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Title:Učinki osamitve na mentalno zdravje zapornikov : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Moćić, Angelina (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: F70B2591502A4635976A6D1EE8C518BF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Osamitev je oblika kaznovanja, ki so jo uporabljali že vrsto let pred nami. Je kazen, s katero je človeku odvzet vsak človeški stik, omejeni so skoraj vsi njegovi čuti, saj so celice v katerih preživljajo 23 ur na dan, majhne, temne in velikokrat nehigienične. Mnogi v takšnih pogojih preživijo tedne, mesece ali celo leta, kar pa na njih pusti resne psihološke, kakor tudi fizične posledice, prav zato je namen tega zaključnega dela analizirati učinke osamitve na mentalno zdravje zapornikov. S pregledom literature so preučeni izsledki predhodno izvedenih študij o učinkih samice na zapornike. Uporabljena metodologija je vključevala analizo literature iz prejšnjih raziskav na tem področju. Ugotovljeno je, da so negativni učinki osamitve na mentalno zdravje zapornikov očitni. Duševno zdravje zapornikov v osamitvi je bilo slabše kot duševno zdravje zapornikov v splošni populaciji, tisti, ki so v osamitvi preživeli dlje časa, pa so imeli hujše psihične posledice. Posledice ugotovitev so pomembne ne le za zapore, temveč za socialne, politične in kazenskopravne sisteme na splošno, saj poudarjajo potrebo po reviziji trenutnih politik osamitve. Potrebno je uvesti nove ukrepe, ki obsojencev ne bodo izpostavljali dolgotrajnim psihološkim preganjanjem in bodo prispevali k njihovemu rehabilitacijskemu počutju. Če povzamemo, ta študija zagotavlja dokaze, da je samica škodljiva za duševno zdravje zapornikov. Nujna sta ozaveščenost in celostni pristop k sprejetim ukrepom za izboljšanje blaginje zaporniških sistemov. Cilj tega zaključnega dela je poudariti potrebo, da se oblikovalci politik, izvajalci praks in raziskovalci spopadejo z izzivi, s katerimi se soočajo zaporniki v zvezi z njihovim duševnim zdravjem v osamitvi.
Keywords:zaporniki, osamitev, izolacija, mentalno zdravje, duševne motnje, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Žurga
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:VI f., [36] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85299 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:167170563 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.10.2023
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Licensing start date:24.08.2023

Secondary language

Title:The effects of solitary confinement on the mental health of prisoners
Abstract:Solitary confinement is a form of punishment that has been used for many years before us. It is a punishment by which a person is deprived of all human contact, almost all of his senses are limited, because the cells in which they spend 23 hours a day are small, dark and often unhygienic. Many spend weeks, months or even years in such conditions, which leaves them with serious psychological as well as physical consequences, which is why the purpose of this final work is to analyze the effects of solitary confinement on the mental health of prisoners. Through a review of the literature, the findings of previously conducted studies on the effects of solitary confinement on prisoners are examined. The methodology used included an analysis of literature from previous research in this area. It has been found that the negative effects of solitary confinement on the mental health of prisoners are evident. The mental health of prisoners in solitary confinement was worse than the mental health of prisoners in the general population, and those who spent longer periods in solitary suffered more severe psychological consequences. The implications of the findings are important not only for prisons, but for social, political and criminal justice systems in general, as they highlight the need to revise current solitary confinement policies. It is necessary to introduce new measures that will not expose convicts to long-term psychological persecution and will contribute to their rehabilitative well-being. In summary, this study provides evidence that solitary confinement is detrimental to the mental health of prisoners. Awareness and a holistic approach to measures taken to improve the welfare of prison systems are essential. This concluding paper aims to highlight the need for policy makers, practitioners and researchers to address the challenges faced by prisoners in relation to their mental health in solitary confinement.
Keywords:prison, mental health, solitary confinement, isolation, mental disorders


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