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Authors:ID Rola, Žan (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Rola_Zan_2024.pdf (2,59 MB)
MD5: 9DC77A3CCA892B8409A4BCC5AEB97693
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Gozdovi so naše bogastvo bi bil primeren začetek razmišljanja o gozdu, o pomenu gozdov in raziskovanju trga proizvodov in storitev iz slovenskih gozdov. Slovenija je dežela gozdov in Slovenci smo tako ali drugače povezani z gozdovi in številnimi vlogami gozdnih sestojev. Pri opredelitvi pomena gozdov in gospodarjenja z gozdovi lahko rečemo, da je bogastvo gozdov težko meriti, saj ima gozd poleg proizvodne še ekološke in socialne funkcije, obenem pa je sestavni del našega življenja, saj z njim sobivamo. Gozd moramo poznati kot ekosistem, poznati moramo vse njegove vloge in prav zato je upravljanje gozdov in gospodarjenje z njimi zahtevna naloga, pred katero so postavljeni njihovi lastniki. Ključnega pomena je torej poznavanje danosti gozda in pa ozaveščanje lastnikov gozdov o pravilnem in gospodarnem ravnanju z gozdovi. Namen magistrskega dela je bil identificirati slovenske proizvode in storitve, ki izhajajo iz slovenskih gozdov, hkrati pa analizirati trg proizvodov in storitev in segmentirati lastnike gozdov v Sloveniji ter njihovo ravnanje z mladimi gozdnimi sestoji. Uporabljena metodologija magistrskega dela zajema sistematičen pregled obstoječe literature, člankov in spletnih virov na temo proizvodov in storitev ter gozdov samih. Poleg teoretičnega pregleda metod analize podatkov pa zajema metodologija tudi praktično uporabo segmentacijske analize. Pri zagotavljanju dobrih pogojev slovenskega gozdarstva potrebujemo učinkovite strategije ozaveščanja in vodenja lastnikov gozdov, ki jih razvijamo na podlagi dobrega poznavanja populacije lastnikov. Raziskava kaže, da so lastniki gozdov večinoma moški, stari okoli 60 let, s srednješolsko izobrazbo in upokojeni. Imajo približno 18 hektarjev gozdne posesti, pri upravljanju katere se večinoma zanašajo na lastne izkušnje. Segmentacija lastnikov razkriva razlike glede na starost, izobrazbo in tehnologije, ki jih uporabljajo pri redčenju, ne pa tudi značilnih razlik v pridobivanju znanj in veščin. Ključni izzivi ustreznega upravljanja lastnikov gozdov vključujejo njihovo nizko zaupanje v zunanje vire informacij in redko uporabo teh virov. Prihodnje strategije moramo zato prilagoditi različnim segmentom populacije in jih usmeriti v povečanje zaupanja in uporabo različnih informacijskih virov za optimizacijo gospodarjenja z gozdovi.
Keywords:gozd, gozdni sestoj, gozdarstvo, trg proizvodov, lastniki gozdov, upravljanje, gospodarjenje z gozdovi, segment, segmentacijska analiza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:Ž. Rola
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86631 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:191951619 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.04.2024
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License:CC BY-NC 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Description:A creative commons license that bans commercial use, but the users don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
Licensing start date:24.12.2023

Secondary language

Abstract:»Forests are our treasure« is more than an appropriate beginning of our thinking journey about forests, the meaning of forests and research of products and services from Slovenian forests. Slovenia is a country filled with forests therefore Slovenians have a natural connection with them and different forest groups. When defining the meaning of forests and forest management we can say, that it is hard to measure the richness of our forests as there are social and ecological functions intertwined with a production function. We cannot forget that forests are an important part of our life as we cohabitate in them. The understanding of forests as an ecosystem and all the roles it plays in it makes forest management a difficult job. The purpose of my master’s thesis was to identify Slovenian products and services which derive from Slovenian forests, analyze the product and services market and segment Slovenian forest owners and their treatment of young forest groups. The used methodology of the master’s thesis includes a systematic overview of existing literature, articles and online sources on the topic of forest products and services, an theoretical overview of data analysis method and also a practical use of the segmentation analysis. In order to ensure good conditions for Slovenian forestry, we need effective awareness-raising and management strategies for forest owners, which we develop on the basis of a good knowledge of the owners' population. Our research shows that forest owners are mostly men, around 60 years old, with secondary education and retired. On average they own about 18 hectares of forest property, in the management of which they rely on their own experience. The segmentation of owners reveals differences according to age, education, and the technologies they use in thinning, but not typical differences in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. The key challenges to the proper management of forest owners include their low trust in external sources of information and their infrequent use of these sources. We must therefore adapt future strategies to different segments of the population and direct them towards increasing trust and using different information sources to optimize forest management.
Keywords:forest, forest group, forestry, products market, forest owners, management, forest management, segment, segmentation analysis


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