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Title:Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-border Debt Collection in the EU : National Report: Italy
Authors:ID Kaczorowska, Maria (Author)
ID Voinich, Alessia (Author)
ID Previatello, Martina (Author)
ID Perša, Jan (Technical editor)
Files:URL https://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/703
.pdf RAZ_Kaczorowska_Maria_2022.pdf (5,82 MB)
MD5: 2673D7836097E4537898B8B9C872A42B
Work type:Unknown
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Abstract:Applying a systematic approach, this report addressess the main features of enfrocement titles in Italy. It focuses on judgments, court settlements and notarial deeds, scrutinizing their content, form and effects. It conveys theoretical insight into the subject matter as well as conclusions from relevant case law.
Keywords:enforcement title, cross-border enforcement, italy, EU law, civil procedure law
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:University of Maribor, University Press
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83556 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:133501187 New window
DOI:10.18690/um.pf.6.2022 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2022
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License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.
Licensing start date:20.12.2022

Secondary language

Title:Raznolikost izvršilnih naslovov v čezmejnih izterjavah dolgov v EU : Nacionalno poročilo: Italija
Abstract:Delo na zaokrožen in sistematičen način obravnava poglavitve značilnosti izvršilnih naslovov v Italiji. Osredotoča se na sodbe, sodne poravnave in notarske zapise, pri čemer pod drobnogled jemlje njihovo vsebino, obliko in učinke. Ponuja tako teoretičen uvid, kakor tudi izkušnje iz sodne prakse.
Keywords:izvršilni naslov, čezmejna izvršba, Italija, pravo EU, civilno procesno pravo


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