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Title:Specifika pedagoškega dela v slovenskih bolnišničnih šolah : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Urankar, Sara (Author)
ID Kiswarday, Vanja Riccarda (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Urankar_Sara_2024.pdf (1,66 MB)
MD5: 0B7DCA878000F2E35BFCC28B852CF776
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Vključenost v bolnišnično šolo in neposredno delo daje učencem, ki so na zdravljenju v bolnišnici, oporo pri soočenju z boleznijo in vliva upanje. Avtonomija pedagoškega dela je v tem primeru podrejena pogojem dela v bolnišnici in zdravljenju. Zaradi specifike dela je potrebna ustrezna opremljenost pedagoškega kadra s strokovnimi znanji in določenimi karakteristikami. Kljub temu da bolnišnični učitelji predstavljajo majhen del vzgojno izobraževalnega sistema, so pri zdravljenju otroka nepogrešljivi. Magistrsko delo v ospredje postavlja pomembnost pedagoškega dela z učenci, ki so na zdravljenju v bolnišnici, osvetljuje vlogo bolnišničnih pedagogov in raziskuje njihovo delovno obremenjenost. V sklopu teoretičnih izhodišč so predstavljene posebnosti izvedbe in prilagoditve pedagoškega procesa ter ustreznost pedagoškega kadra v bolnišnični šoli. Empirični del zajema analizo rezultatov raziskave mnenja slovenskih bolnišničnih učiteljev o pedagoškem delu v bolnišnični šoli, kompetencah potrebnih za opravljanje dela s hospitaliziranimi učenci, obremenjenosti in motivaciji pri njihovem delu. S pomočjo kvantitativne raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da prihaja do razlik v obravnavanih vsebinah glede na čas hospitalizacije učencev. Pri svojem delu se bolnišnični učitelji opirajo na različna didaktična sredstva, svojo strokovnost pa podkrepijo s samoiniciativnim dodatnim izobraževanjem. Čeprav jim opravljanje dela predstavlja obremenitev in izziv, pri opravljanju svojega dela najdejo notranjo motivacijo.
Keywords:bolnišnična šola, vloga bolnišničnega učitelja, pedagoško delo z učenci na zdravljenju, prilagoditve pedagoškega procesa, otrok z dolgotrajno boleznijo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Urankar]
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIII, 83 str., [7] str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86279 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:182051331 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Specificity of pedagogical work in slovenian hospital schools
Abstract:Hospital school and direct interaction with pedagogical workers gives students support and hope during their hospital stay. The autonomy of pedagogical work depends on the hospital conditions and treatments. Due to the specific nature of pedagogic work in hospital school, it is necessary to educate teachers with professional knowledge and empower certain characteristics. Despite the fact that hospital teachers represent a small part of the educational system, they are indispensable in the treatment of a child. The master's thesis emphasize the importance of pedagogical work with students who are being treated in a hospital, give purpose to role of hospital teacher and studies their workload. Theoretical part presents specifics of the implementation and adaptation of pedagogical process and competence of teaching staff in hospital school. The empirical part includes an analysis of a survey on the opinion of Slovenian hospital teachers about teaching work in the hospital school, competencies required for working with hospitalized students, workload and motivation in their work. Quantitative research has shown that there are some differences in subject matter and content depending on the time of hospitalization of the students. Slovenian hospital teachers rely on various teaching tools and upgrade their expertise with self-initiated additional education. Even though work in hospital school is stressful and a challenging, they find inner motivation to proceed their work.
Keywords:hospital school, hospital teacher role, pedagogic work with students on hospital treatment, adjustments of pedagogical processes, students with a long-term illness


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