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Title:Vloga glasbe in načrtovanje glasbenih dejavnosti v vrtcih montessori : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Laure, Maruša (Author)
ID Habe, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Denac, Olga (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Laure_Marusa_2023.pdf (5,33 MB)
MD5: AB794062E9211DA98414773257E13696
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Trenutna pedagoška teorija montessori in raziskovalna praksa nakazujeta, da je v pristopu montessori glasba v primerjavi z drugimi področji delovanja pogosto podcenjena. Z doktorsko disertacijo si prizadevamo pomembno prispevati k razvoju glasbene vzgoje v vrtcih montessori v Sloveniji in širše. Teoretični del doktorske disertacije obravnava opredelitev pedagogike montessori ter njenega mesta v slovenskem prostoru, osredotoča se na področje glasbe v omenjenem pristopu ter proučuje razvoj glasbenih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok. V slovenski prostor in širše uvaja natančno opredelitev didaktičnih smernic pristopa montessori, ki temeljijo na aktualnih spoznanjih pedagogike montessori, didaktike, psihologije, splošne pedagogike ter sorodnih ved. S pregledom stanja pedagogike montessori v Sloveniji proučujemo vlogo in položaj pristopa montessori znotraj slovenskega sistema predšolske vzgoje. Opredelitev razvoja glasbenih sposobnosti v predšolskem obdobju podaja sintezo literature s področja glasbenih sposobnosti, njihovega ocenjevanja ter faz v glasbenem razvoju predšolskih otrok. Teoretična izhodišča doktorske disertacije predstavljajo pomemben temelj, na katerem je zasnovan empirični del, ki sestoji iz treh faz raziskave. V prvi fazi raziskave smo želeli z uporabo kvalitativnega raziskovanja ugotoviti podobnosti in razlike na področju predšolske glasbene vzgoje med veljavnim javnim programom za vrtce in programi zasebnih vrtcev, ki delujejo po načelih pedagogike montessori. V drugi fazi raziskave smo preučevali kontekst, v katerega je postavljeno področje glasbe v vrtcih montessori, ter analizirali načrtovanje glasbene vzgoje z vidika strukture, zastopanosti glasbenih dejavnosti, metod, oblik in sredstev dela. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je nastal za potrebe doktorske disertacije, smo anketirali 110 strokovnih delavcev iz vrtcev montessori iz Slovenije in tujine ter na podlagi analize načrtovanja glasbene vzgoje ugotovili, da se na področju poučevanja glasbe v vrtcih montessori sicer pojavlja veliko dobrih praks, vendar je še veliko prostora za izboljšave in nadaljnji razvoj. V tretji fazi raziskave smo se osredotočali na oblikovanje eksperimentalnega modela s cilji, vzgojno-izobraževalno vsebino in metodami, oblikami in sredstvi vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa za področje glasbe po pedagoških smernicah montessori ter preverjanje njegovega učinka na razvoj elementarnih glasbenih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok z izvedbo kvazieksperimenta. Na podlagi rezultatov kvazieksperimenta, v katerem je sodelovalo 71 pet- do šestletnih otrok iz slovenskih vrtcev montessori, smo ugotovili, da ima eksperimentalni model za poučevanje glasbe v vrtcih montessori večji učinek na razvoj elementarnih glasbenih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok kot poučevanje glasbe v vrtcih montessori na tradicionalen način. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da ima izvedba eksperimentalnega modela poučevanja glasbe po pristopu montessori z glasbeno usposobljenim izvajalcem večji učinek na razvoj ritmičnega in melodičnega posluha predšolskih otrok kot pa izvedba eksperimentalnega modela z izvajalcem brez glasbene izobrazbe. Znanstveni doprinos doktorske disertacije predstavljajo številna pomembna spoznanja iz vseh faz raziskave. Gre za obširno empirično študijo z uporabo mešanih metod raziskovanja v slovenskem prostoru in širše, ki celostno obravnava področje glasbe v vrtcih montessori. Koncept načrtovanja in izvajanja glasbenih dejavnosti je obravnavan z analizo javno veljavnih kurikularnih dokumentov, študijo mnenj in stališč strokovnih delavcev, ki so zaposleni v slovenskih in tujih vrtcih montessori, ter kvazieksperimentom, v katerega smo vključili predšolske otroke, ki obiskujejo program predšolske vzgoje montessori. Doktorska raziskava s svojo robustno metodološko zasnovo prispeva k obstoječemu znanju o razvoju glasbenih sposobnosti v predšolskem obdobju in ponuja dodatna spoznanja o pomenu usposobljenosti strokovnih delavcev, ki poučujejo predšolsko glasbeno vzgojo.
Keywords:predšolska glasbena vzgoja, pristop montessori, glasbene dejavnosti, načrtovanje, glasbene sposobnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:[Maribor
Publisher:M. Laure]
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XX, 298 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84287 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:169946883 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.10.2023
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Licensing start date:16.05.2023

Secondary language

Title:The Role of Music and the Planning of Musical Activities in Montessori Preschools
Abstract:Current theory and research practice in Montessori education suggest that music is often undervalued in the Montessori approach compared to its other areas of practice. This dissertation aims to make a significant contribution to the development of music education in Montessori preschools in Slovenia and beyond. The theoretical part of the dissertation defines Montessori education and its place in the Slovenian context, focuses on the role of music in this approach, and examines the development of musical abilities in preschool children. Based on the current findings in Montessori pedagogy, didactics, psychology, general pedagogy, and related disciplines, a precise definition of the didactic guidelines of the Montessori approach is introduced. By providing an overview of the state of Montessori education in Slovenia, we examine the role and status of the Montessori approach within the Slovenian preschool education system. The definition of the development of musical abilities in the preschool period provides a synthesis of the literature on musical abilities, their assessment, and the stages of musical development in preschool children. The theoretical background provides an integral foundation for the empirical part of the study, which consists of three research phases. In the first research phase, we aimed to use qualitative research to identify similarities and differences in preschool music education between the current public preschool programme and the programmes of private preschools that operate according to Montessori principles. In the second phase of the research, we examined the context in which the field of music is situated in Montessori preschools and analysed the planning of music education in terms of structure, representation of musical activities, methods, forms, and resources. Using a questionnaire developed for the purposes of the dissertation, we surveyed 110 Montessori preschool teachers from Slovenia and abroad. Although there are many effective practises in music instruction in Montessori preschools, analysis of the planning for music education suggests that there is still opportunity for progress and future advancement. In the third phase of the research, we focused on designing an experimental model with aims, educational content and methods, forms, and resources for the educational process in the field of music according to the Montessori principles and testing its effect on the development of elementary musical abilities in preschool children by conducting a quasi-experiment. Based on the results of the quasi-experiment, in which 71 five- to six-year-old children from Slovenian Montessori preschools participated, we found that the experimental model appears to have a greater effect on the development of elementary musical abilities in preschool children than traditional music teaching. We also found that implementing the experimental model with a musically trained teacher has a greater effect on the development of rhythmic and melodic abilities in preschool children than implementing the experimental model with a non-musically trained teacher. The scientific contribution of the doctoral thesis consists of several important findings from all phases of the research. It is a comprehensive mixed-methods empirical study, comprehensively addressing the field of music in Montessori preschools. The concept of planning and implementing music activities is explored through an analysis of existing public curriculum documents, a study of the opinions and views of Montessori teachers working in Slovenian and foreign Montessori preschools, and a quasi-experiment with preschool children attending a Montessori preschool programme. With its robust methodological design, it contributes to the existing body of knowledge on the development of musical abilities in preschool and offers additional insights into the importance of the competence of professionals teaching music education.
Keywords:preschool music education, Montessori approach, music activities, planning, musical abilities


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