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Title:Vloga intuicije v kriminalističnem mišljenju : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Rednak, Taja (Author)
ID Slak, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pavšič Mrevlje, Tinkara (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Rednak_Taja_2024.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: 31FFC8B09E5321B480F85F624B19CED0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Intuicija je podzavestna sposobnost, ki obdela razpoložljive informacije oz. jih nadgradi za nadaljnje sklepanje in odločanje. Prisotna je tako pri vsakodnevnih življenjskih odločitvah kot tudi v kriminalističnem mišljenju, pri posameznih preiskovalnih dejanjih (opravljanje informativnih razgovorov) in posledično pri reševanju kriminalističnih problemov. V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšno vlogo ima intuicija v kriminalističnem mišljenju. Na podlagi pregleda znanstvene literature odkrivamo, da intuicija skupaj s kriminalističnim mišljenjem preiskovalcem pomaga reševati lahke in zahtevne kriminalistične probleme. Preiskovalci so tisti, ki nenačrtno reagirajo na odzive oz. odgovore preiskovanih. Takrat naj bi za oblikovanje vprašanj na podlagi odziva izpraševanca uporabili intuicijo. Sposobnost izbire pravega argumenta ob pravem času pri razgovoru pogosto loči uspešnega preiskovalca od manj uspešnega. V empiričnem delu smo opravili polstrukturirane intervjuje z različnimi kriminalisti v Sloveniji. Nekateri kriminalisti zagovarjajo prisotnost intuicije pri opravljanju informativnih razgovorov, drugi to zanikajo. Kljub temu so mnenja, da je intuicija zelo uporabna v preiskovalnem procesu. Da bi bila njena uporaba učinkovita, so pomembni tako znanje kot tudi delovne in življenjske izkušnje. Pri uporabi intuicije sta vselej potrebni dodatna previdnost in distanca. Intuicija ni zanesljiva, kar poudarjajo tudi naši intervjuvanci. V prihodnosti bi bilo treba zaradi pomanjkanja empiričnih in znanstvenih raziskav večji poudarek nameniti poglobljenemu raziskovanju intuicije v Sloveniji in tujini. Do te tematike je treba zaradi njene kompleksnosti pristopiti na sistematičen način. Preiskovalce je treba usposobiti tako, da bi se zavedali dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na njihovo ravnanje pri sklepanju odločitev. Za uspešno preučevanje in razvoj intuicije jo je treba uvesti kot kognitivno veščino ali kot pripomoček, ki bi temeljil na znanju in izkušnjah in s katerim bi bili kriminalistični problemi rešeni hitreje ali celo uspešneje.
Keywords:intuicija, kriminalistično mišljenje, odločanje, informativni pogovor, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Rednak
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:VIII f., [61] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86391 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:182636547 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.01.2024
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Licensing start date:26.11.2023

Secondary language

Title:Role of intuition in criminal investigative thinking
Abstract:Intuition is a subconscious ability allowing us to process available information or upgrade it for further reasoning and decision-making. It is present both in everyday decisions and in thinking of criminal investigators, in individual investigations (conducting informational interviews) and consequently in solving criminalistic problems. In this master's thesis, we wanted to determine the role of intuition in criminalistic thinking. Based on a review of scientific literature, we determined that intuition, together with criminalistic thinking, helps investigators solve easy and complex criminalistic problems. Investigators are those who unintentionally react to reactions and responses of subjects of investigation. In those cases, they ought to use intuition to form questions based on the reactions of interviewees. The ability to select the appropriate argument at the appropriate time during an interview is what normally sets apart successful investigators from less successful ones. In the empirical part, we conducted semi-structured interviews with different investigators in Slovenia. Some investigators defend the presence of intuition in conducting informational interviews, while others deny it. However, they believe that intuition is a very useful asset in an investigation. For its use to be effective, both knowledge and working and life experience are important. When trusting intuition, additional caution and distance are required, as intuition is not reliable, as stressed by our interviewees. In the future, more emphasis should be put on in-depth research of intuition in Slovenia and abroad, due to the lack of empirical and scientific research. Because of its complexity, this topic needs to be approached systematically. Investigators need to be trained to become aware of factors affecting their behaviour when making decisions. In order to study and develop intuition efficiently, it has to be implemented as a cognitive skill or asset based on knowledge and experience, which is used to solve criminalistic problems faster or even more successfully.
Keywords:intuition, criminalistic thinking, decision-making, informational interview


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