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Title:Dezinformacijske kampanje, družbeno nadzorstvo in mediji 21. stoletja : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Puhek, Kristjan (Author)
ID Modic, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Šulc, Ajda (Comentor)
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MD5: F50E60B1A566EC52156E474C3CAFB5D4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo naslavlja sodobno stanje medijev ter njihov odnos do dezinformacijskih vsebin in družbenega nadzorstva. Zastavljeni sta bili dve raziskovalni vprašanji: »Kateri dejavniki prispevajo k večanju količine dezinformacijskih medijskih vsebin v današnjem medijskem okolju?« in »Ali imajo politični akterji v sodobnem medijskem okolju več možnosti nadzora in vpliva na javno mnenje kakor v obdobju pred nastopom socialnih omrežij?«. V prvem segmentu dela je bil izpostavljen odnos sodobnih medijev do njihovih družbeno nadzorstvenih lastnosti. Mediji so namreč lahko orodje izvajanja družbenega nadzora, saj imajo moč usmerjanja javnega mnenja in konsenza. Izpostavljeni so bili tudi ekonomski in politični vzvodi, ki izkrivljajo medijsko poročanje in omogočajo akterjem vpliv na usmerjanje družbenega konsenza s pomočjo dezinformacijskih vsebin in propagande. Posledično so stališča javnosti ustvarjena na zmotnih ali lažnih prepričanjih, kar pa ima usoden vpliv na demokratične procese. Prvemu vprašanju je sledil pritrdilen odgovor, saj imajo politiki danes možnost širjenja svojega dosega s pomočjo socialnih omrežij, kar jim lahko omogoča diseminacijo dezinformacij, širjenje tujih dezinformacij in učinkovito uporabo populizma. Prav tako lahko s pomočjo socialnih omrežij vsajeno nezaupanje v določene medijske ustanove. Izpostavljene so bile tudi sodobne raziskave, ki dokazujejo prikrite dezinformacijske metode nadzora javnega mnenja iz strani političnih akterjev. V povezavi z drugim vprašanjem pa je bilo sklenjeno, da je v sodobnem medijskem okolju z njegovo tržno usmerjenostjo, politizacijo medijskih hiš, algoritemsko zasnovo digitalnih medijev, fragmentacijo in anonimizacijo virov informacij nujeno vplivnim akterjem idealno okolje za učinkovito širjenje dezinformacijskih vsebin in uporabo sodobnih metod propagande. Takšno okolje pa je tudi ranljivo za tuje dezinformacijske kampanje in informacijsko vojskovanje.
Keywords:dezinformacije, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Puhek]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:VI f., 39 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82510 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:124547843 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.03.2023
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Licensing start date:23.08.2022

Secondary language

Title:Disinformation campaigns, social control and media of the 21. century
Abstract:The subject of this thesis is the contemporary state of the media and their relationship to disinformation content and social control. Two research questions were proposed: "What factors contribute to the increase in the amount of disinformation media content in today's media environment?" and "Do political actors in the modern media environment have more opportunities to control and influence public opinion than in the period before the advent of social networks?". In the first segment of the work, focus was set on modern media and their social controlling properties. Public opinion and social consensus can be influenced and directed by the media, due to its social controlling properties. Media reporting and social consensus can also be distorted by political and economic levers of influence in conjunction with the use of disinformation and propaganda, both of which were also highlighted in this thesis. As a result, public attitudes are formed on mistaken or false beliefs, which has fatal consequences for democratic processes. The first question was answered here in the affirmative, because today, political actors are offered simply more ways of influencing and controlling public opinion by the digital media. The political reach can today be expanded with the help of social networks, which can allow political actors to spread disinformation, foreign disinformation and increase the efficacy of populism. Also, with the help of social networks, mistrust of certain media institutions can spread by political actors. Modern research that proves covert disinformation methods of controlling public opinion by political actors is also highlighted in this thesis. In relation to the second question, it was concluded that the modern media environment with its market orientation, the politicization of media institutions, algorithmic design of digital media, fragmentation, and anonymization of information sources offers actors an environment for the effective dissemination of disinformation content and the use of modern propaganda methods. Such an environment is also vulnerable to foreign disinformation campaigns and information warfare.
Keywords:disinformation, media, social control, public opinion, democracy


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