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Title:Suša v tleh na območju vzhodnega dela Celjske kotline : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Dolničar, Katja (Author)
ID Vovk, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Davidović, Danijel (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Dolnicar_Katja_2022.pdf (3,61 MB)
MD5: B7F205B2BB5241E495FDEB20346F00ED
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Suša v tleh je naravni pojav in z njo se soočamo že od nekdaj. Pojav suše v tleh je pomanjkanje vode na nekem območju, ki povzroča tudi manjšo pridelavo v kmetijstvu, od katerega smo ljudje odvisni. Ne moremo se ji povsem izogniti, lahko pa se ji čimbolj prilagodimo in zmanjšamo njene posledice, ki jih občutimo tako ljudje, rastline in živali. Zanimalo nas je, ali lahko na območju vzhodnega dela Celjske kotline zasledimo sušo v tleh, kakšna je prst na obravnavanem območju, saj tip prsti pomembno vpliva na količino vode v tleh, hidrološke značilnosti območja, vegetacijo in rabo tal. Zaradi pomanjkanja podatkov o stanju suše na obravnavanem območju smo na trinajstih lokacijah odvzeli po tri vzorce prsti in opravili analize. Izmerili smo pH prsti, konsistenco, teksturo, vlažnost in skeletnost, prav tako smo na terenu popisali rabo tal. Na podlagi opravljenih meritev in opazovanj ter teoretičnih ugotovitev smo oblikovali tri območja glede na odpornost prsti na sušo, ki so območja neodpornih, srednje odpornih in najbolj odpornih prsti na sušo. Za vsako območje smo predlagali ukrepe za zmanjšanje posledic suše v tleh. Med ukrepi za območje neodpornih prsti na sušo so setev po poletni suši, v začetku jeseni, ko sejemo prezimne dosevke, ali pa spomladi, ko še ulovimo dovolj vlage za vznik dosevkov, ki prenesejo vroča ter suha poletja. Pri dosevkih izbiramo takšne rastline, ki tlom dajejo več organske mase in bogatijo tla z dušikom. Predlagali smo uporabo zastirk, dodajanje komposta, gline in ilovice, predlagali smo obdelavo tal brez oranja ali pa plitvo oranje, površinsko okopavanje in uporabo česalnika, sejanje rastlin, najbolj odpornih na sušo, uporabo umetnih cistern, banj in korit za vrtičke ter uporabo folije za preprečevanje odtekanja vode v prepustnih prsteh. Na tem območju smo predlagali tudi zmanjšanje poseganja v tla, manj gradenj, spreminjanja okolja in vnašanja peščenih prsti na to območje. Na območju s srednjeo dpornimi prstmi na sušo smo predlagali setev rastlin, ki so nekoliko bolj odporne na sušo, plitko rahljanje tal, zastiranje tal s kompostno zastirko, sejanje prezimnih dosevkov med jesenjo in pomladjo, kot sta na primer inkarnatka, ki je enoletna prezimna detelja, in ozimna grašica, ki je primerna za rast na tleh, ki so že nekoliko bolj preskrbljena z vodo. Predlagali smo sorte koruze in krompirja s krajšo rastno dobo, da rastline prej zaključijo s cvetenjem. Prav tako smo tudi na območju, kjer so prsti najbolj odporne na sušo, predlagali ukrepe, s katerimi v naravo čim manj posegamo, kot so gradnja cest, hiš, vnašanje peščenih prsti, saj s tem rušimo različne ekosisteme. Pri predlaganih ukrepih smo dali poudarek na ekološki pridelovalni sistem, kjer poteka krogotok tla – rastlina – žival – človek.
Keywords:agroekologija, Celjska kotlina, kmetijska suša, suša, zastirka
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Dolničar]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 93 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83242 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:127835907 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.11.2022
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Licensing start date:04.10.2022

Secondary language

Title:Drought in the soil in the area of the eastern part of the Celje Basin
Abstract:Drought in the soil is a natural phenomenon and we have been facing it since time immemorial. The occurrence of drought in the soil is a lack of water in an area, which also causes low agricultural production, on which we humans depend. We cannot completely avoid it, but we can adapt to it as much as possible and reduce its consequences, which are felt by people, plants and animals. We were interested in whether in the area of the eastern part of the Celje Basin we can find drought in the soil, type of soil in that area, as the type significantly affects the amount of water in the soil, hydrological characteristics of the area, vegetation and land use. As there was a lack of data on drought-relevant conditions in the area in question, we took three soil samples at each of the thirteen locations and performed soil analyses. We measured soil pH, consistency, texture, moisture, and abundance of rock fragments, also we recorded the land use in the field. Based on measurements, observations and theoretical findings, we designed three areas according to soil susceptibility to drought, i.e. areas of the non-resistant, medium-resistant and most drought-resistant soils. For each area, we proposed measures to reduce the effects of drought in the soil. Measures for the drought-resistant soil area include sowing after summer drought, in early autumn when we sow winter cover crops, or in spring when we still catch enough moisture for the emergence of cover crops that tolerate hot and dry summers. For cover crops, we choose such plants that give the soil more organic mass and enrich the soil with nitrogen. We suggested the use of mulches, the addition of compost, clay and loam, we suggested cultivating the soil without plowing, or shallow plowing, surface hoeing and the use of a harrow, sowing plants most resistant to drought, using artificial tanks, baths and troughs for gardens and using foil for preventing water runoff in permeable soils. In this area, we also proposed a reduction in soil encroachment, less construction, changes in the environment and the introduction of sandy soils into this area. In the area with medium-resistant soil to drought, we suggested sowing plants that are slightly more resistant to drought, shallow tilling of the soil, covering the soil with compost mulch, sowing winter cover crops between autumn and spring, such as crimson clover, which is an annual winter clover, and winter vetch, which is suitable for growing in soils that are already slightly more water-supplied. We suggested varieties of corn and potatoes with a shorter growing season that the plants finish flowering earlier. Also in the area where the soils are most resistant to drought, we proposed measures that interfere with nature as little as possible, such as the construction of roads, houses, the introduction of sandy soils, as this destroys various ecosystems. In the proposed measures, we placed emphasis on the organic production system, where the soil - plant - animal - human cycle takes place.
Keywords:agroecology, Celje Basin, agricultural drought, drought, mulch


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