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Title:Poslovanje brez lastne zaloge - poslovni model dropshipping
Authors:ID Breznikar, Aleksander (Author)
ID Bradač Hojnik, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Breznikar_Aleksander_2023.pdf (1,30 MB)
MD5: F537D55876FF4B37400BCCE49B186B6C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo opredeljevali poslovni model dropshipping, preučili njegov izvor, kako je nanj vplival pojav interneta, preučili smo njegove prednosti in slabosti, kako lahko podjetnik ustanovi spletno trgovino, kaj pri tem potrebuje in kakšen je splošni postopek ustanovitve podjetja. Nato smo opisali podjetje Alibaba Group Holding Limited, ki predstavlja eno večjih svetovnih podjetij, usmerjenih v spletno prodajo. Spoznali smo vizijo in misijo podjetja ter pomembne mejnike v zgodovini njegovega delovanja, da smo lahko v empiričnem delu bolje razumeli nekatere ugotovitve. V teoretičnem delu smo poleg poslovnega modela dropshipping raziskali tudi druge poslovne modele, ki temeljijo na poslovanju brez lastne zaloge. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo orodja Google Trends raziskali popularnost ključne besede »dropshipping« v spletnem brskalniku Google. Spoznali smo napovedi rasti razširjenosti poslovnega modela dropshipping v prihodnosti. Preučili smo rast sredstev, dobička in prihodkov podjetja Alibaba Group Holding Limited za opazovano obdobje in ugotavljali povezavo med rastjo prihodkov podjetja in večanjem popularnosti ključne besede »dropshipping« po zgoraj omenjenem postopku. Preučevali smo tudi sestavo prihodkov podjetja Alibaba Group Holding Limited.
Keywords:dropshipping, poslovanje brez lastne zaloge, podjetništvo, Alibaba Holding Group Limited, internet, analiza podjetja, spletna prodaja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:A. Breznikar
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85269 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:168602115 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.10.2023
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:24.08.2023

Secondary language

Title:Running a business without own stock - dropshipping business model
Abstract:The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part, we defined the dropshipping business model, studied its origin, how it was affected by the advent of the Internet, we studied its advantages and disadvantages, how an entrepreneur can set up an online store, what he needs and what is the general process of setting up a company in Slovenia. Next, we described the company Alibaba Group Holding Limited, which represents one of the world's largest companies focused on online sales. We got to know the vision and mission of the company and some important milestones in the history of its operation, so that we could better understand some of the findings in the empirical work. In the theoretical part, in addition to the dropshipping business model, we also looked for other business models based on operating without own stock. In the empirical work, we used the Google Trends tool to increase the popularity of dropshipping keywords in the Google web browser. We have learned the predictions of the prevalence of the dropshipping business model in the future. We examined the asset growth, revenue gain of Alibaba Group Holding Limited for the observed period and found a correlation between the company's revenue growth and the increased popularity of the keywords 'dropshipping' through the process mentioned above. We also looked at the composition of Alibaba Group Holding Limited's revenue.
Keywords:dropshipping, business without own stock, entrepreneurship, Alibaba Holding Group Limited, internet, company analysis, online sales


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