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Title:O anšlusu pred anšlusom: vprašanje priključitve avstrije nemčiji v luči slovenskega tiska v dvajsetih letih : vprašanje priključitve Avstrije Nemčiji v luči slovenskega tiska v dvajsetih letih
Authors:ID Arih, Miha (Author)
ID Rahten, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Arih_Miha_2023.pdf (1,76 MB)
MD5: CE9FD22637C0A953678C84DCC01131E9
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Politični in finančni položaj Avstrije je bil v začetku dvajsetih let skrajno nezavidljiv. Država se je soočala z gospodarskimi in finančnimi težavami, socialnimi nemiri in splošno nestabilnostjo. Z določili Senžermenske pogodbe zapovedana prepoved priključitve Nemčiji je med avstrijskim prebivalstvom izzvala močno neodobravanje in nasprotovanje. Občutka, da mu je kratena pravica do samoodločbe, se avstrijski narod ni in ni mogel otresti. Kljub prepovedi in težkim pogojem pa se je priključitvena dejavnost neprestano odvijala. Vse od začetka dvajsetih let so v Avstriji obstajale in se kazale močne tendence po priključitvi, finančne težave pa so jih še stopnjevale. Grožnje po ukinitvi mednarodne finančne pomoči so v določeni meri sicer uspešno umirjale nazorno izkazovanje podpore anšlusu, a je ideja v glavah in srcih Avstrijcev tlela še naprej. Še več, Avstrijci so finančno situacijo nemalokrat izkoristili za grožnje z anšlusom in tako uspešno manipulirali z mednarodno skupnostjo. Medtem ko je bila v precejšnjem delu prve polovice dvajsetih let avstrijska politika do določene mere zadržana, pa se je v drugi polovici desetletja to korenito spremenilo. Glasovi uradnih avstrijskih političnih krogov so postajali vse glasnejši in odločnejši. Glede na število priključitvenih dejavnosti, v katerih so bili ti politiki ne zgolj zasebno, temveč tudi javno udeleženi, je moč sklepati, da se morebitnih posledic svojih dejanj več niso bali in so precej prosto izražali svoja stališča. Večji del politike je še vedno ostal dovolj zmeren, da je Avstrija uspešno ohranjala politične in gospodarske stike s sosedami in z drugimi državami, s tem pa v določeni meri pridobivala tudi na mednarodnem ugledu. Podporo anšlusu je vse bolj javno zagovarjala tudi nemška stran. Slednja je imela pri izražanju svojih stališč pogosto mnogo manj zadržkov kot avstrijska stran. Mednarodna skupnost je videnemu nasprotovala, a ni bila pripravljena zaustaviti zakonodajnih, političnih, religijskih, kulturnih in drugih prizadevanj za končno priključitev Avstrije Nemčiji. Dvajseta leta so bila tako za pripravo na anšlus ključna in so imeniten prikaz političnega teka na dolge proge.
Keywords:anšlus, priključitev, dvajseta leta, slovenski tisk, Avstrija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:M. Arih
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VII, 153 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85807 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:166882819 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.10.2023
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:13.09.2023

Secondary language

Title:About the anschluss before the anschluss: the question of the annexation of austria to germany perceived by the slovenian press in the twenties : magistrsko delo
Abstract:The political and financial position of Austria in the early twenties was extremely unenviable. The country faced economic and financial problems, social unrest, and general instability. The prohibition of German annexation, as mandated by the provisions of the Treaty of Saint-Germain, sparked strong disapproval and opposition among the Austrian population. The Austrian people did not, and could not, shake the feeling that their right to self-determination was being denied. Despite the ban and challenging conditions, annexation activities persisted. Since the early twenties, strong tendencies toward annexation have existed and manifested themselves in Austria, with financial problems intensifying these desires. Threats to cancel international financial aid were partially successful in calming the overt expression of support for the Anschluss, but the idea persisted in the minds and hearts of Austrians. Furthermore, Austrians leveraged the financial situation on numerous occasions to wield the threat of Anschluss, thereby effectively manipulating the international community. During a significant portion of the first half of the 1920s, Austrian politics were, to some extent, restrained. However, in the second half of the decade, this changed radically as the voices of official Austrian political circles grew louder and more determined. Considering the numerous annexation activities in which these politicians were not only privately but also publicly involved, it can be concluded that they were no longer afraid of the potential consequences of their actions and were expressing their views quite openly. For the most part, Austrian politics remained moderate enough for Austria to successfully maintain political and economic contacts with its neighbours and other countries, thus gaining a certain level of international reputation. Additionally, support for the Anschluss was increasingly openly advocated by the German side. The latter often had fewer reservations than the Austrian side when it came to expressing their views. While the international community opposed what they perceived, they were not ready to halt the legislative, political, religious, cultural, and other efforts aimed at the eventual annexation of Austria by Germany. The Twenties were crucial in preparing for the Anschluss and serve as a notable example of political long-distance manoeuvring.
Keywords:Anschluss, annexation, the Twenties, Slovenian Press, Austria


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