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Title:Sinteza visoko poroznih poliHIPE materialov na osnovi N-vinilkaprolaktama : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Kos, Tilen (Author)
ID Majer Kovačič, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kovačič, Sebastijan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf EMAG_Kos_Tilen_2022.pdf (11,08 MB)
MD5: 25D804DA9D9B4D2D3C4433D2787CE1EB
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:V okviru magistskega dela smo s polimerizacijo emulzij z visokim deležem notranje faze sintetizirali visoko porozne polimerne materiale na osnovi N-vinilkaprolaktama. V sinteznem postopku smo spreminjali vrsto in delež iniciatorja, surfaktanta, delež notranje faze, ter razmerje med deležem monomera in zamreževala ter preučevali vpliv različnih parametrov na kemijske in fizikalno-morfološke lastnosti dobljenih monolitov. V nadaljnji analizi sintetiziranih poliHIPE monolitov smo se osredotočili le na tiste, ki smo jim dodali 20 ter 15 mol % zamreževala etilen glikol dimetakrilata (EGDMA). Monolite, ki smo jim med sintezo dodali 10 mol % EGDMA smo iz nadaljnje analize izločili, saj je že v postopku priprave prišlo do njihovega razpada in dokončnega sesutja po sušenju. Ugotovili smo, da smo s tehniko emulzijskega templatiranja uspešno pripravili visoko porozno morfologijo, kar nam je uspelo vizualizirati z uporabo vrstične elektronske miskroskopije (SEM). Poroznost smo preverili in potrdili z uporabo helijeve piknometrije ter dušikove fizisorpcije. Kemijsko sestavo sintetiziranih poliHIPE monolitov smo najprej preverjali z infrardečo spektroskopijo s Fourierjevo transformacijo (FTIR) in določili prisotnost funkcionalih skupin, ki so značilne tako za monomer VCL kot tudi zamreževalec EGDMA. Natančnejšo kemijsko strukturo smo preverili z nuklearno magnetno resonanco (NMR) v trdnem stanju in potrdili uspešno kopolimerizacijo med VCL in EGDMA. Naše ugotovitve smo nato podkrepili še z izsledki elementne analize, kjer smo z dokazom dušika dodatno potrdili, da sintetizirano polimerno mrežo sestavlja monomer VCL.
Keywords:emulzije z visokim deležem interne faze (HIPE), verižna radikalska polimerizacija, N-vinilkaprolaktam (VCL), etilen glikol dimetakrilat (EGDMA)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Kos]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:XII, 58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83120 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:127147267 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.10.2022
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Licensing start date:20.09.2022

Secondary language

Title:Synthesis of high porous poliHIPE materials based on N-vinylcaprolactam
Abstract:PolyHIPEs are highly porous, emulsion-templated polymers synthesized within high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs), usually by free radical polymerization. PolyHIPEs are almost always crosslinked through the use of crosslinking comonomers. The objective of this research was to develop novel porous polymers based on crosslinked poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) (PNVCL) using high internal phase emulsions as templates. The synthesis-structure-property relationships of these PVCL-based polyHIPEs were investigated and the effects of the synthesis parameters (surfactant type, initiator content, internal phase volume, and crosslinker mole ratio) on the porous structures and properties were determined. After successful HIPE polymerization, elemental and molecular analyses were performed by FTIR and CP / MAS NMR spectroscopy, which confirmed the polyHIPE framework based on PNVCL. The porous morphology of the PVCL polyHIPEs was further studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while specific surface areas were determined from the sorption isotherms using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method (BET). The highly interconnected porous structures resembled those of typical polyHIPEs, with voids between 15 and 56 μm and interconnecting windows between 5 and 15 μm. Based on the densities (bulk and polyHIPE), porosities were calculated and determined to be dependent on the volume of the internal phase of HIPE. In this work, a novel thermoresponsive polyHIPE based on PNVCL was prepared, which opens new opportunities in the exploration of temperature-triggered loading and release polymers for applications such as drug delivery.
Keywords:high internal phase emulsion (HIPE), chain radical polimerization, N-vinylcaprolactam (VCL), ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA)


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