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Title:Vloga in pomen individualnih profilov dominacije ter programa brain gym pri delu z otroki s posebnimi potrebami : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Mager, Nina (Author)
ID Schmidt, Majda (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Mager_Nina_2022.pdf (8,50 MB)
MD5: D7A61BF0AC2A815A12855DF1BEA57890
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo predstavlja individualne profile dominacije in program Brain Gyma kot strategijo dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Namen dela je predstaviti, kako lahko z določanjem individualnih profilov dominacije in s strategijo dela, kot je Brain Gym pripomoremo h kakovostnejšemu učenju in življenju učencev s posebnimi potrebami ter si z individualnimi profili dominacije pomagamo pri tem, katere metode in strategije dela so za določen profil dominacije primerne in kako lahko v procesu učenja pomagajo tako učencu, učitelju kot strokovnemu delavcu v stiku z učenci s posebnimi potrebami. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, je predstavljena osnovna terminologija, ki zajema otroke s posebnimi potrebami, in sicer učence z učnimi težavami, učence z motnjo pozornosti in učence z avtističnimi motnjami, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na Aspergerjev sindrom. Za glavno temo magistrskega dela smo se tako osredotočili na individualne profile dominacije, na njihovo določanje in na različne vrste profilov dominacije. Predelali smo tudi to, kako se individualni profili dominacije obnesejo v medčloveških odnosih in kako v procesu samega izobraževanja. Kot najpomembnejšo strategijo, ki je del programa individualnih profilov dominacije, smo tako kot sredstvo pomoči predstavili strategijo dela Brain Gym. V drugem, raziskovalnem delu, je tako predstavljena študija dveh primerov, iz katerih smo ugotovili, kako določanje individualnih profilov dominacije obeh študij vplivajo na učni proces in življenje ter kakšen je rezultat uporabe strategij in metod kot je Brain Gym na delovanje obeh študij primerov. V prvem delu empiričnega dela sta tako predstavljeni študiji primera, priprava in izvedba individualiziranega programa, opazovanje učencev v njunem okolju in njuno delovanje, načrtovanje in izvajanje dela individualiziranega programa ter evalvacija individualiziranega programa. V drugem delu empiričnega dela so predstavljeni rezultati polstrukturiranega intervjuja posebej s specialno pedagoginjo in primerjava odgovorov z učiteljico učenca a in z učiteljico učenca b. V interpretaciji rezultatov je predstavljeno, da poznavanje in uporaba individualnih profilov dominacije vsekakor pripomoreta k boljšemu napredku učenca in njegovih šibkih področij pri individualiziranem programu ter na področju razredne skupnosti, to poznavanje individualnih profilov dominacije pa pripomore k določanju strategij, ki učencu omogočijo kakovostnejše učenje tako individualno kot v skupini. Del magistrskega dela je namenjen tudi vsem gradivom, ki so bila izdelana posebej na podlagi že narejenih individualnih programov za vsakega učenca posebej s cilji in priporočili za izvajanje individualiziranega programa, sem spadajo doma narejeni pripomočki za izvajanje vaj, ki imajo podlago na metodah in strategijah predpisanih v individualnih profilih vsakega učenca posebej ter ocenjevalni listi za opazovanje učenca v njegovem okolju v razredu in izven njega.
Keywords:učenci s posebnimi potrebami, individualni profili dominacije, Brain Gym, motnje avtističnega spektra, učenci z učnimi težavami, učenci z motnjo pozornosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Mager]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 234 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83414 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:135203587 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.12.2022
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Licensing start date:18.11.2022

Secondary language

Title:The role and importance of individual domination profiles and the brain gym program in working with children with special needs
Abstract:The master's thesis presents individual profiles of domination and the Brain Gym program as a strategy for working with children with special needs. The purpose of this paper is to present how defining individual dominance profiles and work strategies such as Brain Gym can contribute to better learning and life of students with special needs, and help us with individual dominance profiles to determine which methods and work strategies are appropriate for a particular profile and how they can help the student, the teacher and the professional in contact with students with special needs in the learning process. In the first, theoretical part, basic terminology is presented, covering children with special needs, namely students with learning difficulties, students with attention deficit disorder and students with autistic disorders, focusing on Asperger syndrome. For the main topic of the master's thesis, we focused on individual dominance profiles, their determination and different types of dominance profiles. We also presented how individual profiles of dominance work out in interpersonal relationships and in the process of education itself. As the most important strategy, which is part of the program of individual profiles of domination, we presented the work strategy of Brain Gym as a means of assistance. In the second, research part, two case studies are presented, from which we found out how determining individual profiles of dominance affect the learning process and life and what is the result of using strategies and methods like Brain Gym in both case studies. The first part of the empirical work presents both case studies, preparation and implementation of an individualized program, observation of students in their environment and their operation, planning, implementation and evaluation of the individualized program. The second part of the empirical work presents the results of a semi-structured interview with a special pedagogue and a comparison of the answers of the teacher of student a and the teacher of student b. In the interpretation of the results, it is presented that knowledge and use of individual dominance profiles certainly contribute to a better progress of the student and improvement of their weaknesses in the individualized program and in the class community, and this knowledge of individual dominance profiles helps to determine strategies for better learning, both individually and in a group. Part of the master's thesis is also intended for all materials that were made separately on the basis of already made individual programs for each student with goals and recommendations for the implementation of an individualized program. This includes home-made tools for exercises based on methods and strategies prescribed in the individual profiles of each student and assessment sheets for observing the student inside and outside their classroom environment.
Keywords:children with special needs, individual profiles of dominance, Brain Gym, avtistic disorder, children with learning difficulties, students with attention deficit disorder


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