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Title:Pritožbe zoper policiste : najpogostejši vzroki za pritožbe zoper policiste v letih 2016-2021 ter njihova analiza : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Agrež, Klaudija (Author)
ID Krope, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Agrez_Klaudija_2022.pdf (1,83 MB)
MD5: 15F756780BF11E05F016AF82CBD92F2C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Policija ima v družbi že od nekdaj zelo pomembno funkcijo. Njena temeljna naloga je ohranjanje in vzdrževanje javnega reda in miru, za eno pomembnejših in predvsem bolj prepoznavnih funkcij policije pa seveda veljajo preprečevanje, odkrivanje in prijemanje storilcev kaznivih dejanj ter prekrškov. Poleg tega, da so policisti avtoritativne osebe, pa so dolžni prav tako pomagati ljudem, če ocenijo, da bi morda v tistem trenutku potrebovali njihovo pomoč. Velikokrat pa policisti v sklopu svojega delovanja in opravljanja nalog pozabijo na to, v kolikšni meri lahko pravzaprav posegajo v pravice nekega posameznika. Tako torej pride do prekoračitve pooblastil in s tem tudi kršenja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin. Sicer so posegi v zasebnost posameznika dopustni do določene točke, če pa to preseže določeno mejo zakonitosti, pa že govorimo o kršitvi in posledični povzročitvi škode neki osebi, na podlagi česar se posameznik odloči pritožiti. Ljudje se odločijo za vložitev pritožbe iz različnih razlogov in glede na različne segmente (kot je recimo področje dela). Skozi diplomsko delo smo skušali obrazložiti in s tem vsem nekoliko bolj približati pojme, vezane na pritožbe zoper policijo in pa celoten pritožbeni postopek. Za najpomembnejši segment tega dela pa seveda velja analiza in interpretacija statističnih podatkov, ki smo jo vključili v drugi del naše naloge. Skozi raziskovanje smo ugotovili, da število podanih pritožb zoper delo policistov iz leta v leto narašča, kar smo pravzaprav predpostavili že na samem začetku, prav tako pa tudi velja ugotovitev, ki že skozi vsa leta ostaja nespremenjena, in sicer, da policijska uprava Nova Gorica velja za upravo z najmanjšim številom vloženih pritožb.
Keywords:pritožbe, pritožbeni postopki, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Agrež]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:VI f., 50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82425 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:124991235 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.10.2022
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Licensing start date:19.08.2022

Secondary language

Title:Complaints against police officers
Abstract:The police have always had a very important function in society. While its primary task is to preserve and maintain law and order, one of the most important and, above all, more visible functions of the police is, of course, the prevention, detection and apprehension of criminals and offenders. As well as being authoritative, police officers also have a duty to help people if they think they might need their help at the time. However, in the course of their activities and duties, police officers often forget the extent to which they can actually interfere with the rights of an individual. This therefore constitutes an excess of powers and thus a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms. While interference with an individual's privacy is permissible up to a certain point, if it goes beyond a certain point of legality, we are already talking about violation and the resulting harm to a person, which is the basis for the individual's decision to complain. People choose to complain for different reasons and according to different segments (such as the field of work). Throughout the thesis, we have tried to explain and thus make the concepts related to complaints against the police and the whole complaints procedure a little more familiar to everyone. The most important segment of this work is, of course, the analysis and interpretation of statistical data, which we have included in the second part of our thesis. Through our research we have found that the number of complaints filed against the work of police officers is increasing year by year, which was in fact assumed at the very beginning, and we have also found that the Nova Gorica Police Directorate is considered to be the administration with the lowest number of complaints filed over the years, which has remained unchanged.
Keywords:police officers, complaints, police authority, complaint procedures


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