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Title:Ukrepi za izboljšanje zaposljivosti diplomantov s kadrovskega področja
Authors:ID Andonov, Adrijana (Author)
ID Novak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jerebic, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Andonov_Adrijana_2023.pdf (2,65 MB)
MD5: D5FA060038CB23C9BC0E6BC5999B8150
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V magistrskem delu, ki je nadaljevanje našega diplomskega dela »Pričakovanja delodajalcev glede kompetenc diplomantov s kadrovskega področja«, smo raziskovali možnosti za izboljševanje zaposljivosti diplomantov s kadrovskega področja. Na podlagi znanstvene in strokovne literature ter javno dostopnih statističnih podatkov smo najprej opredelili vrste izobraževanj, nato pa navedli razlike med njimi. V nadaljevanju smo definirali razliko med kompetencami in veščinami ter nadaljevali z opisom mehkih in trdih veščin. Sledila je navedba definicije, vrst in oblik zaposlitve ter opis problematike zaposlovanja mladih v Sloveniji in tujini. Teoretični del smo zaključili s predstavitvijo trendov v HRM. V empiričnem delu smo preko zaposlitvenega portala pridobili informacije o zahtevah delodajalcev na področju kadrovskega managementa. Sestavljeni seznam iskanih kompetenc smo dali v samooceno študentov zaključnih letnikov kadrovske smeri na FOV UM. Rezultati raziskave so nam pokazali, da so samoocene iskanih kompetenc študentov dokaj nižje od pričakovanja delodajalcev. Poleg tega smo študente povpraševali o predlogih za izboljšanje njihove zaposljivosti. Ugotovili smo, da je lahko priročnik za študente prvi korak v smeri vplivanja za lažji prehod s študija v zaposlitev. Podali smo predloge za izboljšanje zaposljivosti diplomantov s kadrovskega področja, ki so namenjeni posameznikom, fakultetam in državi. Menimo, da smo z magistrskim delom prispevali k širši razpravi o krepitvi zaposljivosti diplomantov, potrebi po stalnem prilagajanju študijskih programov in učnih načrtov ter k razvoju večje samoiniciativnosti študentov, ki jim bo koristila tako na področju študija kot tudi na drugih področjih življenja. Prav tako smo na podlagi ugotovitev oblikovali priročnik, ki bo študente kadrovske smeri usmerjal k razvijanju kompetenc za vključitev na trg dela.
Keywords:diplomanti, ukrepi, zaposljivost, kadrovski management, neformalno izobraževanje
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85489 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:171682563 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Measures to improve the employability of hr graduates
Abstract:In the master thesis, which is a continuation of our bachelor thesis "Employers' expectations of HR graduates' competences", we explored the possibilities for improving the employability of HR graduates. Based on scientific and professional literature and publicly available statistical data, we first identified the types of training and then listed the differences between them. We then define the difference between competencies and skills and go on to describe soft and hard skills. This was followed by a definition, types and forms of employment, and a description of youth employment issues in Slovenia and abroad. The theoretical part was concluded with a presentation of trends in HRM. In the empirical part, we obtained information on employers' requirements in the field of HRM via a job portal. The list of competencies we had compiled was given to students of the final year of HR studies at FOV UM for self-assessment. The results of the survey showed that students' self-assessments of the competencies they were looking for were quite lower than employers' expectations. In addition, we asked students for suggestions on how to improve their employability. We found that a student handbook can be a first step towards influencing the transition from study to employment. We have made proposals to improve the employability of HR graduates, aimed at individuals, faculties, and the country. We believe that our master’s thesis has contributed to the broader debate on enhancing graduate employability, the need for continuous adaptation of study programmes and curricula, and the development of greater student self-initiative, which will benefit them both in their studies and in other areas of their lives. The findings have also led to the development of a handbook to guide HR students in developing competences for integration into the labour market. In the master thesis, which is a continuation of our bachelor thesis "Employers' expectations of HR graduates' competences", we explored the possibilities for improving the employability of HR graduates. Based on scientific and professional literature and publicly available statistical data, we first identified the types of training and then listed the differences between them. We then define the difference between competencies and skills and go on to describe soft and hard skills. This was followed by a definition, types and forms of employment, and a description of youth employment issues in Slovenia and abroad. The theoretical part was concluded with a presentation of trends in HRM. In the empirical part, we obtained information on employers' requirements in the field of HRM via a job portal. The list of competencies we had compiled was given to students of the final year of HR studies at FOV UM for self-assessment. The results of the survey showed that students' self-assessments of the competencies they were looking for were quite lower than employers' expectations. In addition, we asked students for suggestions on how to improve their employability. We found that a student handbook can be a first step towards influencing the transition from study to employment. We have made proposals to improve the employability of HR graduates, aimed at individuals, faculties, and the country. We believe that our master’s thesis has contributed to the broader debate on enhancing graduate employability, the need for continuous adaptation of study programmes and curricula, and the development of greater student self-initiative, which will benefit them both in their studies and in other areas of their lives. The findings have also led to the development of a handbook to guide HR students in developing competences for integration into the labour market.
Keywords:graduates, measures, employability, human resource management, non-formal education


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