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Title:Samoporočanje mladih o spremembah motivacije za potovanja po pandemiji COVID-19 : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Vučić, Milica (Author)
ID Turnšek, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vucic_Milica_2023.pdf (728,03 KB)
MD5: 4E65F4F14C7FF877223C631E146B94C7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:Pandemija COVIDA-19 je prišla kot popolna nevihta in je vplivala na spremembo vseh segmentov gospodarstva in življenja ljudi, vplivala je tudi na turizem in na same turiste. Raziskavo diplomskega dela smo izvedli na podlagi poglobljenih intervjujev z mladimi turisti. S pomočjo raziskave in že obstoječe literature smo ugotovili, da med mladimi ni zaznata pojava novih motivov za potovanja, vendar so mladi začeli bolj poudarjati nekatere druge potrebe, ki jim pred pandemijo niso bile pomembne. Zaradi karantene in omejenega gibanja med pandemijo COVIDA-19 mladi niso imeli možnosti za potovanja in odkrivanje novih krajev, kar je vplivalo na to, da so se po pandemiji pojavili novi načini potovanja in nove navade mladih. Ena glavnih sprememb, do katere je prišlo po pandemiji, je, da so mladi začeli dajati večji poudarek na higieno in varnost na potovanjih, potrebe po varnosti in higieni so postale eden izmed glavnih motivatorjev za potovanja. Poleg večje potrebe po higieni in varnosti so mladi po pandemiji postali bolj previdni pri izbiri destinacije, bolj so pozorni na ukrepe, priprave na samo potovanje pa trajajo dlje časa. Mladi turisti so bili preveč časa zaprti in niso imeli možnosti za potovanja, zato se je po pandemiji povečala želja za potovanjih, kar se kaže v »turizmu iz maščevanja«.
Keywords:mladi popotniki, potovanja, motivi, motivacija, COVID-19.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Brežice
Publisher:[M. Vučić]
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84604 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:167490051 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.10.2023
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:27.06.2023

Secondary language

Title:Youth self-reporting on changes in motivation for travelling after the COVID-19
Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic came as a storm and affected all segments of the economy and people's lives, as well as tourism and the tourists themselves. The thesis research was conducted based on in-depth interviews with young tourists. With the help of research and already existing literature, we found that there are no new motives for traveling among young tourists, but young tourists began to emphasize some other needs that were not important to them before the pandemic. Due to the quarantine and limited movement during the COVID-19 pandemic, young people did not have the opportunity to travel and discover new places, which influenced the emergence of new ways of traveling and new habits of young people after the pandemic. One of the main changes that occurred after the pandemic is that young tourists began to put more emphasis on hygiene and safety when traveling, the need for safety and hygiene became one of the main motivators for travel. In addition to the greater need for hygiene and safety, young people have become more careful when choosing a destination after the pandemic, they pay more attention to measures, and preparations for the trip itself take longer. Young tourists were locked up for too much time and did not have the opportunity to travel, so the desire to travel increased after the pandemic, which is reflected in "revenge tourism".
Keywords:young travelers, travel, motives, motivation, COVID-19.


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