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Title:Izvirna pridobitev lastninske pravice na nepremičnini s priposestvovanjem in prisilno prodajo : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Kuzmič, Vid (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kuzmic_Vid_2023.pdf (1,45 MB)
MD5: C770FB9A466E0DFC3055C368B1AF37E1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Lastninska pravica se lahko pridobi tako na izviren kot tudi na izveden način. V magistrski nalogi sta podrobneje predstavljena izvirna načina pridobitve lastninske pravice s priposestvovanjem in s prisilno prodajo. V primeru pridobitve lastninske pravice na izviren način lastninska pravica pridobitelja nastane na novo, ne glede na to, ali je stvar imela lastnika pred pridobitvijo ali ne. Prav tako na novo pridobljena lastninska pravica ni v ničemer vezana na morebitne omejitve, ki so bremenile lastninsko pravico prejšnjega lastnika. Do izvirne pridobitve pride ne glede na voljo prejšnjega imetnika lastninske pravice, včasih pa celo proti njegovi volji. Priposestvovanje sodi med pridobitve lastninske pravice na podlagi zakona, za katere je značilno, da se lastninska pravica pridobi v trenutku izpolnitve vseh zakonsko določenih pogojev. Predpostavke, ki so določene za pridobitev lastninske pravice s priposestvovanjem, so: dobrovernost, lastniška posest in pretek časa. Ne glede na velik vpliv nemškega stvarnega prava na slovensko stvarno pravo, lahko opazimo pri priposestvovanju bistvene razlike, med njimi lahko izpostavimo, da nemško pravo za nepremičnine ne določa pogoja dobrovernosti in da ne pozna instituta zunajknjižnega priposestvovanja. V nadaljevanju se magistrsko delo osredotoči na pridobitev lastninske pravice preko prisilne prodaje, kamor spadata tako prodaja v izvršilnem postopku kot tudi prodaja v stečajnem postopku. Prodaja v izvršilnem postopku in prodaja v stečajnem postopku sodita med pridobitve lastninske pravice z odločbo državnega organa. V okviru izvršilnega postopka sta pomembna sklep o domiku in sklep o izročitvi nepremičnine kupcu. V okviru stečajnega postopka pa je pomemben predvsem sklep o izročitvi nepremičnine kupcu. Posebej je poudarjeno vprašanje dobrovernosti v okviru pridobitve lastninske pravice s prisilno prodajo, predvsem zaradi pomena dobre vere na stvarnopravnem področju. Vrhovno sodišče upošteva sklicevanje na kupčevo nedobrovernost šele v primeru, ko tožnik zatrjuje, da je šlo pri prodaji za zlorabo. Običajna nedobrovernost se ne upošteva, saj gre za originarno pridobitev. Ima pa lastnik nepremičnine v izvršilnem postopku na voljo ugovor tretjega in tožbo na nedopustnost izvršbe, v stečajnem postopku pa izločitveno pravico, s katerimi lahko ob uspehu prepreči prodajo. Vsa obravnavana področja v magistrskem delu so podkrepljena s sodno prakso, ki se je izoblikovala skozi številne odločitve sodišč v zadnjih letih.
Keywords:lastninska pravica, izvirna pridobitev lastninske pravice, priposestvovanje, prisilna prodaja, izvršilni postopek, stečajni postopek
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:V. Kuzmič
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (89 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85706 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:168810499 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.10.2023
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:06.09.2023

Secondary language

Title:Original acquisition of the right of ownership in immovable property by prescription and enforced sale
Abstract:The right of ownership can be acquired in both original and derivative forms. The Master's thesis discusses in more detail the two original ways of acquiring the right of ownership: by prescription and by enforced sale. In the case of an original acquisition, the acquirer's right of ownership is created anew, regardless of whether or not the thing had an owner before the acquisition. Nor is the newly acquired right of ownership in any way bound by any restrictions that may have encumbered the right of ownership of the previous owner. The original acquisition takes place regardless of the will of the previous title-holder, and sometimes even against his will. Prescription is one of the acquisitions of an ownership right on the basis of an Act, characterised by the fact that right of ownership is acquired when all the conditions laid down by an Act are fulfilled. The conditions laid down for the acquisition of the right of ownership by prescription are: good faith, possession and lapse of time. Notwithstanding the great influence of German property law on Slovenian property law, significant differences can be observed in the case of prescription, including the fact that German law does not impose a condition of good faith on immovable property and that it does not provide for the institute of extra-registered prescription. The Master's thesis then focuses on the acquisition of an ownership right through enforced sales, which include both sales in enforcement proceedings and sales in bankruptcy proceedings. Both enforcement and bankruptcy sales are acquisitions of an ownership right on the basis of a decision, issued by a state authority. In the case of enforcement proceedings, the relevant decisions are: a decision for the transfer of title on immovable property and a decision ordering delivery of the immovable property to the buyer. In the case of bankruptcy proceedings the important decision is decision on delivery of the immovable property to the purchaser. The issue of good faith in the context of the acquisition of an ownership right by enforced sale is particularly highlighted, in particular because of the importance of good faith in the area of property law. The Supreme Court considers the plea of the buyer's lack of good faith only where the claimant alleges that the sale was abusive. Ordinary bad faith is not taken into account as it is an original aquisition. However, the owner of the property has third party objection and action for inadmissibility of enforcement, and an exclusion right in bankruptcy proceedings, which, if successful, may prevent the sale. All the areas discussed in the Master's thesis are supported by case-law which has been developed through a number of court decisions in recent years.
Keywords:right of ownership (ownership right), original acquisition of the right of ownership, prescription, enforced sale, enforcement proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings


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