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Title:Ureditev osebnega stečaja v luči nove zakonodaje
Authors:ID Zemljič, Alen (Author)
ID Primec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Zemljic_Alen_2023.pdf (2,16 MB)
MD5: 7D8CFC56A3AA9FD5357160B7205938D4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Institut osebnega stečaja je po 15 letih obstoja v družbi, ki nas obdaja, vse bolj sprejemljiv in vse pogosteje uporabljen s strani oseb, ki so se znašle v prezadolženem brezizhodnem položaju. Z leti je institut osebnega stečaja vse bolj priljubljen. Njegovo priljubljenost pa so v svoje dobro z zlorabljanjem izkoriščali določeni dolžniki, ki so bili sicer zmožni poravnati svoje obveznosti, vendar je bil s prikritjem premoženja njihov namen doseči odpust obveznosti v celoti. Institut osebnega stečaja v prvi vrsti zagovarja uresničevanje pravice do poplačila upnikov ter novega začetka. Pomen načela enakopravnosti, ki predstavlja eno izmed temeljih načel instituta osebnega stečaja, je, da se v postopku osebnega stečaja upnike enakopravno obravnava oz. poplača v enakih deležih. V magistrskem delu je uvodoma proučena in predstavljena zakonska ureditev osebnega stečaja v Sloveniji, ki so je deležne insolventne in prezadolžene osebe. V osrednjem delu so proučene in predstavljene novosti novele ZFPPIPP-H. S predlaganimi zakonodajnimi rešitvami se posredno prispeva h krepitvi načela zagotavljanja optimalnih pogojev za poplačilo upnikov, ki izvirajo in jih zasledujejo Uncitralove zakonodajne smernice insolventnega prava (Uncitral legislative guide on insolvency law, 2005). Eden izmed bistvenih ciljev navedenih smernic je zagotovitev čim večje ohranitve dolžnikovega premoženja. Le na ta način se ob izjemi predpostavke, da dolžnik pred postopkom osebnega stečaja resnično ni imel ničesar v svoji lasti, zagotavlja, da upniki po koncu stečajnega postopka ne bodo ostali povsem brez poplačila. V delu je nadalje za jasnejšo in preglednejšo predstavo področja in dogajanja na področju osebnih stečajev izvedena analiza statističnih podatkov osebnih stečajev v Republiki Sloveniji. V nadaljevanju raziskave je proučena in na kratko predstavljena ureditev osebnega stečaja v tuji pravni ureditvi – Avstriji. Sledi primerjava ureditev osebnega stečaja med Slovenijo in Avstrijo. V sklepnem dejanju je podano razmišljanje o priporočilih in predlogih, s katerimi bi se lahko prispevalo k učinkovitejši ureditvi osebnega stečaja v Sloveniji. Dani predlogi bi imeli tudi posreden vpliv na večje zaupanje javnosti in udeležencev (predvsem upnikov) v institut osebnega stečaja in bi prispevali k izboljšanju njegove ureditve.
Keywords:osebni stečaj, postopek osebnega stečaja, insolventnost, odpust obveznosti, predlog predpisa ZFPPIPP-H, dolžnik, upnik, načelo.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:A. Zemljič
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-86128 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:180906755 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.01.2024
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Licensing start date:11.10.2023

Secondary language

Title:The arrangement of bankruptcy in the light of new legislation
Abstract:After 15 years of existence, the institute of personal bankruptcy is becoming more and more acceptable in our society. There has been an increase in how frequently people in hopeless situations with too much debt opt for it as well. Throughout the years, the institute of personal bankruptcy has gained popularity. Certain debtors, however, have been exploiting it to their advantage, despite being able to settle their obligations. Through concealing their assets, they aimed to achieve full debt forgiveness. The institute of personal bankruptcy primarily defends the realization of the right to repayment of creditors and a new start. Due to the principle of equality, which represents one of the fundamental principles of the institution of personal bankruptcy, in the personal bankruptcy procedure creditors must be treated equally, or repaid in equal shares. The master's thesis studies and presents the legal regulation of personal bankruptcy in Slovenia granted to those who are insolvent and deeply in debt. The central part studies and presents the novelties of the amendment of the ZFPPIPP-H (Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act). The proposed legislative solutions indirectly contribute to strengthening the principle of ensuring optimal conditions for the repayment of creditors, which originates and is pursued by the Uncitral legislative guide on insolvency law (2005). One of the essential goals of the aforementioned guidelines is ensuring that the debtor’s assets are preserved as much as possible. This is the only way to ensure that the creditors will not be left completely without repayment after the end of the bankruptcy procedure – with the exception of the assumption that the debtor had nothing in their possession before the personal bankruptcy procedure. For a clear and transparent presentation of the field and developments in personal bankruptcies, the thesis includes and analyzes statistical data on personal bankruptcies in the Republic of Slovenia. The research examines and briefly presents the regulation of personal bankruptcy in a foreign legal system – Austria. In the following part, Slovenia and Austria's personal bankruptcy arrangements are also compared. In the concluding part, the thesis provides a reflection on recommendations and proposals that may contribute to a more effective regulation of personal bankruptcy in Slovenia. Given suggestions would indirectly impact the increased trust of the public and participants (mainly creditors) in the institute of personal bankruptcy, as well as contribute to the improvement of its regulation.
Keywords:bankruptcy, personal bankruptcy proceeding, insolvency, remission of liabilities, ZFPPIPP-H regulation, debtor, creditor, principle.


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