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Title:Trajnostne rešitve za problematiko upada čebel in inovativni pristopi
Authors:ID Simonič, Maša (Author)
ID Ženko, Zdenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Simonic_Masa_2023.pdf (1,66 MB)
MD5: EF71237B2C916814ACA5CC00DC169BCD
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih je tehnologija spremenila naš svet, naš način življenja, način, kako delamo, načine razmišljanja in na koncu zaznavanje nas samih in našega okolja. Kako tehnologija raste, uspeva in cveti, je usklajeno z normami, vrednotami in prepričanji. Tako kot si dandanes ne znamo predstavljati sveta brez tehnologije, si ga ne moremo predstavljati brez čebel. Čebele predstavljajo ključni del našega okolja in so glavne opraševalke cvetočih rastlin. Z opraševanjem ohranjajo rastlinske vrste, od teh pa je odvisno življenje ljudi in živali. Čebele so pravzaprav ključni del našega življenja, zato sta razumevanje in zaščita čebel ključna za zdravje našega planeta. V teoretičnem delu smo se poglobili v problem upada števila čebel in njihove nenadomestljivosti tako za ljudi kot tudi za okolje. Na začetku je predstavljenih nekaj osnovnih pojmov s področja inovacij. V povezavi s tem smo se osredotočili tudi na družbeno odgovornost; družbeno odgovorni smo takrat, ko delujemo trajnostno. Trajnostno delujemo, ko upoštevamo potrebe današnje družbe in pri tem pazimo, da ne ogrožamo prihodnjih generacij. Poglobili smo se v trajnostno naravnanost in ustvarjalno razmišljanje, saj praktični del naloge temelji prav na tem. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo podrobno opisali Debonovo metodo šestih klobukov, ki je bila vodilo naše delavnice s čebelarji s Štajerske. Z analizo literature in v nadaljevanju s praktičnim delom smo želeli prikazati uporabnost metode, ki spodbuja ustvarjalno razmišljanje. V praktičnem delu naloge smo se osredotočili na predstavitev čebel in umetnih čebeljih prototipov. Izpostavili smo prednosti in slabosti robotskih prototipov ter njihov vpliv na nas in naše okolje. Ker se hitrost upada čebel ne zmanjšuje, smo se poglobili v iskanje vzrokov, zakaj je od leta 2006 zaznan tolikšen upad teh opraševalk. Močno smo poudarili čebele in njihov pomen za nas ter opisali škodo, ki jo lahko povzroči upad čebel. Na koncu je opisana delavnica s čebelarji, ki smo jo izvedli julija 2022. Delavnico s čebelarji smo izvedli s pomočjo Debonove metode in tako s sodelujočimi razvili razpravo, ki je bila usmerjena na eno temo (ločevali smo informacije od ustvarjalnosti, čustva od logike itn.). Rezultati delavnice so pokazali, da smo Slovenci v ospredju v reševanju problematike upada čebel. Medtem ko se v tujini zatekajo k tehnologiji in tovrstnim rešitvam, se v Sloveniji s problemi soočamo na okolju prijazen način. Dejstvo je, da število čebel upada, ampak to je predvsem odvisno od nas, ljudi, in od našega ravnanja z okoljem in z vsem, kar nas obdaja. V nalogi poudarjamo tudi trajnost – zavedati se namreč moramo svojih dejanj in posledic, ki jim sledijo. Truditi se moramo za svet, v katerem naša dejanja utirajo pot za boljši jutri. Skupaj lahko pustimo boljši svet za generacije, ki prihajajo za nami.
Keywords:metoda šestih klobukov, trajnostni razvoj, ustvarjalno razmišljanje, inovacije, čebele, robotski prototip
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:M. Simonič
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86246 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:181470211 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.01.2024
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License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:A Creative Commons license that bans commercial use and requires the user to release any modified works under this license.
Licensing start date:27.10.2023

Secondary language

Title:Sustainable solutions for the decline in bees and innovative approaches
Abstract:Over the past few decades, technology has changed our world, our way of life, how we work, how we think and ultimately how we perceive ourselves and our environment. How technology grows, thrives and flourishes is aligned with norms, values and beliefs. Just as we cannot imagine the world of today without technology, we cannot imagine a world without bees. Bees are the key part of our environment and are the main pollinators of flowering plants. They maintain plant species through pollination, and both our lives and the lives of animals depend on them. Bees are the key part of our lives, thus understanding and protecting bees is vital for the health of our planet. In the theoretical part, we looked at the problem of the decline of bees and their irreplaceability for both humans and the environment. It starts with some basic concepts from the field of innovation. In this context, we also focused on social responsibility. We are socially responsible when we act sustainably. We act sustainably when we consider the needs of society today, while keeping in mind not to put future generations at risk. We have looked at sustainability and creative thinking because the practical part of the assignment is based on this. At the end of the theoretical part, we described De Bono's six-hat method in detail, which was the guiding principle of our workshop with beekeepers from the Štajerska region. By analysing the literature and then by means of practical work, we wanted to demonstrate the usefulness of a method that stimulates creative thinking. In the practical part of the assignment, we focused on the demonstration of bees and artificial bee prototypes. We highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of robotic prototypes and their impact on humans and the environment. As the bee populations keep declining, we investigated the reasons why there has been such a significant decline in these pollinators since 2006. We have placed great emphasis on bees and their importance to us, to describe the damage that a decline in bees can cause. At the very end, we describe the workshop with beekeepers that we carried out in July 2022. We carried out the workshop with beekeepers using De Bono's method, developing a single focus discussion with the participants (separating information from creativity, emotion from logic, etc.). The results of the workshop showed that Slovenians are at the top of tackling the problem of bee population decline. While abroad they are resorting to technology and solutions of this kind, in Slovenia we are tackling the problems in an environmentally friendly way. It is a fact that the bee population is declining, but to a large extent it is up to us humans. It depends on how we treat the environment and everything around us. There is a strong emphasis on sustainability in this thesis. We need to be aware of our actions and its consequences. We must work for a world in which our actions create the way for a better tomorrow. Together, we can leave a better world for the following generations.
Keywords:six hats method, sustainable development, creative thinking, innovation, bees, robotic prototype.


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