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Title:Kodeks molčečnosti - škodljiva solidarnost v policijski organizaciji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Authors:ID Koželj, Špela (Author)
ID Modic, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kozelj_Spela_2023.pdf (891,10 KB)
MD5: C872F0922E44B7F1CC8890FFB094E99C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V današnjem času je občutek varnosti razkošje, ki si ga marsikatera država ne more privoščiti, zato zaupamo policiji, da vzpostavi javni red in mir, zagotavlja splošno varnost ljudi in premoženja ter tudi odkriva in preprečuje korupcijo. Policisti med opravljanjem svojih dolžnosti razpolagajo z veliko odgovornostjo, vendar se že v procesu izobraževanja in usposabljanja naučijo načel in vrednot, ki bi jim morali slediti, pa tudi neformalnih pravil, ki jim omogočajo, da se lahko vključijo v skupino. Ko pričnejo z delom v resničnem svetu, polnem težkih situacij, se morajo odločiti velikokrat na podlagi svojih lastnih prepričanj in vrednot, kaj je prav in kaj narobe. Doživijo tudi preizkušnje, ki jim lahko omajejo ideje, da bodo dosegli svoje poslanstvo s pravilnimi postopki oziroma legalnimi metodami in to lahko vodi v nelegalne metode za dosego želenega. Zato so se od začetka razvoja policije razvijala tudi razna pravila, ki so oziroma še zdaj narekujejo policistom, da upoštevajo in spoštujejo svoje nadrejene ter ohranjajo solidarnost znotraj svoje skupine. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo bolj podrobno predstavili policijsko dejavnost in njeno organizacijsko kulturo, nato smo razčlenili policijsko odklonskost, ki predstavlja pomemben faktor v nastanku in obstoju kodeksa molčečnosti. V zaključnem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili kodeks molčečnosti, v katerih poklicih se še pojavlja, dejavnike, vpliv discipline na kodeks molčečnosti ter resničen primer policistke Shannon Spalding, ki se je javno izpostavila in pojasnila, da obstaja modra zavesa – kodeks molčečnosti.
Keywords:policija, policijska dejavnost, organizacija policije, policijska odklonskost, kodeks molčečnosti, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Koželj]
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:VI f., 44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83745-7db01492-7726-6eb3-b239-2833daea44cb New window
COBISS.SI-ID:144634627 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.03.2023
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Licensing start date:30.01.2023

Secondary language

Title:The code of secrecy - harmful solidarity in the police organization
Abstract:Nowadays, a sense of security is a luxury that many countries cannot afford, which is why we trust the police to establish law and order, to protect people and their possessions, and to detect and prevent corruption. Police officers are entrusted with great responsibility in their line of duty. During their education and training, they already learn the principles and values they should follow, and the informal rules that enable them to join a team. When they take up a job in the real world, full of difficult situations, they must decide – often based on their own beliefs and values – what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes they are put to the test, which can shake their determination to fulfil their mission through the proper procedures or legal methods, potentially leading to the use of illegal methods to achieve the desired outcome. For this reason, various rules have developed in parallel with the development of the police, which dictated or still dictate police officers to obey and respect their superiors, and to maintain solidarity within the team. The first sections of the diploma thesis thoroughly present policing and its organizational culture. Afterwards, we analysed police deviance which represents a major factor in the creation and existence of the code of silence. The final section of the thesis presents the code of silence; the other professions in which it appears; the factors behind it; the impact of discipline on the code of silence, and the real-life example of policewoman Shannon Spalding, who publicly admitted that a blue wall of silence exists, i.e., the code of silence.
Keywords:code of silence, police, police subculture


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