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Title:Aktualna vprašanja hipotekarnega prava s pregledom najnovejše sodne prakse : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Hvalec, Eva (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Hvalec_Eva_2023.pdf (976,70 KB)
MD5: 21F029DD80339B15D2232CC52C265CC2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava nekatera aktualna vprašanja hipotekarnega prava, v okviru katerih je teoretičnemu delu, ki je tvorjen iz predstavitve relevantnih zakonskih pravil ter stališč slovenskih pravnih strokovnjakov, dodan širok pregled novejše sodne prakse, ki bralcu omogoča vpogled v to, kako se pravna pravila v zadnjih letih udejanjajo v konkretnih življenjskih primerih. Posebna pozornost je namenjena vprašanju ekstenzivnosti hipoteke, hipoteki za zavarovanje tujega dolga, pravnim posledicam začetka stečajnega postopka za hipoteko kot ločitveno pravico, izbranima vprašanjema v zvezi z maksimalno hipoteko (prenosu z maksimalno hipoteko zavarovanih terjatev in zaznambi neposredne izvršljivosti notarskega zapisa pri maksimalni hipoteki), utesnitvi hipoteke, učinkom sodne in zunajsodne uveljavitve hipoteke na poznejše izvedene stvarne pravice, notarski prodaji zaradi zunajsodne uveljavitve hipoteke ter prepovedanim dogovorom pri hipoteki (predvsem komisornemu dogovoru in pravni operaciji sale and lease back). Čeprav magistrsko delo sodi na področje stvarnega prava, se pri obravnavanju posameznih vprašanj dotika tudi področij izvršilnega, stečajnega in obligacijskega prava. Ali se hipoteka razteza tudi na sončno elektrarno, ki je postavljena na zemljišču? Od koga lahko hipotekarni upnik zahteva poplačilo v primerih, ko glavni dolžnik, ki je pravna oseba, preneha zaradi stečaja? Kaj mora storiti hipotekarni upnik, če je nad dolžnikom začet stečajni postopek? Kakšni so učinki uveljavitve hipoteke na poznejše izvedene stvarne pravice in kakšna je usoda najemnikov ob prodaji nepremičnine, izvedene zaradi uveljavitve hipoteke? Kdaj je s pravno operacijo sale and lease back kršena prepoved komisornega dogovora? Odgovori na ta in številna druga vprašanja so v magistrskem delu podani sistematično, znotraj posameznih poglavij. Posamezna vprašanja magistrsko delo povezuje v ugotovitvi, da je pri nekaterih pravnih pravilih mogoče zaznati določene pomanjkljivosti, ki bi jih bilo v zasledovanju cilja učinkovite ureditve pravnega instituta hipoteke potrebno ustrezno spremeniti oziroma dopolniti. Predstavljene so nekatere možne rešitve, ki bi pripomogle k temu, da hipoteka svoj ugled ter osrednje mesto med zavarovanji terjatev ohrani tudi v prihodnje.
Keywords:hipoteka, zastavna pravica na nepremičninah, ekstenzivnost hipoteke, hipoteka za zavarovanje tujega dolga, hipoteka kot ločitvena pravica, maksimalna hipoteka, utesnitev hipoteke, notarska prodaja, sale and lease back
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:E. Hvalec
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (82 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84650 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:164007683 New window
Note:Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Publication date in DKUM:11.09.2023
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:04.07.2023

Secondary language

Title:Current mortgage law issues with an overview of the latest case law
Abstract:This master's thesis addresses specific current issues of mortgage law. The theoretical part, which includes an overview of the relevant legal rules as well as the perspectives of Slovenian legal experts, is supplemented by a broad overview of the latest case law, giving the reader an insight into how the legal rules have been implemented in concrete real-life cases in recent years. Individual chapters are devoted to the issue of mortgage extensiveness, mortgages to secure foreign debts, the legal consequences of the opening of a bankruptcy proceeding for a mortgage as a right of separate satisfaction, selected issues relating to the maximum mortgage (the transfer of claims secured by the maximum mortgage and the note of directly enforceable notarial deed in the case of the maximum mortgage), mortgage modification, the effect of judicial and extrajudicial enforcement of the mortgage on subsequent derivative real rights, notarial sale for the purpose of extrajudicial enforcement of the mortgage, and prohibited arrangements in mortgages (notably the pactum commissorium and the sale and leaseback transaction). Although the master's thesis falls within the area of property law, it also touches upon the areas of execution law, bankruptcy law and law of obligations. Does the mortgage also extend to the solar power plant installed on the land? From whom can a mortgage creditor claim repayment in cases where the main debtor, which is a juridical person, is dissoluted as a result of bankruptcy? What does a mortgage creditor need to do if an insolvency proceeding has been initiated against the debtor? What are the effects of the enforcement of a mortgage on the subsequent derivative real rights and what is the position of the tenants after the sale of the property enforced by the mortgage? When does a sale and leaseback breach the prohibition of a pactum commissorium? The answers to these and many other questions are presented systematically in the individual chapters of the master's thesis. All of the individual issues can be linked to the conclusion that some legal rules have certain shortcomings which should be amended or supplemented in order to achieve the objective of effective regulation of the mortgage. There are also presented some possible solutions that could help the mortgage to maintain its reputation and its central position among the insurances of receivable.
Keywords:mortgage, lien on real estate, mortgage extensiveness, mortgage to secure foreign debt, mortgage as a right of separate satisfaction, maximum mortgage, mortgage modification, notarial sale, sale and leaseback


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