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Title:Značilnosti uspešnega vodje
Authors:ID Vlahović, Petar (Author)
ID Nedelko, Zlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Vlahovic_Petar_2023.pdf (2,79 MB)
MD5: 3791CB3F85ACABE24E1D0D898718F1AC
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Vplivanje na druge ljude, motiviranje, usmerjanje njihovega dela, vse to je pomemben del vodenja. Na vodenje, kot enega od štirih procesov managementa, vpliva veliko dejavnikov, kot so: panoga podjetja, struktura zaposlenih, velikost podjetja, lastnosti in značilnosti vodje, veščine vodje idr. Tudi veliki vpliv na vodenje ima stil vodenja, ki ga vodja uporablja. Vodenje ne pomeni zgolj doseganje rezultatov podjetja, ampak tudi skrb za zaposlene in njihovo zadovoljstvo. Raziskovanjem, preučevanjem in analiziranjem procesa vodenja, vodji in managementa bomo ugotovili kaj pomeni uspešno vodenje, katere so značilnosti potrebne za uspešno vodenje, zakaj vsak ne more biti vodja in katere so razlike med managementom in vodenjem. Prav tako se bomo ukvarjali z vodenjem v konkretnem podjetju, imeli intervju z lastnikom tega podjetja in spoznali kaj on meni o vodenju in kakšen stil vodenja on uporablja. Diplomsko nalogo priporočamo vsakemu ki želi izvedeti več o vodenju, voditeljima in skuša uporabiti to znanje za izboljšanje svojega stila vodenja in uspešnosti svojega dela.
Keywords:vodenje, stil vodenja, management, vodja, manager, značilnosti vodje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:P. Vlahović
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84531 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:163459587 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.09.2023
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Licensing start date:19.06.2023

Secondary language

Title:Characteristics of succsessful leader
Abstract:Influencing other people, motivating them, directing their work, all this is an important part of leadership. Leadership, as one of the four processes of management, is influenced by many factors, such as: the company's industry, the structure of employees, the size of the company, the qualities and characteristics of the manager, the manager's skills, etc. The leadership style used by the leader also has a great impact on leadership. Management does not only mean achieving company results, but also caring for employees and their satisfaction. By researching, studying and analyzing the process of leadership, leaders and management, we will find out what successful leadership means, what characteristics are necessary for successful leadership, why not everyone can be a leader and what are the differences between management and leadership. We will also deal with management in a specific company, have an interview with the owner of this company and learn what he thinks about management and what style of management he uses. We recommend this thesis to anyone who wants to learn more about leadership, leaders and tries to use this knowledge to improve their leadership style and the effectiveness of their work.
Keywords:leadership, leadership style, leader, management, characteristics of a leader


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