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Title:Vpliv stigmatizacije na turiste (na potovanjih) v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Praznik, Lara (Author)
ID Rangus, Marjetka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Praznik_Lara_2022.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 9E02D6D4FD6BFE4A0D6489FA28B87AF2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:Stigmatizacija je proces etiketiranja posameznikov ali družbenih skupin na podlagi nekaterih očitnih značilnosti in lastnosti oseb, ki niso nujno resnične oziroma so preveč posplošene. Rezultat stigmatizacije so močne stigme, ki so vžgane v telo in dušo posameznika ter vplivajo na njegovo delovanje v družbi. Ljudje v svojem življenju nastopamo v različnih družbenih vlogah, ki so pogostokrat stigmatizirane zaradi površinskega odnosa do razumevanja sveta in družbenih procesov v njem. Turizem je večdimenzionalen pojav v mobilni družbi, ki ne more imeti samo ene razlage, saj je rezultat takih notranjih in zunanjih dejavnikov, ki ne morejo biti odvisni zgolj od stigmatiziranih podob sveta. Znotraj mobilne družbe posamezniki nastopajo tudi v vlogi turista. Turisti v družbi predstavljajo svojo družbeno podskupino, ki je stigmatizirana zaradi nekaterih izrazitih skupnih značilnosti posameznikov v njej. Turist kot oseba lahko v procesu stigmatizacije nastopa kot nosilec stigem ali stigmatizator. V naši diplomski nalogi smo proučevali stigmatizirano vlogo turista in njegov status v družbi, poiskali in s pomočjo socioloških in antropoloških teorij analizirali primere stigem v turizmu, raziskovali, kako turisti na potovanjih dojemajo stigmatizacijo, ter identificirali in skušali razviti scenarije za spoprijemanje z družbenimi stigmami za turiste v turizmu. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da lahko različni posamezniki različno občutijo in doživljajo stigmo. Zatorej ne obstaja samo en možen način spoprijemanja s stigmo, ampak je teh več. V naši raziskavi smo tako na podlagi refleksij naših informatorjev razvili več možnih scenarijev spoprijemanja s stigmo na treh ravneh; na ravni posameznika, ponudnika in destinacije. Scenariji ponujajo možne načine spoprijemanja s stigmo v realnem svetu.
Keywords:turist, stigmatizacija, stigma, mobilnost, medkulturno srečanje
Place of publishing:Brežice
Place of performance:Brežice
Publisher:[L. Praznik]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:85 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83197 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:129454851 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.11.2022
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Licensing start date:27.09.2022

Secondary language

Title:The influence of stigmatization on tourists (on journeys) in Slovenia
Abstract:Stigmatization is the process of labelling individuals or social groups based on certain obvious characteristics and traits of persons that are not necessarily true or are overgeneralized. The result of stigmatization are strong stigmas that are burned into the body and soul of the individual and affect his/her functioning in society. In their lives, people act in various social roles which are often stigmatized due to a superficial attitude towards understanding the world and social processes in it. Tourism is a multidimensional phenomenon in a mobile society that cannot have only one explanation, as it is the result of such internal and external factors that cannot depend only on stigmatized images of the world. Within the mobile society, individuals can play the role of a tourist. Tourists in society represent their own social group, which is stigmatized due to some distinct common characteristics of the individuals in it. The tourist, as a person, can act as a stigma bearer or stigmatiser in the process of stigmatization. In our diploma thesis, we studied the stigmatized role of the tourist and his status in society, searched for and analysed examples of stigmas in tourism with the help of sociological theories, researched how tourists on journeys perceive stigmatization and tried to develop scenarios for dealing with social stigmas for tourists in tourism. Research results have shown that different individuals can feel and experience stigma differently. Therefore, there is not only one possible way of dealing with stigma, but several. In our research, based on the reflections of our informants, we developed several possible scenarios for dealing with stigma on three levels: on the level of the individual, the provider and the destination. The scenarios offer possible ways of dealing with stigma in the real world.
Keywords:tourist, the role of tourist, stigmatization, stigma, mobility, intercultural meeting


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