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Title:Eko inovacije in finančna uspešnost mednarodnih podjetij
Authors:ID Stajnko, Jan (Author)
ID Korez Vide, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Stajnko_Jan_2022.pdf (2,20 MB)
MD5: 3D823F17ED09C56913D969FC2B03824E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo teoretične in metodološke vidike ekoloških oz. eko inovacij ter analiziramo povezanost teh inovacij s finančno uspešnostjo mednarodnih podjetij. Eko inovacije so dokaj nov koncept velikega pomena tako za podjetja kot tudi za celotno gospodarstvo. Postale so ključni pospeševalec dolgoročno stabilnega gospodarskega razvoja in temeljni dejavnik gospodarske rasti z upravljanjem okoljskih virov. V magistrskem delu obravnavamo trajnostni razvoj, trajnostno poslovanje, eko inovacije in njihovo merjenje ter analiziramo učinke teh inovacij s pomočjo izvedbe anketiranja predstavnikov izbranih podjetij. Zanimal nas je predvsem vpliv uvedbe eko inovacij na poslovno in finančno uspešnost podjetij in ali so te povezane z mednarodno vpetostjo podjetij. Zanimali so nas tudi vzroki za vpeljavo teh inovacij v podjetja in kolikšna sredstva podjetja namenjajo tovrstnim inovacijam. Odjemalci so vedno bolj ozaveščeni in pozorni na trajnostne vidike poslovanja podjetij. Tako lahko podjetja, ki niso okoljsko in družbeno odgovorna zelo hitro izgubijo svoje potrošnike. Na podlagi obstoječe literature smo sestavili anketni vprašalnik za podjetja, ki izkazuje relativni pomen vsake vrste eko inovacije in njihove možne učinke. V magistrskem delu smo prišli do zaključka, da tako pritiski iz zunanjega okolja in vzgibi v notranjem okolju podjetij približno enakovredno povečujejo obseg eko inovacij v podjetjih. Na splošno vprašanje, kako podjetja v celoti ocenjujejo vpliv eko inovacij na dolgoročno finančno uspešnost podjetja, so podjetja jasno odgovorila, da prinašajo tovrstne inovacije pozitivne učinke. Hipotezo, da bolj internacionalizirana podjetja dosegajo višje ravni eko inoviranja, bi verjetno lahko potrdili s vključitvijo večjega števila anketirancev. Menimo, da ne glede na to ali gre pri eko inovacijah za izdelek, storitev, proizvodnjo, način vodenja ali sodelovanja med podjetji, so le-te izjemnega pomena za nadaljnji razvoj vsakega podjetja. Podjetniki bi morali na priložnosti eko inoviranja gledati z dolgoročnega vidika. Takšna miselnost lastnikov in menedžerjev podjetij je ključna za ohranjanje naravnega okolja in uravnotežen družbeno-ekonomski razvoj.
Keywords:Trajnostni razvoj, trajnostno poslovanje, eko inovacije, merjenje eko inovacij, mednarodna podjetja, finančna uspešnost
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:J. Stajnko
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82799 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:127319299 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2022
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:02.09.2022

Secondary language

Title:Eco-innovation and financial performance of international enterprises
Abstract:In this thesis, we discuss the theoretical and methodological aspects of eco-innovation and analyse the relationship between eco-innovation and the financial performance of international companies. Eco-innovation is a relatively new concept of great importance both for companies and for the economy as a whole. They have become a key enabler of long-term stable economic development and a fundamental factor of economic growth through the management of environmental resources. In this master thesis we discuss sustainable development, sustainable business, eco-innovations and their measurement and analyse the effects of these innovations by conducting a survey of representatives of selected companies. We were particularly interested in the impact of the introduction of eco-innovations on the business and financial performance of companies and whether they are related to the internationalisation of companies. We were also interested in the reasons for the introduction of these innovations in companies and the amount of resources companies allocate to such innovations. Consumers are increasingly aware of and attentive to the sustainability aspects of companies' operations. Thus, companies that are not environmentally and socially responsible can lose their consumers very quickly. Based on the existing literature, we have developed a questionnaire for companies that shows the relative importance of each type of eco-innovation and their potential impacts. In the master thesis we conclude that both external environmental pressures and internal incentives increase the volume of eco-innovation in firms roughly equally. When asked in general how companies assess the overall impact of eco-innovation on their long-term financial performance, companies clearly responded that eco-innovation has positive effects. The hypothesis that more internationalised companies achieve higher levels of eco-innovation could probably be confirmed by including a larger number of respondents. We believe that, whether it is a product, service, production, management or cooperation between companies, eco-innovation is of paramount importance for the further development of any company. Entrepreneurs should take a long-term view of eco-innovation opportunities. This mindset of business owners and managers is crucial for the preservation of the natural environment and balanced socio-economic development.
Keywords:Sustainable development, sustainable business, eco-innovation, measuring eco-innovation, international companies, financial performance.


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