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Title:Motivacija k telesni aktivnosti v Sloveniji pri osebah starih med 15 in 30 let
Authors:ID Ilić, Nikola (Author)
ID Meško, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Ilic_Nikola_2023.pdf (879,23 KB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na telesno dejavnost pri mladostnikih, starih med 15 in 30 let. Profesorji in učitelji športne vzgoje so iz leta v leto bolj nezadovoljni in razočarani nad motivacijo mladih za telesno dejavnost. Mladi so vse bolj podvrženi digitalizaciji, ki nam resda olajša vsakodnevno življenje, a nas s tem tudi vodi v t. i. cono udobja, nas naredi bolj lene in brezvoljne do gibanja. Eden izmed glavnih dejavnikov, ki pripomore k ohranjanju zdravja in kakovostnega življenja, je športna rekreacija oziroma telesna dejavnost. Če želimo ohranjati zdravo družbo in s tem tudi dolgoročno razbremeniti zdravstveni sistem, se moramo ozaveščati glede pomembnosti redne telesne dejavnosti. Pri pregledu strokovne literature je ugotovljeno, da ima telesna dejavnost zelo ugoden vpliv tako na fizično kot tudi na psihično zdravje. V diplomskem delu je ugotovljeno, kaj vse mladostnike med 15. in 30. letom motivira, da so telesno dejavni. Prek spletnega portala 1ka.si je bilo zbranih 91 anketirancev in na temelju odgovorov iz anketnega vprašalnika je bil sklep, da se mladi bistveno premalo gibljejo glede na minimalna priporočila Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. Namen diplomskega dela je ozaveščati širšo populacijo o pomenu telesne dejavnosti in dvigniti zavest o njenih pozitivnih učinkih na človekovo zdravje.
Keywords:motivacija, telesna aktivnost, šport, športno udejstvovanje
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84118 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:154464515 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.06.2023
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Licensing start date:14.04.2023

Secondary language

Title:Motivation for physical activity for people betwen 15 and 30 years old in slovenia
Abstract:This thesis focuses on physical activity within the population of adolescents and young adults aged between 15 and 30 years old. The professors and sport education teachers are expressing disappointment and feeling very unsatisfactory about the lack of motivation of young adults and their engagement in physical activity. Young adults, esoecially millennials, are being »deluded« with digitalization, which makes their and our lives much easier, but on the other hand, it leads us all to the »comfort zone« , making us lazy and reduces our will and motivation to physical activity. One of the main factors which affect maintaining good health and good quality of life is sports recreation, in other words, physical activity of any kind. It is crucial that as healthy society, we keep emphasizing the importance of physical activity, resulting in unburdening the healthcare system, in the long term. While reviewing the professional literature, we found that physical activity has a very beneficial effect on both physical and psychological health. In the thesis, we determined what motivates all young people between the ages of 15 and 30 to be physically active. We collected 91 respondents, through the online portal: 1ka.si, and based on the answers from the survey questionnaire, we came to the conclusion that young people do not exercise significantly enough according to the minimum recommendations of the World Health Organization. Through the entire thesis, we would like to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity, among the wider population, as well as the awareness of its positive effects on human health.
Keywords:motivation, physical activity, sport, sport participation


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