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Title:Izzivi in prednosti uporabe mobilnih aplikacij v dostopnem turizmu : razumevanje percepcije uporabnikov znakovnega jezika
Authors:ID Ilić, Marica (Author)
ID Rančić Demir, Milica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Trdina, Andreja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Ilic_Marica_2024.pdf (1,94 MB)
MD5: 49C4F8C8A3AFEA11B76C1E5DF45F7479
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:V zaključnem delu smo raziskali prilagojenost turistične ponudbe ljudem s posebnimi potrebami. V raziskavo smo aktivno vključili uporabnike slovenskega znakovnega jezika (SZJ). V teoretičnem delu smo sprva opredelili, kaj je gluhota, kdo so uporabniki znakovnega jezika, kakšen je njihov položaj v družbi ter kakšne so njihove pravice. Razjasnili smo pojem dostopnega turizma na splošno in posebej za uporabnike SZJ. S pomočjo dvofaznega raziskovalnega načrta smo najprej izvedli fokusno skupino med uporabniki SZJ, ugotovitve pa so nam pomagale pri zasnovi anketnega vprašalnika, na katerega so pozneje odgovorili 104 uporabniki SZJ. Od tega so bili trije anketni vprašalniki neveljavni, tako da je naš vzorec obsegal 101 anketiranega. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da turistične storitve niso dovolj prilagojene uporabnikom SZJ in da jim največjo oviro pri samostojnem potovanju predstavlja komunikacija. K temu prispeva še dejstvo, da turistični delavci ne poznajo SZJ, vendar sta jim pomembnejši kot SZJ empatija in potrpežljivost. Na potovanjih pogosto uporabljajo mobilne aplikacije in so jim vizualni elementi zelo pomembni. Iz tega je nastala naša ideja, da ustvarimo aplikacijo, ki bi jo uporabniki SZJ uporabljali kot podporo na potovanjih. Predlagamo, da nova aplikacija vsebuje vizualne informacije v znakovnem jeziku, prevajalnik v slovenščino, seznam društev gluhih in naglušnih v Sloveniji, na katere se lahko obrnejo med potovanjem, in druge pomožne elemente.
Keywords:dostopni turizem, znakovni jezik, mobilne aplikacije, dostopnost, uporabniki slovenskega znakovnega jezika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Brežice
Publisher:[M. Ilić]
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86803 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:193117187 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.01.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:22.01.2024

Secondary language

Title:Challenges and advantages of using mobile applications in accessible tourism : understanding the perception of sign language users
Abstract:In the final part, we investigated the adaptation of the tourist offer to people with special needs. The focus was on users of Slovenian sign language, who were actively included in the research. In the theoretical part, we initially defined what deafness is, who is considered a user of sign language, what their position is in society, and what their rights are. We clarified the concept of accessible tourism in general and specifically for users of SSL. With the help of a two-phase research plan, we first conducted a focus group among SSL users, and their findings helped us design a survey questionnaire, which was implemented on a sample of 101 SSL users. We found that tourist services are not sufficiently adapted to SSL users, and for them communication is the biggest obstacle when traveling independently. Another factor contributing to this is the fact that tourism workers do not know SSL, but empathy and patience are more important to them. They often use mobile apps when traveling and visual elements are very important to them. This gave rise to our idea to create an application that SSL users would use as support during their travels. We suggest that the new application contains visual information in sign language, a translator into Slovenian, a list of deaf and hard-of-hearing associations in Slovenia that can be contacted during the trip, and other auxiliary elements.
Keywords:accessible tourism, sign language, mobile applications, accessibility, users of Slovenian sign language


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