questions about whether digital processes amplify or mitigate corruption risks. In the scope of this concluding work, we addressed the topic through a review and analysis of pertinent scientific and professional literature. To obtain a deeper understanding, we employed a qualitative research approach, incorporating targeted interviews with experts involved in public procurement processes.
Keywords:digitalization, public procurement, corruption, risks


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