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Title:Bančno zavarovalništvo v Sloveniji in izbranih evropskih državah
Authors:ID Galun, Dajana (Author)
ID Jagrič, Vita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Galun_Dajana_2023.pdf (5,18 MB)
MD5: F3D5E19D1BAF90BD193BF48198B8F414
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo naprej opredelili pomen in razvoj bančnega zavarovalništva na splošno. Predstavili začetke razvoja, vzroke za povezanost med bankami in zavarovalnicami ter prednosti in slabosti te povezave. Ugotovili smo, da je prvoten namen bančnega zavarovalništva povečanje donosnosti bank ter da je prav Evropa tista, ki je bila epicnter razvoja bančnega zavarovalništva. Distribucija zavarovalnih produktov prek bank za zavarovalnice predstavlja manjše stroške kot distribucija prek agentskih mrež. Ugotavljamo, da je cilj razvoja bančnega zavarovalništva med drugim tudi inovativnost in celovita finančna obravnava strank. Magistrsko delo vključuje primerjavo bančnega zavarovalništva v Evropi, izbranih Evropskih državah in Sloveniji. Izbrane Evropske države so Nemčija, Švica in Hrvaška. Bančno zavarovalništvo po državah smo predstavili skozi zakonodajo, izbrano banko in zavarovalnico, na podlagi poslovnega sodelovanja med eno in drugo ter produkte in storitve, ki so vključeni med produkte in storitve bank. Prav tako je prikazan tržni delež bank in zavarovalnic celotne Evrope, izbranih Evropskih držav in Slovenije. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov ugotavljamo, da je slovenski zavarovalniški trg je eden izmed manjših v Evropi, vendar kljub temu zavarovalništvo sodi med najpomembnejše gospodarke panoge v Sloveniji. Glede na neživljensko penetracijo je Slovenija kar visoko na lestvici Evropskih držav in sicer kar na 5. mestu. Raziskali smo, katere so prodajne poti zavarovanj posamezne države, ter na podlagi tega dodatno argumentirali razvoj bančnega zavarovalništva glede na posamezno državo. Glede na izbrane države je Nemčija na prvem mestu po distribuciji zavarovanj prek bank, Švica pa se pojavlja kot zadnja z najmanjšim deležem, ki je manj kot 1%. Bančno zavarovalništvo v Sloveniji je bolj podrobno predstavljeno na primeru SKB Banke in izbranimi zavarovalnicami s katerimi banka sodeluje. Paleta zavarovalniških produktov, ki ga banka ponuja v sodelovanju z zavarovalnicami je kar velika. Tako je na banki možno skleniti različna življenjska in neživljenjska zavarovanja, kot so: življenjsko zavarovanje, zavarovanje doma, avtomobilsko zavarovanje, turistično zavarovanje, nezgodno zavarovanje, zavarovanje kartic,...Na primeru SKB Banke ugotavljamo, da je glede na skupno premijo zavarovanj, delež premij življenjskih zavarovanj skoraj za polovico manjši kot je delež premij neživljenjskih zavarovanj. Izvedli smo tudi anketo, na podlagi katere smo ocenili poznavanje bančnega zavarovalništva v Republiki Sloveniji. Večina anketiranih ne pozna pojma bančnega zavarovalništva in ponudbo zavarovalniških produktov vključenih v prodajo bank.
Keywords:bančno zavarovalništvo v Sloveniji, Evropske države, banke, zavarovalnice
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:D. Galun
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84004 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:156999939 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.06.2023
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Licensing start date:02.04.2023

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Title:Banking insurance in Slovenia and selected European countries
Abstract:In the master's thesis, we first defined the importance and development of bancassurance in general. We presented the beginnings of development, reasons for the connection between banks and insurance companies, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this connection. We found that the original purpose of bancassurance was to increase the profitability of banks and that Europe was the epicenter of the development of bancassurance. The distribution of insurance products through banks for insurance companies represents lower costs than distribution through agency networks. We note that the goal of developing bancassurance is also innovation and comprehensive financial treatment of clients. The master's thesis includes a comparison of bancassurance in Europe, selected European countries, and Slovenia. The selected European countries are Germany, Switzerland, and Croatia. We presented bancassurance in countries through legislation, selected bank and insurance company, based on business cooperation between the two, and products and services included in bank products and services. The market share of banks and insurance companies in Europe, selected European countries, and Slovenia is also shown. Based on the obtained data, we found that the Slovenian insurance market is one of the smallest in Europe, but nevertheless, insurance is one of the most important economic sectors in Slovenia. With regard to non-life insurance penetration, Slovenia is quite high on the list of European countries, ranking fifth. We researched the sales channels for insurance in each country and further argued the development of bancassurance based on each country. According to the selected countries, Germany is ranked first in the distribution of insurance through banks, while Switzerland appears last with the smallest share, which is less than 1%. Bancassurance in Slovenia is presented in more detail in the case of SKB Bank and selected insurance companies with which the bank cooperates. The range of insurance products offered by the bank in cooperation with insurance companies is quite extensive. Thus, it is possible to conclude various life and non-life insurance policies at the bank, such as life insurance, home insurance, car insurance, travel insurance, accident insurance, card insurance, etc. In the case of SKB Bank, we found that, in terms of total insurance premium, the share of life insurance premiums is almost half the size of the share of non-life insurance premiums. We also conducted a survey to assess knowledge of bancassurance in the Republic of Slovenia. Most respondents are not familiar with the concept of bancassurance and the offer of insurance products included in the sale of banks.
Keywords:Bancassurance in Slovenia, European countries, banks, insurance companies


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