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Title:Sistemizacija delovnih mest v javnem zavodu
Authors:ID Vodnik, Tadeja (Author)
ID Bernik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Žnidaršič, Jasmina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Vodnik_Tadeja_2023.pdf (1,52 MB)
MD5: B27A0DFCF5739799BB5268B75D1C5199
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Javni zavod zaradi stalnih sprememb na trgu dela na področju energetike in s prevzemanjem novih poslov potrebuje dodatni kader. Skladno s tem je potrebno urediti obstoječo sistemizacijo delovnih mest. Obstoječa sistemizacija delovnih mest v javnem zavodu ni ustrezna, saj ne odraža dejanskega stanja. Nekatera delovna mesta v sistemizaciji dejansko niso obstajala, saj se niso realizirala. Sistemizacija ostalih delovnih mest ni bila v celoti identična realnim opisom delovnih mest, zato je bilo potrebno prevetriti in zamenjati obstoječo sistemizacijo delovnih mest v javnem zavodu. V magistrskem delu smo v teoretičnem delu opredelili in pojasnili teoretične osnove sistemizacije delovnih mest, uvajanje kompetenc v opise delovnih mest in opredelili izdelavo sistemizacije delovnih mest. V raziskovalnem delu smo predstavili javni zavod, oblikovali sistemizacijo delovnih mest s kompetencami in pravilnik, ki zagotavlja izvajanje delovnih nalog na področju dejavnosti javnega zavoda. Potrebno je bilo pripraviti in oblikovati katalog delovnih mest, ki bo služil javnemu zavodu kot osnova za nove zaposlitve glede na potrebne kompetence in zahteve za posamezna delovna mesta. Nova sistemizacija delovnih mest s kompetencami po novem vsebuje vse potrebne elemente za bolj učinkovito organizacijo in umeščanje delovnih mest v javnem zavodu. Rezultati nove sistemizacije delovnih mest bodo pokazali bolj jasno definirana dela in naloge ter za to potrebna znanja in veščine, strokovne in osebne lastnosti sodelavcev, in sicer v skladu s skupnimi vrednotami in cilji javnega zavoda in zaposlenih. Javni zavod bo tako lahko dodatno zaposloval strokovni kader, ki bo ustrezal dejanskim zahtevam posameznega delovnega mesta.
Keywords:sistemizacija, organizacija, kompetence, javni zavod
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84002 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:152365059 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.05.2023
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Licensing start date:27.03.2023

Secondary language

Title:Systematisation of work positions in a public institution
Abstract:Due to constant changes in the labour market in the field of power industry and taking over new business, a public institution needs additional personnel. Accordingly, the existing systematization of work positions needs to be changed. The existing systematization of work positions in a public institution is not adequate, since it does not reflect the actual situation. Some work positions in the systematization actually never existed, since they had not been actualised. The systematization of other work positions did not entirely correspond the realistic descriptions of work positions, therefore it was necessary to bring a breath of fresh air to the existing systematization of work positions in a public institution and change it. The theoretical part of the Master’s thesis defines and explains the theoretical bases of the systematization of work positions, the introduction of competence into descriptions of work positions and defines the formation of the systematization of work positions. The research part of the Master's thesis presents a public institution, forms the systematization of work positions by means of competence and a rule book which ensures the implementation of work tasks in the field of activities of the public institution. It was necessary to prepare and form a catalogue of work positions which will serve a public institution as a basis for new employments according to necessary competence and requirements for individual work positions. The new systematization of work positions by means of competence now contains all the necessary elements for a more efficient organisation and placement of work positions in a public institution. Results of the new systematization of work positions will show more clearly defined works and tasks, as well as the necessary knowledge and skills, professional and personal qualities of employees, in accordance with the common values and goals of a public institution and employees. A public institution will thus be able to additionally employ professional personnel who will meet the actual requirements of an individual work position.
Keywords:systemization, organization, competences, public institution


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