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Title:Stvarnopravni položaji v insolventnih postopkih : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Hudarin, Nik (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Hudarin_Nik_2022.pdf (734,87 KB)
MD5: 7D5CF5BB07C2F1E60F1128640D8B0F25
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Smisel stvarnopravnih zavarovanj je zavarovati interese upnika t. j. poplačilo njegove terjatve. V smislu stvarnopravnih zavarovanj izstopata predvsem dva položaja in sicer zastavna pravica in fiduciarna zavarovanja. Ti stvarnopravni položaji bodo relevantni v primeru začetka stečajnega postopka ali izvršbe nad prezadolženim dolžnikom. Ta materija je izredno pomembna v današnjem času, ko se je zaradi razmer na trgu (kateremu je poleg vsesplošne recesije (finančne in ekonomske krize) usodni udarec zadala epidemija SARS-CoV-2) plačilna nedisciplina dolžnikov vrasla v družbo. Plačilna nedisciplina je (žal) vse pogostejši pojav v poslovni praksi. Razloge in izvore je najti na vseh področjih; od javnih naročil, kjer je merilo za izbiro pogodbenika (gospodarskega subjekta) najnižja cena, bančnih kreditov, ki zaradi slabih in težko dosegljivih pogojev za pridobitev kredita, male družbe teh pogojev pogosto ne dosegajo, vse do sodnih postopkov, kjer trn v peti predstavljajo predvsem razmeroma dragi in dolgotrajni sodni postopki, ki si jih male družbe ne morejo privoščiti. Vse to je povzročilo domino efekt v verigi, kjer se je zaradi zamud pri plačilih ter s tem povezanim neplačevanjem dolžnikov, povzročilo neplačevanje ostalih členov v tej verigi. V največji meri so zaradi plačilne nediscipline prizadeti upniki. Zato je poslovna praksa razvila sodobne oblike stvarnopravnih zavarovanj, ki upniku omogočajo lažje in hitrejše poplačilo njegove terjatve. Tako zaključujem, da bodo upniki, ki so zavarovali svoje terjatve privilegirani pred drugimi upniki, ki svojih terjatev niso zavarovali oziroma imajo svoje terjatve zavarovane, vendar s slabšim vrstnim redom. In ravno to je ratio stvarnopravnih zavarovanj terjatev.
Keywords:dolg, fiduciarna zavarovanja, insolventnost, izločitvena pravica, lastninska pravica, ločitvena pravica, stečaj, stvarno pravo, terjatev, zastavna pravica, zavarovana terjatev
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Hudarin]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (65 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83324 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:142761731 New window
Note:Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Publication date in DKUM:06.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Property law positions in insolvency proceedings
Abstract:The purpose of insurance under law of property is to protect the interests of the creditor, i.e. payment of his claim. Two positions stand out in terms of insurance under law of property: lien and fiduciary security. These law of property positions are particularly interesting in the case of the initiation of bankruptcy proceedeings against an over-indebted debtor. This matter is extremely important in today's time, when due to the conditions on the market (which, in addition to the general recession (financial and economic crisis), was dealt a fatal blow by the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic), debtors' payment indiscipline has grown into society. Payment indiscipline is (unfotunately) an increasingly commom phenomenom in business partice. Reasons and origins are to be found in all areas; from public contracts, where the criteria for choosing a provider (economic subject) is the lowest price; bank loans, where small companies often do not meet poor and difficult conditions for obtaining credit; all the way to legal proceedings, where the thorn in the heel is mainly relatively expensive and lenghtly litigation that small companies cannot afford. All of this caused a domino effect in the chain. Due to late payments and related non-payments of debtors, appeared, as a response or opposite reaction, non-payments of other links in this chain. Creditors are the ones most affected by payment indiscipline. For this reason, business practice has developed modern forms of insurance under lay of property, which enable creditors to pay off their claims more easily and quickly. Therefore, creditors who will secure their claims will be privileged over other creditors who have not secured their claims or have their claims secured but in a lower order. And this is exactly the ratio of insurance under law of property claims.
Keywords:bankruptcy, claim, debt, exlusion right, fiduciary insurances, insolvency, lien, ownership right, property law, right to separate satisfaction, secured claim.


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