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Title:Ozaveščanje in izobraževanje na področju preventivne vadbe v izogib poškodbam pripadnikov Specialne enote policije
Authors:ID Jakac, Bojan (Author)
ID Jereb, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pori, Primož (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Jakac_Bojan_2023.pdf (12,33 MB)
MD5: 036C444F29DAF8B08B90A16CD2538FD7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Poklic policista Specialne enote (SEP) je specifično, kompleksno in tvegano delo, ki zahteva veliko telesnih in mentalnih obremenitev. Narava dela pripadnikov SEP je povezana tudi z višjim tveganjem za nastanek tako akutnih kot tudi kroničnih poškodb in s tem posledično več odsotnosti z dela zaradi bolniških staležev. Literatura na področju življenjskega sloga pripadnikov SEP v domačem in službenem okolju ter analiz najpogostejših poškodb je relativno skopa. Prav tako trenutno ne obstajajo sistematični preventivni ukrepi, ki bi lahko pripomogli k boljšemu ozaveščanju in izobraževanju pripadnikov SEP z vidika priporočil za izboljšanje življenjskega sloga kot tudi vadbenega procesa v SEP. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je analizirati življenjski slog, splošne gibalne navade pripadnikov SEP na delovnem mestu in v domačem okolju, ter opraviti tudi podrobno analizo akutnih in kroničnih poškodb, s katerimi so se pripadniki SEP soočali v času svojega službovanja. S pomočjo pridobljenih podatkov analize pa predlagati izobraževanje in ozaveščanje za zmanjšanje nastanka kroničnih poškodb. Vzorec anketirancev je predstavljalo 55 pripadnikov SEP, kar je 52 % vseh pripadnikov enote. Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo vprašalnikov, ki smo jih za namen raziskave oblikovali sami in smo upoštevali ustrezne metodološke zahteve. Statistično analizo podatkov smo izvedli v programu SPSS 21, medtem ko smo končne rezultate slogovno uredili v programu Microsoft Excel 2019. Opisne spremenljivke smo predstavili s frekvencami in frekvenčnimi deleži. Rezultati dela so pokazali, da obstajajo pri pripadnikih SEP relativno velike rezerve na področju življenjskega sloga in splošno gibalnih navad doma in na delovnem mestu.
Keywords:Ozaveščanje, izobraževanje, preventivna vadba, poškodbe, Specialna enota
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84057 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:152741635 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.05.2023
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Licensing start date:04.04.2023

Secondary language

Title:Awareness raising and education in the field of preventive training to avoid injuries of the special police unit members
Abstract:The work of a police officer of the Special Police Unit (SPU) is a specific, complex and risky profession that requires a lot of both physical and mental stress. The nature of the work of SEP members is also associated with a higher risk of both acute and chronic injuries, and thus more absences from work due to illness. The literature in the field of the lifestyle of SEP members in the home and work environment and analyzes of the most common injuries is relatively scarce. Also, there are currently no systematic preventive measures that could contribute to better awareness and education of SEP members in terms of recommendations for improving lifestyle as well as the exercise process in SEP. The main goal of the thesis was to analyze the lifestyle and general movement habits of SEP members at the workplace and in the home environment. In addition, we also carried out a detailed analysis of acute and chronic injuries that SEP members faced during their service. The sample of subjects was represented by 55 members of SEP, which represents 52 % of the entire population. We collected data using questionnaires that we designed ourselves for the purpose of the research, and we took into account the relevant methodological requirements. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out in the SPSS 21 program, while the final results were stylistically edited in the Microsoft Excel 2019 program. Descriptive variables were presented with frequencies and frequency proportions. The results of the work showed that there are relatively large reserves in the field of lifestyle and general movement habits at home, as well as at the workplace, among SEP members.
Keywords:Awareness, education, preventive exercise, injuries, Special police Unit


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