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Title:Prisilna prodaja nepremičnin stečajnega dolžnika v osebnem stečaju in pravne značilnosti odpusta obveznosti : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Motaln, Janja (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Motaln_Janja_2022.pdf (745,19 KB)
MD5: E5F5F6BDF0C412A645D5F9E745D91B2A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Namen magistrskega dela je približati bralcem postopek prodaje nepremičnin stečajnega dolžnika ter institut odpusta obveznosti v osebnem stečaju. Vso premoženje, ki ga ima stečajni dolžnik ob začetku postopka osebnega stečaja predstavlja stečajno maso in je namenjena poplačilu upnikovih terjatev ter stroškov stečajnega postopka. V stečajno maso spadajo tudi nepremičnine, ki so v lasti stečajnega dolžnika in se prodajo po postopkih določenih v zakonu. Postopek prodaje nepremičnine v okviru stečajnega postopka je razdeljen na pet faz, pri čemer vsaka faza pripomore k doseganju temeljnega cilja stečajnega postopka, to je poplačilo upnikove terjatve. V zgodnji fazi je treba oceniti vrednost nepremičnine in presoditi, kateri način prodaje je tisti, ki bo najugodnejši za poplačilo upnikov. Sama prodaja se začne s sklepom sodišča, s katerim tudi določi način prodaje, izklicno oziroma izhodiščno ceno ter višino varščine. Najpogostejši način prodaje nepremičnin je na javni dražbi in z javnim zbiranjem ponudb. Po končanem postopku prodaje se sklene prodajna pogodba z najugodnejšim ponudnikom, po plačilu dogovorjene kupnine pa se nanj prenese lastninska pravica ter ostale premoženjske pravice. Poseben položaj ima zakonec tistega, nad katerim se je začel postopek osebnega stečaja. Ta lahko zahteva delitev skupnega premoženja tako, da v treh mesecih po začetku stečajnega postopka prijavi izločitveno pravico. Če rok zamudi, nastopi fikcija, da je prijavil izločitveno pravico na deležu skupnega premoženja, ki je enak polovici. Izločitveno pravico je treba ločiti od ločitvene pravice, ki predstavlja pravico do prednostnega poplačila iz premoženja, ki je zavarovano s to pravico. Izločitveni upnik se ne poplača iz stečajne mase, vendar s prijavo take pravice zgolj obvesti stečajnega upravitelja, da določeno premoženje ne spada stečajnemu dolžniku in posledično ne more biti del stečajne mase. Ko stečajno sodišče prizna izločitveno pravico zakonca, izda sklep, s katerim ugotovi priznano izločitveno pravico ter lastninsko pravico izločitvenega upnika na določeni nepremičnini v deležu, ki je enak njegovemu deležu na skupnem premoženju. Fizične osebe podajo predlog za začetek postopka osebnega stečaja z namenom dosega odpusta obveznosti. Naveden institut je namenjen vestnemu in poštnemu dolžniku, ki ne zmore poravnati vseh obveznosti, ki jih ima ob začetku postopka osebnega stečaja ter omogoča vrnitev takih oseb v normalno premoženjsko stanje. Po vložitvi predloga, stečajno sodišče določi preizkusno obdobje, v katerem mora stečajni dolžnik izkazati angažiranost in trud za plačilo upnikov. S pravnomočnim sklepom o odpustu obveznosti preneha upnikova pravica sodno uveljavljati terjatve, na katere učinkuje odpust. Stečajni dolžnik lahko tudi zlorabi takšno pravico, zato zakon določa tudi ovire, skladno, s katerimi odpust obveznosti ni mogoč.
Keywords:stečajni postopek, osebni stečaj, prodaja nepremičnine, javna dražba, zavezujoče zbiranje ponudb, prodajna pogodba, izločitveni zahtevek, odpust obveznosti, pravno vrednotenje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Motaln]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (V, 69 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82992 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:126289667 New window
Note:Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Publication date in DKUM:19.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Enforced sale of real estate of a bankruptcy debtor in civil bankruptcy and the legal characteristics of the remit of liability
Abstract:The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to bring closer to the readers the procedure of realty sales of the bankruptcy debtor (further in the thesis referred to as debtor) and the institute of exoneration of obligations in personal bankruptcy. The entire property, excluding the exceptions, in possession of the debtor at the beginning of the personal bankruptcy process is to be sold for the repayment of the creditor’s claims and expenses of personal bankruptcy. In the bankrupt’s estate belongs realty, that is property of the debtor and is for sale after the processes determined by law. The process of selling realty in the context of personal bankruptcy is divided into five phases. Each phase helps to achieve the fundamental goal of these court proceedings i.e. Repayment of the creditor’s claim. At an early stage, it is necessary to estimate the value of the realty and assess which method of sale is the most favorable for repaying the creditors. The sale itself begins with a court decision, which will also determine the method of sale, asking or starting price and the amount of the security deposit. The most common way to sell realty is at a public auction and by public bidding. After the sale process is completed, a sales contract with the most favorable bidder is signed. After the successful payment of the agreed purchase price, ownership and other property rights are transferred to the buyer. The spouse of the bankruptcy’s debtor has a unique position. The latter can request the division of joint property by filing a right of exclusion within three months of the initiation of the bankruptcy proceedings. If the spouse misses the deadline, the fiction arises that the right of exclusion was registered on a share of the joint property, which is equal to half. This right must be distinguished from divorce as they are not equal. It represents the right to preferential payment from the property. The spouse is not repaid from the bankruptcy estate, she merely informs the bankruptcy administrator that certain assets do not belong to the debtor and, consequently, cannot be part of the bankruptcy estate. When the bankruptcy court recognizes the spouse’s right of exclusion, it issues a legal decision. It establishes the right of exclusion and the spouses ownership over a part of the realty in dispute, that is equal to the part of the debtor’s share of the joint realty. A natural person submits a proposal for the initiation of the personal bankruptcy process with the aim of obtaining exoneration of obligations. This process is intended for law abiding citizens, who would otherwise be unable to repay all of their obligations and enables them after the completion of this process, to return to a normal financial situation. After the proposal is filed, the bankruptcy court determines a probationary period during which the debtor must demonstrate commitment and effort to repay the creditors. A bankrupt debtor can also abuse such a right, that is why the law also establishes obstacles, according to which the discharge of obligations is not possible.
Keywords:bankruptcy proceedings, personal bankruptcy, realty public auction, call for binding bids, sales contract, exclusion claim, release of obligations, legal valuation.


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