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Title:Nosljive naprave in preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Češljar, Isabel (Author)
ID Slak, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 2B12A93C11405525B6DD74F8A46FB676
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Nosljive naprave so elektronske naprave, ki se nosijo, uporabljajo ali zaužijejo in so zasnovane za merjenje ali zajemanje podatkov v digitalni obliki brez posredovanja uporabnika. Dve izmed najbolj priljubljenih vrst nosljivih naprav sta pametne ure in sledilniki aktivnosti. Gre za naprave, ki zaradi skorajda celodnevne prisotnosti na ali v bližini osebe ustvarijo ogromno količino podatkov. Posledično lahko informacije, ki jih pridobimo iz takšnih naprav, služijo kot dokaz v kazenskem postopku. Cilj zaključnega dela je zbrati in predstaviti ugotovitve že izvedenih raziskav o nosljivih napravah tako, da bi omogočale preiskovalcem dobro razumevanje pridobljenih podatkov za potrebe dokazovanja v kazenskem postopku. V delu najprej pojasnimo nekaj temeljnih pojmov, kot so internet stvari in storitve v oblaku, nosljive naprave in digitalna forenzika. Nato opišemo proces pridobitve podatkov iz takšnih naprav in naštejemo, katere podatke o žrtvi in storilcu kaznivega dejanja lahko iz njih pridobimo. Osredotočimo se še na izzive, povezane z nosljivimi napravami v povezavi s preiskovanjem kaznivih dejanj, in ali so podatki, pridobljeni iz takih naprav, dopustni kot dokaz v kazenskem postopku v Sloveniji. V zaključku povzamemo glavne ugotovitve: Proces pridobitve podatkov iz nosljivih naprav je zelo podoben pridobivanju podatkov iz ostalih naprav, a z nekaj edinstvenimi izzivi, kot so npr. netočnost časa in datuma, odvisnost naprave od GPS, raznolikost naprav. Ključni podatki o kaznivem dejanju, ki jih lahko izvemo, so podatki, ki kažejo na čas in lokacijo smrti žrtve, pot gibanja žrtve ali storilca, občutek vznemirjenja, omamljenost žrtve, ali pa ti podatki kako drugače podprejo ali omajajo resničnost osumljenčevega alibija. V slovenskem kazenskem postopku bi bili lahko takšni dokazi dopustni, če zanje velja avtentičnost, integriteta, preverljivost, vsebinska celovitost in zanesljivost.
Keywords:nosljive naprave, digitalna forenzika, preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:I. Češljar
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:V f., [48] str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-85140 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:163853827 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.09.2023
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Licensing start date:20.08.2023

Secondary language

Title:Wearable devices and criminal investigation
Abstract:Wearable devices are electronic devices that are worn, used or ingested and are designed to measure or capture data in digital form without user intervention. Two of the most popular types of wearable devices are smart watches and activity trackers. These are devices that generate a huge amount of data by being on or near a person almost all day. As a result, the information obtained from such devices can serve as evidence in criminal proceedings. The aim of this thesis is to compile and present the findings of the research already carried out on wearable devices in a way that would allow investigators to have a good understanding of the data obtained for the purpose of evidence in criminal proceedings. In the thesis, we first explain some basic concepts such as the Internet of Things and cloud services, wearable devices and digital forensics. We then describe the process of retrieving data from wearable devices and list what information about the victim and the offender can be retrieved from them. We also focus on the challenges related to wearable devices in the context of criminal investigations and whether data obtained from such devices are admissible as evidence in criminal proceedings in Slovenia. In the conclusion, we summarise the findings: The process of retrieving data from wearable devices is very similar to retrieving data from other devices, but with some unique challenges, such as inaccuracy of time and date, dependency of the device on GPS, variety of devices. Key information about the crime that can be obtained includes the time and location of the victim’s death, the victim’s or perpetrator’s path of movement, the sense of agitation, the victim's intoxication, or it can otherwise support or undermine the veracity of the suspect's alibi. Such evidence could be admissible in Slovenian criminal proceedings if it is authentic, virtuous, verifiable, substantively complete and reliable.
Keywords:wearables, digital forensics, criminal investigation


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