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Title:Vehabizem kot vprašanje državne varnosti in primer institucionalizirane oblike veroizpovedi : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Malkoč, Alen (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Malkoc_Alen_2023.pdf (1,10 MB)
MD5: CC722CD3159B8A5C56564FBFED9654F4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Zaradi vse večjih turbulenc v arabskem svetu in svetu na splošno, vidimo posledice povsod okoli sebe. Od številnih migracij, ekonomskih in drugih, se nam porajajo vprašanja, kdo so ti ljudje in kaj je njihov cilj? Ali so med njimi nevarnosti, ali prakticirajo nasilje kot del svoje kulture in verske opredeljenosti? Čeprav so redki nevarni pojavi, vendarle obstajajo in moramo razumeti naravo teh pojavov. Kot pri vsaki zadevi moramo preveriti njene verodostojne vire in priti do relativnih zaključkov, da ne bi zapadli v past medijske disproporcialnosti in ostalega lažnega poročanja. Verodostojni viri v islamu so Kur'an kot zadnja Božja objava in Sunnet Poslanca Muhammeda (naj je božji mir z njim), kar pomeni njegova praksa, tisto, kar je delal, priporočil, ali odobril s svojo tišino. V teh virih najdemo pozive k sožitju, miru v svetu, spoštovanju sočloveka in narave. Zakaj torej pride do nasilnih, ali celo terorističnih dejanj v »imenu vere«? V kratkem bi bil odgovor zaradi napačne interpretacije verskih virov, njihove zlorabe in političnih razlogov, ki so pripeljali ta sektaška učenja na glavni oder sveta. Vehabizem kot takšen se je pojavil v 18. stoletju z njegovim ustanoviteljem Muhammedom ibn Abdul Vehabom v pokrajini Nedž v današnji Savdski Arabiji. Čeprav so takratni učenjaki v Otomanskem cesarstvu, že v začetku popolnoma porazili tovrstno učenje v takratni državi, je vseeno to učenje, ki temelji na nekaterih napačnih predpostavkah prejšnjih učenjakov, uspelo preiti na državno raven in kot tako je vodeče v današnji Savdski Arabiji. V tem Magistrskem delu bomo pogledali, katera so to učenja, ali so združljiva z islamskim učenjem, razloge, zakaj je prišlo do implementacije takega učenja in njegovega financiranja skoraj povsod po svetu. Predstavili bomo, kako se učenje Muhammeda ibn Abdul Vehaba primerja in povsem izključuje z učenjem v prvi vrsti Poslanca Muhammeda (naj je božji mir z njim) in nato vseh učenjakov glavnega toka učenja, ki so poznani pod imenom ehli Sunnet vel džem'a.
Keywords:Vehabizem, islam, sektaštvo, državna varnost, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Malkoč]
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:IV f., 45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83690-2e2dd140-3108-ec4e-c052-7513da47626c New window
COBISS.SI-ID:141303299 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.02.2023
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License:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:Under the NoDerivatives Creative Commons license one can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it, but it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to the author.
Licensing start date:24.01.2023

Secondary language

Title:Wahhabism as a question of state security and a example of a institutionalized form of religion
Abstract:Due to the growing turbulence in the Arab world and the world in general, we are seeing the consequences all around us. From the many migrations, economic and other, questions arise as to who these people are and what their goal is? Are there dangers among them, or do they practice violence as part of their culture and religious affiliation? Although dangerous phenomena are rare, they do exist and we need to understand the nature of these phenomena. Like any thing, we need to check its credible sources and come to relative conclusions so as not to fall into the trap of media disproportion and other false reporting. Authentic sources in Islam are the Qur’an as the last revelation of God and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), which means his practice, what he did, recommended, or approved by his silence. In these sources we find calls for coexistence, peace in the world, respect for fellow human beings and nature. So why are there violent or even terrorist acts in the "name of religion"? In short, the answer would be, due to a misinterpretation of religious sources, their abuse, and the political reasons that brought these sectarian teachings to the main stage of the world. Wahhabism as such emerged in the 18th century with its founder Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab in the province of Najd in present-day Saudi Arabia. Although the scholars of the Ottoman Empire at the time completely defeated this teaching in the country at the beginning, this teaching, based on some misconceptions of previous scholars, managed to break through to the state level and as such is leading in today's SA. In this Master's thesis we will look at what these teachings are, whether they are compatible with Islamic teaching, the reasons why such teaching has been implemented and its funding almost everywhere in the world. We will present how the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab are cut off and completely excluded by the teachings first of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and then all the scholars, the mainstream of Islamic scholars known as the Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama'ah.
Keywords:Wahhabism, Islam, sectarianism, state security


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