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Title:Pravni vidiki preizkušanja terjatev, ločitvenih in izločitvenih pravic v osebnem stečaju s pregledom aktualne sodne prakse : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Marolt Žižek, Vanja (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Marolt_Zizek_Vanja_2023.pdf (7,20 MB)
MD5: 4B90E88AE9859AA651B3677CEF3E40AE
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Postopki zaradi insolventnosti so namenjeni čim boljšemu poplačilu upnikov v primeru neplačevitosti dolžnika. Eden izmed postopkov zaradi insolventnosti je postopek osebnega stečaja. Upniki svoje pravice v stečajnih postopkih uveljavljajo s prijavo svojih terjatev, ločitvenih in izločitvenih pravic v stečajno maso dolžnika, ki jih stečajni upravitelj nato preizkusi ter se o priznanju ali nepriznanju le teh izreče v osnovnem seznamu preizkušenih terjatev. Upniki osnovnemu seznamu lahko nasprotujejo z vložitvijo ugovora, v posledici česar stečajni upravitelj sestavi dopolnjeni seznam preizkušenih terjatev, v katerega vnese izjave upnikov o prerekanju. Sodišče o preizkusu terjatev izda sklep, skladno s katerim mora stečajni upravitelj pripraviti končni seznam preizkušenih terjatev, ki je sestavni del sklepa o preizkusu terjatev. Skupaj predstavljata pravno podlago za razdelitev stečajne oziroma razdelitvene mase med upnike. S pomočjo institutov ločitvene in izločitvene pravice upniki varujejo svoje stvarne pravice in jim v razmerju z drugimi upniki nudita boljše izhodišče. Upnik, ki je imetnik ločitvene pravice, lahko namreč doseže, da se iz izkupička predmeta ločitvene pravice poplača pred ostalimi upniki. Lastnik stvari, ki je v posesti stečajnega dolžnika, v stečajnem postopku pridobi položaj izločitvenega upnika. S svojo izločitveno pravico lahko doseže izločitev njegove stvari iz stečajne mase dolžnika in njeno izročitev. Za prijavo in preizkus ločitvenih in izločitvenih pravic se smiselno uporabljajo pravila o prijavi in preizkusu terjatev. Magistrska naloga z naslovom »Pravni vidiki preizkušanja terjatev, ločitvenih in izločitvenih pravic v osebnem stečaju s pregledom aktualne sodne prakse« bo bralcu predstavila pojem insolventnosti in postopke zaradi insolventnosti, predvsem pa se znotraj njih posvetila obravnavanju postopka osebnega stečaja, pojmov ločitvena in izločitvena pravica, postopka prijave terjatev, ločitvenih in izločitvenih pravic v osebnem stečaju in pravnih vidikov preizkusa terjatev ter ločitvenih in izločitvenih pravic. Glede pomembnih vprašanj preizkusa terjatev, ločitvenih in izločitvenih pravic bo naloga skozi pregled aktualne sodne prakse, poskušala ugotoviti, kako se teorija uresničuje v praksi.
Keywords:insolventnost, stečajni postopek, osebni stečaj, terjatev, priznana terjatev, prerekana terjatev, ločitvena pravica, izločitvena pravica, preizkus terjatev, preizkus ločitvene pravice, preizkus izločitvene pravice, osnovni seznam preizkušenih terjatev
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:V. Marolt Žižek
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VII, 71 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86386 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:182504707 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.01.2024
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Licensing start date:24.11.2023

Secondary language

Title:Legal aspects of the examination of claims, separation and exclusion rights in personal bankruptcy with a review of current case law
Abstract:Insolvency proceedings are aimed at the best possible repayment of creditors in the event of the debtor's insolvency. One of the insolvency procedures is the personal bankruptcy procedure. Creditors assert their rights in bankruptcy proceedings by registering their claims, separation and exclusion rights in the debtor's bankruptcy estate, which the bankruptcy administrator then examines and pronounces on the recognition or non-recognition of only these in the basic list of tested claims. Creditors can object to the basic list by filing an objection, as a result of which the bankruptcy administrator draws up an updated list of verified claims, in which he enters the creditors' objection statements. The court issues a decision on the examination of claims, according to which the bankruptcy administrator must prepare a final list of tested claims, which is an integral part of the decision on the examination of claims. Together, they represent the legal basis for the distribution of the bankruptcy estate among creditors. With the help of the institutes of divorce and exclusion rights, creditors protect their real rights and offer them a better starting point in relation to other creditors. The creditor, who is the holder of the right of separation, can achieve that the proceeds of the object of the right of separation are repaid before the other creditors. The owner of things that are in the possession of the bankrupt debtor acquires the position of an exclusionary creditor in the bankruptcy proceedings. With his right of exclusion, he can achieve the exclusion of his property from the debtor's bankruptcy estate and its delivery. The rules on the application and examination of claims apply mutatis mutandis to the application and examination of separation and exclusion rights. The master's thesis entitled "Legal aspects of the examination of claims, separation and exclusion rights in personal bankruptcy with a review of current case law" will introduce the reader to the concept of insolvency and procedures due to insolvency, and will mainly focus on the consideration of personal bankruptcy proceedings, the concepts of separation and exclusion rights, the procedure for reporting claims, separation and exclusion rights in personal bankruptcy and legal aspects of the examination of claims and separation and exclusion rights. With regard to the important issues of the examination of claims, separate and exclusive rights, the task will try to find out how the theory is realized in practice through a review of the current case law.
Keywords:insolvency, bankruptcy proceedings, personal bankruptcy, claim, recognized claim, present claim, right of separation, right of exclusion, examination of claims, examination of the right to divorce, examination of the right of exclusion, basic list of tested claims


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