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Title:Obvladovanje finančnih tveganj s pomočjo orodij finančne analize v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Projkov, Goran (Author)
ID Oplotnik, Žan Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Projkov_Goran_2024.pdf (1,95 MB)
MD5: 3ABAAB1C70778A5C45F164B4C0C88EF6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Današnje moderno gospodarsko in finančno okolje predstavljata zelo dinamično in nepredvidljivo »bojno polje«, na katerem mnoga podjetja izgubijo svoj položaj in boj. Današnji trg je zelo nestabilen in nepredvidljiv, konkurenca zelo velika, tržne razmere so negotove, poslovanje pa postaja precej tvegano. V takšnem času je zato zelo pomembno, da podjetja poskrbijo, uravnotežijo in utrdijo svoj finančni položaj in stanje na trgu. Tega sicer podjetja lahko dosežejo le s pomočjo in z uporabo ustrezne finančne analize, oz. s pomočjo orodij, ki jih le ta ponudi. Sodobna gospodarska znanost je razvila takšno finančno analizo, ki vsebuje veliko modelov, tehnik in metod, ki nam lahko pomagajo pri ugotavljanju različnih nepredvidljivih in za podjetja škodljivih dogodkov. Uporaba različnih orodij finančne analize nam omogoča poiskati odgovore na pomembna vprašanja v podjetju, kot so vprašanja, povezana s finančnim zdravjem in finančno stisko oz. krizo finančnega tveganja, optimalno strukturo kapitala itd. Prav tako predstavljajo pomemben segment sodobnega gospodarstva in poslovanja tudi finančna tveganja. Njihovo obvladovanje in upravljanje pa danes zahteva veliko preučevanj in analize, za katera podjetja posebej namenijo in porabijo dodatne vire. Ta proces pa ni enostaven in je del temeljito izvedene finančne analize, oz. njihovi napovedovalni moči. Globalni gospodarski in finančni krizi sta obvladovanje finančnih tveganj postavili v središče pozornosti akademske in strokovne javnosti. Obvladovanje finančnih tveganj je danes za podjetja, ki skrbijo za ustreznost svoje finančne strukture, usodnega pomena, kajti od tega so odvisne prihodnje strateške, poslovne in operativne odločitve in posledično doseganja zastavljenih ciljev. Magistrsko delo obravnava uporabnost orodij finančne analize za obvladovanje finančnih tveganj in napovedovanje finančne stiske v izbranem podjetju. S pomočjo finančnih kazalnikov smo analizirali in preučevali poslovanje izbrane družbe v dveh različnih kriznih obdobjih.
Keywords:obvladovanje finančnih tveganj, finančna kriza, finančna analiza, finančni kazalniki, globalna gospodarska kriza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:G. Projkov
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84636 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:199265539 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.06.2024
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:02.07.2023

Secondary language

Title:Financial risk management with the help of financial analysis tools in the selected company
Abstract:Today's modern economic and financial environment represents a very dynamic and unpredictable "battlefield" on which many companies lose their position and struggle. Today's market is very unstable and unpredictable, the competition is very high, market conditions are uncertain, and business is becoming quite risky. That is why it is very important for companies to take care of themselves, and to balance and strengthen their financial position and market situation. Companies can only achieve this with the help and use of appropriate financial analysis, or with the help of tools that are offered. Modern economic science has developed a financial analysis, that consists of many models, techniques and methods that can help us identify various unpredictable and business-damaging events. The use of various financial analysis tools allows us to find answers to important questions in the company, such as questions related to financial health and financial distress, financial risk crisis, optimal capital structure etc. Financial risks are also an important segment of the modern economy and business. However, their control and management today requires a lot of study and analysis, for which companies specifically allocate and spend additional resources. This process is not easy and is part of a thoroughly performed financial analysis, i.e. their predictive power. The global economic and financial crisis put financial risk management in the center of attention of the academic and professional public. Today, the management of financial risks is of vital importance for companies that care about the adequacy of their financial structure, because future strategic, business and operational decisions depend on it, and consequently the achievement of the set goals. This master's thesis deals with the usefulness of financial analysis tools for managing financial risks and predicting financial distress in a selected company. With the help of financial indicators we analyzed and studied the business performance of the selected company in two different crisis periods.
Keywords:Keywords: financial risk management, financial crisis, financial analysis, financial indicators, global economic crisis


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