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Title:Kolektivne delavske pravice platformnih delavcev : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Polajžar, Aljoša (Author)
ID Senčur Peček, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DOK_Polajzar_Aljosa_2024.pdf (4,29 MB)
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Doktorska disertacija obravnava nadnacionalne, primerjalnopravne ter nacionalne pravne vidike kolektivnih delavskih pravic platformnih delavcev. Pri tem je posebna pozornost namenjena vprašanjema dostopa platformnih delavcev do kolektivnih delavskih pravic ter odpravi ovir za uresničevanje kolektivnih delavskih pravic. V tej luči so v prvem delu doktorske disertacije sistematično obravnavani kriteriji za ugotovitev obstoja delovnega razmerja. Prav obstoj delovnega razmerja je namreč ključna vstopna točka za dostop platformnih delavcev do kolektivnih delavskih pravic. Ugotavljamo, da stanje tako na evropski, primerjalnopravni kot na slovenski ravni potrjuje, da so zaradi specifične narave in organizacije dela, značilne za platformno delo, potrebne določene prilagoditve razlage in vsebine kriterijev za ugotavljanje obstoja delovnega razmerja platformnih delavcev. Razlaga ter posledična vsebina trenutnih kriterijev po slovenski pravni ureditvi ni popolnoma ustrezno prilagojena na področje platformnega dela. Še posebej relevanten zgled za možne prilagoditve kvantitativnega ter kvalitativnega vrednotenja relevantnih kriterijev predstavlja predlog Direktive o platformnem delu (2021). Pri čemer pa velja posebej izpostaviti, da razvoj na evropski in primerjalnopravni ravni nikakor ne utemeljuje odstopa od »tradicionalnega« koncepta delovnega razmerja, ki temelji na osebni odvisnosti oziroma podrejenosti delavca (obstoju subordinacije). Slednje še zmeraj ostaja ključno. Brez ugotovitve zadostne stopnje subordinacije ni mogoče ugotoviti obstoja delovnega razmerja. V drugem delu doktorske disertacije so sistematično obravnavani nadnacionalni, primerjalnopravni ter nacionalni pravni vidiki, ki so pomembni za preučitev vprašanj, ali bi morali biti tudi platformni delavci, ki opravljajo delo izven delovnega razmerja, upravičeni do kolektivnih delavskih pravic – ter ali je za odpravo ovir pri uresničevanju kolektivnih delavskih pravic platformnih delavcev treba prilagoditi ureditev posameznih kolektivnih delavskih pravic oziroma sprejeti specialna zakonska pravila. Ugotavljamo, da stanje na nadnacionalni in primerjalnopravni ravni potrjuje, da bi tudi platformni delavci, ki opravljajo delo izven delovnega razmerja, morali biti upravičeni do kolektivnih delavskih pravic. Vendar pa navedeno ne velja neomejeno – oziroma se ne nanaša na celotno vsebino kolektivnih delavskih pravic ter na vse platformne delavce, ki opravljajo delo izven delovnega razmerja. Iz dometa delovnopravnega varstva (kolektivnih delavskih pravic) je namreč treba izločiti tiste samozaposlene platformne delavce, ki so »pristno samozaposleni« oziroma se štejejo za podjetja. Prav tako na podlagi analize obravnavane literature ter pravnih virov na različnih pravnih ravneh ugotavljamo, da je za odpravo ovir pri uresničevanju kolektivnih delavskih pravic platformnih delavcev (v delovnem razmerju in izven delovnega razmerja) treba prilagoditi ureditev posameznih kolektivnih delavskih pravic oziroma sprejeti specialna zakonska pravila. V luči identificiranih ovir so v okviru doktorske disertacije predlagane številne pravne rešitve de lege ferenda, ki temeljijo predvsem na zgledu Direktive o platformnem delu ter obravnavanih primerjalnopravnih ureditev (ob upoštevanju temeljnih standardov s področja kolektivnih delavskih pravic po MOD – predvsem Konvencij MOD št. 135 in 154 ter pripadajočih priporočil). Ključno je, da zgolj zaradi tehnoloških sprememb v organizaciji delovnega procesa (ki so značilna za platformno delo) ne pride do izvotlitve temeljnih upravičenj platformnih delavcev in njihovih predstavnikov iz področja kolektivnih delavskih pravic.
Keywords:platformno delo, kolektivne delavske pravice, platformni delavci, delovno razmerje, samozaposlitev, ekonomsko odvisna oseba, delavski predstavniki, kolektivno dogovarjanje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:A. Polajžar
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:389 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86708 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:209056259 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.09.2024
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Licensing start date:22.05.2024

Secondary language

Title:Collective labour rights of platform workers
Abstract:The doctoral dissertation examines the supranational, comparative and national legal aspects of collective labour rights of platform workers. Particular attention is paid to the issues of platform workers' access to collective labour rights and the removal of barriers to exercise collective labour rights. In this context, the first part of the doctoral dissertation systematically examines the criteria for establishing the existence of an employment relationship. The existence of an employment relationship is a key entry point for platform workers to access collective labour rights. We conclude that the situation at the European, comparative and Slovenian level confirms that, due to the specific nature and organisation of platform work, certain adjustments to the interpretation and content of the criteria for establishing the existence of an employment relationship of platform workers are necessary. The interpretation and consequent content of the current criteria under the Slovenian legal framework are not fully adapted to the field of platform work. The proposal for a Platform Work Directive (2021) is a particularly relevant example for possible adjustments to the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the relevant criteria. Nevertheless, we conclude that the developments at European and comparative level do not in any way justify a departure from the 'traditional' concept of an employment relationship based on the personal dependence or subordination of the worker. The latter still remains crucial. Without establishing a sufficient degree of subordination, the existence of an employment relationship cannot be established. The second part of the doctoral dissertation systematically examines the supranational, comparative and national legal aspects relevant for the examination of the questions whether platform workers performing work outside the employment relationship should also be entitled to collective labour rights – and whether the adoption of special legal rules is necessary to remove barriers to the exercise of collective labour rights by platform workers. We conclude that the analysis of the supranational and comparative level confirms that platform workers performing work outside the employment relationship should also be entitled to collective labour rights. However, the above does not apply without limitations – it does not apply to all platform workers performing work outside the employment relationship and to the entire content of collective labour rights. Those self-employed platform workers who are "genuinely self-employed" or who are considered to be undertakings should be excluded from the scope of labour law protection (collective labour rights). Moreover, based on the analysis of the literature and legal sources (at different legal levels) we conclude that in order to remove barriers to the exercise of collective labour rights by platform workers (both in and outside of the employment relationship), it is necessary to adapt the regulation of collective labour rights by specific legal rules. In the light of the identified obstacles, the doctoral dissertation proposes a number of de lege ferenda legal solutions, based mainly on the model of the Platform Work Directive and the examined comparative legal orders (taking into account the fundamental standards according to, inter alia, ILO Conventions no. 135 and 154 – with the corresponding recommendations). It is crucial that the technological changes in the organisation of the work process (that are characteristic of platform work) do not lead to the erosion of the fundamental collective labour rights standards of platform workers and their representatives.
Keywords:platform work, collective labour rights, platform workers, employment relationship, self-employment, dependent self-employed, workers' representatives, collective bargaining


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