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Title:Učenčevo razumevanje in poznavanje ljudskih pravljic : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Ritlop, Medeja (Author)
ID Kordigel Aberšek, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kerneža, Maja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Ritlop_Medeja_2024.pdf (2,14 MB)
MD5: EEBD35EFD066DDBA579E043D0435B059
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno poznavanje ljudskih pravljic, interes za branje in poslušanje ljudskih pravljic ter razumevanje ljudskih pravljic kot fantastične literarne vrste pri učencih. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, izvedena na eni od osnovnih šol, ki je vključevala učence 2. in 5. razreda. S polstrukturiranim intervjujem je zajetih 20 učencev in uporabljena je deskriptivno-kvalitativna študija primera. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, koliko učenci poznajo ljudske pravljice in razumejo njihov pomen. Predpostavljeno je bilo, da učenci 5. razreda bolje poznajo in razumejo ljudske pravljice kot učenci 2. razreda. Ugotavljalo se je, koliko učenci vedo o ljudskih pravljicah, ali jih razumejo kot fantastično književno vrsto ter njihov interes za branje in poslušanje teh pravljic, pri čemer je bila posebna pozornost namenjena razlikam med dečki in deklicami. Rezultati kažejo, da učenci 5. razreda bolje razumejo in prepoznavajo značilnosti ljudskih pravljic, kot so prenašanje skozi generacije in neznani avtorji. Znajo opredeliti več lastnosti pravljic, kot so poštenost in zmaga dobrega nad zlom. Učenci 2. razreda so našteli manj lastnosti, najpogosteje čudeže in čarobna bitja. Medtem ko učenci 5. razreda lažje prepoznavajo elemente pravljic, učenci 2. razreda kažejo večji interes za njihovo branje in poslušanje, saj jih še vedno pogosto prebirajo s starši. Učenci 5. razreda pa menijo, da so ljudske pravljice dolgočasne in namenjene mlajšim otrokom, saj raje berejo druga književna dela. Pridobljeni rezultati prispevajo k nadaljnjim raziskavam na področju razumevanja ljudskih pravljic in književne didaktike.
Keywords:Ljudske pravljice, osnovnošolski otroci, razumevanje, poznavanje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Ritlop]
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIII, 100 str., [1] str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84560 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:203244035 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Student's understanding and knowledge of folk tales
Abstract:The master's thesis explores the knowledge, interest and the understanding of folk tales as a fictional literary genre among students. An empirical study was conducted at an elementary school with 2nd and 5th grade students. Using semi-structured interviews, we engaged 20 students in descriptive qualitative case study. The research aimed to determine students' familiarity with folk tales and their significance, hypothesizing that 5th-grade students would have a better understand than 2nd graders. We examined students' knowledge of folk tales, their comprehension as a literary genre, and their interest in reading and listening to these stories, with attention to gender differences, results indicates that 5th grade students have a better grasp of folk tale characteristic, such as being passed down through generations and having unknown authors, and can identify attributes like honesty, and triumph of good over evil. In contrast, 2nd graders mentioned fewer attributes, mainly miracles and magical creatures. While 5th graders are more adept at recognizing tale elements, 2nd graders show greater interest in reading and listening to them, often with their parents. Conversely, 5th graders find folk tales boring and prefer other literary works. These findings can inform further research in folk tale reception and literary education.
Keywords:folk tales, primary school students, understanding, knowledge


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