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Title:Varovalne stvarne pravice : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Dolenc, Jan (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Dolenc_Jan_2022.pdf (2,27 MB)
MD5: 61CC656604B28700280BD309AFD7FFD3
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Zaznambe, predznambe in maksimalno hipoteko zaradi pripadajočih lastnosti, ki omogočajo varovanje vrstnega reda vpisov v zemljiško knjigo, skupaj označujemo za varovalne stvarne pravice. Od ostalih civilnih pravic jih razlikuje predvsem njihova vsebina vključenega materialnopravnega upravičenja. Značilnosti in posebnosti varovalnih stvarnih pravic se odražajo skozi že uveljavljena načela zemljiškoknjižnega prava, ki predstavljajo temelj za obravnavo predmetnih pravic v okviru te magistrske naloge, in skozi posredno in neposredno povezanostjo s stvarnim pravom, obligacijskim pravom ter drugimi pravnimi področji. Kljub temu da si varovalne stvarne pravice med seboj delijo veliko skupnih lastnosti, ki jih medsebojno povezujejo in preko katerih je mogoče iskati vzporednice, se glede na določene značilnosti tudi medsebojno bistveno razlikujejo. Na medsebojne razlike med posameznimi instituti je mogoče opozoriti v zvezi z dodatnimi predpostavkami, ki so potrebne za njihovo pridobitev, v zvezi z rokom, v katerem jih je treba opravičiti, ter tudi glede na predpostavke za njihovo opravičenje v roku in njihov izbris iz zemljiške knjige. Tako bo na primer pri predlogu za vpis predznambe zadoščala zgolj verjetnost za kasnejšo pridobitev izvedene ali lastninske pravice, pri zaznambi spora, zaznambi izrednega pravnega sredstva in zaznambi izbrisne tožbe pa so predpostavke vezane na spremljajoč oziroma končan sodni postopek, ki predstavlja temeljni razlog za vpis teh varovalnih stvarnih pravic v zemljiško knjigo. V sklopu obravnavanja določene varovalne stvarne pravice je treba pozornost nameniti predvsem razvrščanju znotraj samih predznamb in zaznamb po vnaprej določenih in vzpostavljenih merilih. To nam omogoča ločeno obravnavo, izpostavo relevantnih razlik in iskanje povezav glede na to, proti komur učinkujejo posamezne predznambe in zaznambe, katero vrsto pravice omejujejo, kje se posledično vpisujejo v zemljiški knjigi, ali imajo pogojno izključujoče učinke na pozneje pridobljene izvedene in varovalne stvarne pravice ter katero vrsto vpisa v zemljiški knjigi se z njimi varuje.
Keywords:Načela zemljiškoknjižnega prava, zemljiška knjiga, zemljiškoknjižni postopek, stvarne pravice, zaznambe, predznambe, maksimalna hipoteka
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (90 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83295 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:142754307 New window
Note:Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Publication date in DKUM:23.02.2023
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:15.10.2022

Secondary language

Title:Security rights
Abstract:Due to their inherent characteristics, which ensure order of priority of entries in the land register, notes, preliminary notes and maximum mortgage are collectively referred to as security rights. They are distinguished from other civil rights primarily by the content of the included substantive justification. The characteristics and specifics of security rights are reflected through the already established principles of land registry law, which form the basis for the discussion of these rights in the context of this master’s thesis, and through their direct and indirect relationship with property law, the law of obligations and other areas of law. Even though security rights share many common features which link them together and which allow us to draw certain parallels, they also differ substantially from each other with regard to certain characteristics. The differences between the individual concepts can be noted with regard to the additional conditions required for their acquisition, the deadline within which they must be justified, and also with regard to the conditions for their justification within the deadline and their deletion from the land register. For the proposal for the entry of a preliminary note for example, the mere likelihood of the subsequent acquisition of a derived or ownership right will be sufficient, whereas in the case of a note of dispute, a note of an extraordinary legal remedy and a note of a cancellation action, the conditions are linked to the accompanying or completed judicial proceedings which constitute the fundamental reason for the entry of these security rights in the land register. When discussing an individual security right, attention should be paid to the classification within the preliminary notes and notes according to predefined and established criteria. This allows us to consider them separately, to highlight the relevant differences and to search for connections, depending on against whom the individual notes and preliminary notes are effective, which type of right they restrict, where they are consequently entered in the land register, whether they have potential exclusionary effects on subsequently acquired derived and security rights, and which type of entry in the land register they protect.
Keywords:Principles of land registry law, land register, land register proceedings, security rights, notes, preliminary notes, maximum mortgage.


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