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Title:Use of active elements for providing suitable voltage profiles and prevent overloads in radial distribution networks
Authors:ID Vodenik, Marko (Author)
ID Pintarič, Matej (Author)
ID Štumberger, Gorazd (Author)
Files:.pdf Use_of_active_elements_Vodenik_2022.pdf (5,24 MB)
MD5: 79A9F687EC946D1E788ED8CD874F183F
URL https://www.fe.um.si/e-jet/45-2022/4028-november-2022.html
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FE - Faculty of Energy Technology
Abstract:The article deals with the issue of providing suitable voltage profiles and preventing congestion of network elements in distribution networks. Active network elements and network users’ energy flexibility services are used to provide a suitable voltage profile and prevent congestion in distribution networks. The discussed active network elements include a transformer with on-load tap changer, reactive power compensation devices, energy storage systems, distributed energy resources, and network users’ energy flexibility services, where the active consumers adjust their consumption, production and storage of energy. Based on the Backward Forward Sweep load flow computation method, the case studies are performed for the discussed low voltage distribution network, where the measurement results were available. The case studies for preventing overload of the distribution transformer are performed using a battery energy storage system and network users’ energy flexibility services. The case studies for providing suitable voltage profiles are performed using all listed active elements and a combination of different active elements. In addition, to provide suitable voltage profiles, the existing conductors are replaced with conductors of a larger cross-section. Technically acceptable solutions that can provide a suitable voltage profile and prevent the overloading of network elements in the most demanding operating conditions are presented in this article.
Keywords:voltage profile, radial distribution network, load flow calculations, active network elements, energy flexibility
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.11.2022
Publisher:Fakulteta za energetiko Univerze v Mariboru
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:Str. 37-52
Numbering:Letn. 15, Št. 3
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86263 New window
ISSN on article:1855-5748
COBISS.SI-ID:136943107 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.10.2023
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Journal of energy technology
Publisher:Fakulteta za energetiko
COBISS.SI-ID:243311360 New window

Secondary language

Title:Uporaba aktivnih elementov za zagotavljanje ustreznih napetostnih profilov in preprečevanje preobremenitev v radialnih distribucijskih omrežjih
Abstract:V članku je obravnavana problematika zagotavljanja ustreznih napetostnih profilov in preprečevanje preobremenitev elementov omrežja v distribucijskih omrežjih. Za zagotavljanje ustreznega napetostnega profila in preprečevanje preobremenitev v distribucijskih omrežjih so uporabljeni aktivni elementi omrežja in storitev prožnosti energije uporabnikov omrežja. Analize so izvedene z izračunom pretokov energije z uporabo metode Backward Forward Sweep za obravnavano nizkonapetostno distribucijsko omrežje, za katero so bili podani rezultati meritev. Izvedeni so bili izračuni preprečevanja preobremenitve transformatorja z baterijskim hranilnikom energije in storitvijo prožnosti uporabnikov omrežja. Izračuni zagotavljanja ustreznega napetostnega profila so bili izvedeni z vsemi naštetimi aktivnimi elementi omrežja in s kombinacijo različnih aktivnih elementov. Zagotavljanje ustreznega napetostnega profila je bilo dodatno izvedeno z zamenjavo obstoječih vodnikov z vodniki večjega preseka. V članku so podane tehnično sprejemljive rešitve z aktivnimi elementi omrežja in s storitvijo prožnosti energije, ki preprečijo preobremenitev elementov omrežja in zagotovijo ustrezen napetostni profil.
Keywords:napetostni profil, radialno distribucijsko omrežje, izračuni tokov bremen, aktivni elementi omrežja, energetska fleksibilnost


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Journal of energy technology


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