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Title:Analiza izbranih gazel po področjih dejavnosti v sloveniji
Authors:ID Jarc, Mojca (Author)
ID Crnogaj, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Jarc_Mojca_2022.pdf (2,26 MB)
MD5: FD19918500881AF7A2404AFFCD2C3D2F
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomskem projektu smo proučevali hitro rastoča podjetja, še posebej pa smo se osredotočili na gazele, ki so izjemnega pomena za gospodarstvo. Na začetku diplomskega projekta smo se osredotočili na teoretična izhodišča hitro rastočih podjetij, v nadaljevanju pa smo diplomski projekt poglobili z analizo poslovanja izbranih gazel, ki spadajo med najhitreje hitro rastoča podjetja. Identificirali smo tri slovenske panoge, v katerih je delovalo največ hitro rastočih podjetij; trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila motornih vozil, predelovalne dejavnosti in gradbeništvo. Nato pa smo iz vsake panoge izbrali gazelo, ki se je uvrščala na lestvico 500 najhitreje rastočih podjetij in imela največji indeks rasti prodaje v svoji panogi med leti 2014 in 2019. Iz panoge trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila motornih vozil smo izbrali podjetje Pekarna Kaučič d.o.o., iz predelovalne dejavnosti smo izbrali podjetje Mega tekstil d.o.o. in iz gradbeništva podjetje Lunos d.o.o. V diplomskem projektu nas je zanimalo, kako je izbrana gazela povezana s panogo, v kateri deluje, in ali je od nje tudi odvisna. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali poslovanje vsake panoge v obdobju 2016–2020. Ugotovili smo, da so prihodki od prodaje v panogah trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila motornih vozil in predelovalne dejavnosti rastli do leta 2019, nato pa so v letu 2020 začeli padati. To je bila predvsem posledica sprejetih ukrepov za zajezitev Covid-19, saj je bila gospodarska dejavnost takrat zmanjšana. V panogi gradbeništvo pa so prihodki od prodaje rastli skozi celotno opazovano obdobje. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali rast izbranih gazel, kjer smo ugotovili, da so prihodki od prodaje med leti 2016–2020 v vseh izbranih gazelah rastli. Nato pa smo primerjali poslovanje vsake panoge z izbrano gazelo in ugotovili, da so prihodki od prodaje v gazelah rastli neodvisno od panoge, v katerih le-te delujejo. Poiskali smo tudi razloge, ki pojasnjujejo, kako so gazele uspele obdržati pozitivno rast prihodkov, tudi v primeru, ko so prihodki od prodaje v celotni panogi padali.
Keywords:hitro rastoča podjetja, gazele, panoge, analiza poslovanja, poslovanje gazel v primerjavi s poslovanjem panog
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:M. Jarc
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-83090 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:130875651 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.11.2022
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Licensing start date:16.09.2022

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of selected gazelles by sector in slovenia
Abstract:In this diploma project, we studied fast-growing companies, in particular, we focused on gazelles, which are extremely important to the economy. In the beginning, we focused on the theoretical background of high-growth companies in general and then continued the diploma project with an in-depth business analysis of our chosen gazelles, which are considered the fastest-growing of all fast-growing companies. We looked through all Slovenian industries and chose three industries among them, based on the highest number of fast-growing companies; retail, manufacturing, and construction. Then we chose a gazelle from each chosen industry, which had to meet our two conditions; it had to reach the top 500 fastest-growing companies in the country, and it had to have the highest sales growth index in its industry between the years 2014 and 2019. From the retail industry, we choose Pekarna Kaučič d.o.o., from the manufacturing industry, we choose Mega tekstil d.o.o. and from the construction industry, we choose Lunos d.o.o. Our intention was to find out how a gazelle is connected to the industry that it's a part of, and if it is dependent on it. So, our next step was to analyze the business data of each industry, between the years 2016 and 2020. We found out that the income of sales in the retail and manufacturing industries was growing until the year 2019, and then it started to decline in the year 2020. This was mostly the result of the new measures intended to contain the Covid-19 virus, which caused a reduction in economic activity. The construction industry recorded a growing income of sales throughout the entire observed period. Our next step was to analyze the chosen gazelles, and all of them were displaying considerable growth in their income of sales throughout the entire observed period. Then we compared the business data from the industries with the business data from our gazelles and found out that the income of sales of the gazelles was growing independently of the industry in which they were a part of. We found the reasons, which explain how the gazelles managed to keep a positive growth of income, even when their entire industry was declining.
Keywords:fast–growing companies, gazelles, industry, business analysis, business activities of gazelles compared to business activities of the indutries.


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