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Title:Analiza zaposlitvene funkcije in dejavnikov zaposlenosti na primeru evropskih držav
Authors:ID Rihtarič, Gregor (Author)
ID Boršič, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Rihtaric_Gregor_2023.pdf (3,98 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Zaposlenost se uvršča med ključne segmente trga dela in gospodarstva, saj je neprestano podvržena številnim spremembam, novitetam in trendom, njeni učinki pa se izkazujejo tudi izven meja gospodarstva. V preteklih desetletij so se spremembe na trgu dela odražale v različnih smereh. Ena izmed najvidnejših je v sestavi trga dela, kjer je prišlo do enormnega povečanja deleža žensk, pri katerih so stopnje zaposlenosti in participacije močno narasle, in sočasnega zniževanja deleža in stopenj pri starejših moških. Delež mladih na trgu dela v razvitih državah upada, saj namesto zgodnejšega vstopa na trg dlje časa ostajajo v izobraževanju. Aktualno na trgu dela prevladujejo različni trendi, med katerimi pa sta najbolj izrazita presežek delovne sile v manj razvitih državah ter primanjkljaj in staranje delovne sile v nekaterih razvitih državah, kjer se ta odraža v povečevanju deleža starejših starostnih skupin na trgu, rastoči srednji starosti in pričakovani življenjski dobi ob rojstvu. Ob vsem tem je bilo dogajanje v zadnjih treh letih pogojeno izbruhu pandemije bolezni Covid-19 in zajezitvenim ukrepom. Kadar se ukvarjamo z zaposlenostjo, je pomembno dobro razumevanje dejavnikov in mehanizmov, ki povzročijo njene spremembe, saj lahko s tem razložimo številna dogajanja v gospodarstvu in družbi. Na eni strani na zaposlenost vplivajo ekonomski dejavniki, kot so gospodarska rast, izvoz in investicije, na drugi pa imajo vse večji vpliv neekonomski, kot so demografske spremembe, izobrazba in tehnologija. V empiričnem delu smo na podlagi panelnih podatkov za 31 držav (države članice Evropske Unije, Švica, Norveška, Islandija in Velika Britanija) v obdobju med letoma 2000 in 2021 skonstruirali regresijski model združenih podatkov, model fiksnih in model slučajnih učinkov. Na podlagi izvedene ekonometrične analize zaposlitvene funkcije smo ugotovili pozitivno zvezo med zaposlenostjo in izvozom, potrošnjo, inflacijo in šibko pozitivno povezavo z izdatki za plače ter negativno povezavo med zaposlenostjo in pričakovanimi leti šolanja, pričakovano življenjsko dobo ob rojstvu in opravljenimi delovnimi urami.
Keywords:zaposlenost, zaposlitvena funkcija, trg dela, panelni podatki, ekonometrija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:G. Rihtarič
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85883 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:170167555 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2023
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Licensing start date:17.09.2023

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the employment function and employment factors in the case of european countries
Abstract:Employment is among the key segments of the labour market and the economy, as it is constantly subject to numerous changes, innovations, and trends, whereby its effects extend beyond the boundaries of the economy. In past decades, changes in the labour market could been seen in various ways. One of the most prominent is in the composition of the market, where there has been a significant increase in the proportion of women, leading to a substantial rise in employment and participation rates for them, and a simultaneous decrease in the employment rates of older men. The proportion of young people in the labour market in developed countries is declining, as they are staying longer in education instead of entering the market earlier. Currently there are two main trends, namely an excess of labour force in less developed countries and labour shortages and ageing of the workforce in some developed countries, which is reflected in the increasing share of older age groups in the labour market, rising median age and life expectancy at birth. Additionally, the developments in the past three years were influenced by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and containment measures. When studying employment, it is essential to have a good understanding of the factors and mechanisms that lead to its changes, as this can help explain various events in the economy and society. On one side, economic factors such as economic growth, exports and investments influence employment, while on the other side, non-economic factors like demographic changes, education and technology have an increasingly significant impact. In the empirical part, we constructed a pooled OLS regression model, fixed effects model and random effects model based on panel data of 31 countries (EU members, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and United Kingdom) for the period between the year 2000 and 2021. The results of the econometric analysis of the employment function shows a positive relationship between employment and export, consumption, inflation and a weak positive relationship with wage expenditures, and a negative relationship between employment and expected years of schooling, life expectancy at birth and hours worked.
Keywords:employment, employment function, labour market, panel data, econometrics


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